chapter 37

He is like a wind who always blows my thoughts to him .

- moonlight,,🥀

Hey my readers I want to promote this book on Instagram cause I saw many readers published their book on Instagram but I don't know much about editing .

So if any of you are interested in helping me please message me ok.

Sharma house

7:30 am

The sun has already risen in the east, birds already leave their nest to start the day. The whole city was bustling with car horns and the busy road.

But in this house there was pure silence, except breathing sound nothing can be heard.

The two people who just came a few moments ago are in the living room and gawking at the two small creatures who were drinking their milkshake prepared by Siya and Tara totally fresh up and their clothes are changed too which was brought by Rudra and Yuvraj.

Their looks

After they got an order to bring a set of warm and comfortable clothes for boys around 6 years old in the early morning but nevertheless they bring it.

Ignoring the existence of other causes who would like to talk with a person for whom you have to stretch your neck every time but there are some exceptions like the two di become their favourite cause she gave them milkshake and talked politely with them after Ishaan and they crouched down in front of them.

So these three species of Shrama house came in their good books.

So let me tell you what actually happened after they decided to take Advik and Avik home.

After walking for 30 minutes, both the males reached Shrama house around 4 am in the morning and decided to ring the bell cause why not, when nobody was in the home except Tara and Siya.

Ajay and Rubina went to visit their kuldevi temple to take the blessing before their daughter's marriage and Siya's father went to his own home.

After 5 minutes of ringing the bell continuously Siya opened the door with Tara behind her. And it would be right to say that they were shocked to see Ishaan and Sebastian in the early morning.

Although they gave permission to Sebastian but they never thought that he would take Ishaan at midnight. And another shocked hit them after looking at the two sleeping figures on their arms.

Did they go on a date or a children park from where they brought a child ohh no not a child but children.

Ishaan after looking at both the girls gestures for them to be silent and asks Sebastian to follow him.

After reaching his room he laid Advik on the bed and asked Sebastian to do the same and taking out their shoes he covered them with the blanket adjusting the AC temperature and putting a pillow around them so none of them fell from the bed.

And after that they leave the room and let the door open so both the boys don't get scared after waking up in an unknown place.

They both came into the living room and found both the girls sitting there and after taking their seat both explained to them about how they just sneaked out of the house at midnight and went to an amusement park and found both the boys and about their uncle.

After they completely explained Siya was near to rip that bastard uncle of both the boys but like always Tara controlled her and asked both the boys to take rest.

Ishaan went to his room and got fresh up and changed his clothes and about Sebastian then Siya asked her to freshen up in her father's room and gave him some loose hoodie and a pair of trousers of Ishaan to him which fit him perfectly.

Ishaan look

Sebastian look

Ishaan went to his room and slept beside both the twins and Sebastian sleep in the living room although Tara and Siya told him to rest in Siya's father's room but he refused and lay on the living room sofa.

Back to present

After taking the nap of 3 hours, both the twins wake up as their habit of waking up early cause their uncle scolds them for getting up late.

And after waking up they wake Ishaan and others. And Siya asks Yuvraj to bring the clothes and after that she tells both the boys to freshen up and in the meantime they explain to them how both the boys meet the twins.

After getting fresh up Tara and Siya prepared milkshake for them and gave them.

And right now they are drinking the milk.

" So what should we do with them "

Yuvraj said getting no reply from anyone as none of them are experienced with kids and don't know what to do in this situation.

" Let's find their uncle first "

Siya suggest

" Hmm i will tell our men to find him and also report it to the police station "

Yuvraj said to take out his phone and make a call.

" And about where they will live ?"

Tara said again getting no reply cause no one knows what to do in this situation.

" I don't know if I should say this or not but why don't we send them to Rathore's orphanage till we can't find any solution "

Yuvraj suggested, Advik whose milk was finished and put his glass on the table and put his little hands on his brother's ear preventing him from hearing anything.

Although his little hands can't prevent the sound, he still doesn't want him to hear anything.

He glared at Yuvraj and said

" My brother will not go anywhere "

" if you have any problems with us then send us to the place from where you take us but my brother will not go to any orphanage "

Avik who actually heard everything poke Advik arms and gestured for him to put his hands off, which he complied and Avik walked towards Sebastian who was silent from the begging lost in his thought and said

" you told us that you will not harm us then why are you sending us to an orphanage like uncle"

He asked him with a pout, Rudra who was also silent from the beginning took him in his arms and made him sit near and said softly

" so what do you want us to do? "

Hearing his question Avik looked at his twin and then at Sebastian and made a thinking face and said

" why don't you let us live with you"

He said with a giggling making others shocked cause the boy just knew them for a few hours but he wanted to live with them.

But looking at everyone's reaction Avik jumped down from the sofa and went to his twin and said

" did i say anything wrong Advik? "

He asks with a pout making his brother shake his and look at the elders

" you didn't say anything wrong baby and about letting us live with them it depends on them if they want it or not"

Sebastian looks at both the twins with unknown emotion in his eyes and when Advik takes Avik's hands and takes him to the Ishaan room, he really feels disappointed with himself and this doesn't go unnoticed by Rudra.

" are you sure he is a 6 year old child"

Yuvraj asked with doubt

" i don't think so"

And Siya agreed with him.

" but they are"

Tara said smacking her head.

And again they all get sad knowing the situation, cause none of them knows that how to comfort the twins who have just a pure heart, Sebastian looks at Ishaan and said

" flower can you look after them i have to talk about something important"

And Ishaan complied his request without asking anything, he went toward the kitchen and took some chocolate and went to his room.

Yuvraj looks at him and asks him

" now spit out, cause from the time I entered inside you were sitting at the same place like a mute statue "

But ignoring his words, Seb looked at Rudra who was also looking at him.

And taking a deep breath, he said the words which Rudra already expected

" i want to take responsibility for Advik and Avik"

He said leaving everyone shocked cause somewhere everyone knew what he was trying to say.

" are you sure"

Rudra asks to break the silence with a serious voice cause taking someone's responsibility is not an easy thing.

" 100 percent sure "

" ok then i will talk with the lawyer "

Rudra said finishing the talk and others who were already shocked get mire shocked after listening to him.

" i know this is sudden but i want to do that cause i can see the same fear in their eyes which i felt years ago "

Sebastian said

" but how can you adopt them, i mean you are still unmarried and also you are not an Indian law will not permit you easily "

Siya asked confused

" for this matter you don't have to worry cause i already get the citizenship of India and about how then maa and baba do that and because of their background it was easy"

" and about unmarried i don't think i will marry anyone other than my love and settle a future with them so there is no chance for having a child of mine in future "

" cause we already vowed to love only one person till our last breath right guys"

He said looking at his two buddies who nod at him, agreeing with him, it's that two already found their love of life except Yuvraj who was feeling complicated with his feelings.

" and it's also a good thing cause in this way i will give my all attention to the twins "

" but what if Ishaan didn't agree with this and don't want a future with you then what will you do"

Tara asked looking serious cause it matters the four lives.

" don't worry about the little star cause i will never force him with my decision cause it's solely mine and about the future then this all depends upon him, i don't know if we had a future ahead of us or not"

" but i want to make the future of the twins and for this i am ready to do anything "

Ishaan who was coming down the stairs stopped on his steps hearing him.

" so when do you decide to adopt them"

Siya said trying to ease the tense and serious atmosphere.

And it leaves a smile on Sebastian's face

" not now cause tonight i am leaving for London and after coming back i want to talk with elders too and want to make a trusted bond with both the twins then i will let them decide "

He said but someone's smile vanished and his heart started feeling dull at the others departure and he himself didn't know why he was feeling this all.

" but i heard that someone doesn't like a certain sharp mouthed boy who from the first meeting has a grudge with him"

Yuvraj said teasing him cause why not they just knew the children for a few hours but it surely left a deep affection in their heart.

" who said i don't like him, yeah it's right to say that he has a sharp mouth but still he is a child who was trying to protect his little brother"

Sebastian said getting offended, making others laugh at him except Rudra who was looking at Tara and when feel a gaze on her she looked in his direction but he turned his head at the other side.

Making her sad and with a bitter chuckle she went inside the kitchen to make something for others.

And Siya who noticed all this went behind her.

" ok we are leaving, we have an important meeting in the headquarters "

Yuvraj said leaving with Rudraksh who gave a last glance at the kitchen and went out of the house.

Now only Ishaan and Sebastian were in the hall. Ishaan walks down and stands in front of Sebastian

" thank you "

"Huh, for what"

Seb asked confused

" For taking their responsibility and accepting Advik with Avik "

He said with a smile making him smile too.

" Had to do that although he..."

" Have a sharp mouth "

Ishaan cut him in between with a chuckle.

" I was not going to say that "

Sebastian said

" Then what do you want to say"

Ishaan ask curious

" Hmm that he loves his brother so much that he didn't fear anyone and these twins are like a puzzle which gets completed when we put them together and separating one of them is not right "

And after a few minutes of silence, Ishaan asked hesitant

" You are going to London "

" Hmmm"

" For how many days "

" I don't know maybe a week or more and also I had to come back otherwise how will I spend time with that Little devil and angel"

He said with a chuckle making Ishaan laugh with him yeah he still didn't reconcile with Advik but not for too long cause now he will do anything to make them trust on him.

" Hmm flower"

Now this time it was Sebastian who was hesitant

" What happened"

Ishaan asks calmly looking at his nervous look.

But instead of answering him Sebastian took out a white colour pouch and put it forward Ishaan looked at him confused

" What is this?"

Ishaan said confused looking at the pouch which didn't seem much heavy.

But not getting any reply he takes the pouch and opens it revealing a purple crystal pendant his favourite colour, taking the pendant on his palm he looks at Sebastian confused

" This is an acceptance gift, it totally depends on you if you want it or not"

" Please wear it if you want but If you don't then keep with you no need of wearing it"

The pendant and pouch

Sebastian said looking deep into his eyes making his heartbeat raised with great intensity cause he knows what type of acceptance Sebastian was talking about.

" Now I should leave "

He said making Ishaan come out of his thoughts.

" But how will you go, I mean your bike is not here and Rudra jiju and Yuvraj bhai are already left"

Ishaan said cause somewhere in his heart he doesn't want the man to leave but can he stop him, no.

" Don't worry flower , I already asked yuvraj to bring an extra car with him"

Saying that he patted his head and went out of the house with a smile on his face cause he knows that he is making space in Ishaan's heart.

Even though it's a little bit, he is okay as long as he has that space for himself.

Ishaan too went behind him and stood at the door just to see him leaving.

And after his car left the place he looked at the pendant and put it inside his pocket.

And went to his room just to find both the twins were sleeping in each other's arm with the chocolate beside them.


omething like this

In kitchen

After coming inside the kitchen, Tara wash some vegetables and start murdering them venting her anger on the poor vegetables.

And Siya who followed her came inside and saw the scenes with a done look and after that she went towards Tara and snatched the knife from her.

" Iss taru I know you are angry but no need for murdering the poor vegetables like this "

She said looking at the bad condition of the vegetables and putting the knife on the counter she turned Tara towards herself and said

" Don't be sad ok otherwise the plan we made will be ruined"

She advised her and Tara who heard that look at Siya and nod her head.

" So you think with whom will you ask for help cause I have an important work "

Siya ask

" Hmm"

" And who is that person?"

" It's Yuvraj bhai"

Tara said

" What, but do you really think he will help us instead of helping his friend"

She asked with a doubt

" Of course he will although his stomach is like a well and when you throw the bucket inside the well they will surely give you some water "

" But if I make a promise then he will not break it "

Tara said indirectly insulting his brother making Siya laugh at her but their laughing stop when Ishaan ran inside the kitchen with a panicked look.

" Di"

He said with a Huff like he ran all the way .

" What happened Ishu"

Tara asked to be worried about looking at him.

" Yeah tell us what happened"

Siya too said

" Wo actually I told you about my world tour right "

He said making both the girls nod at him.

" Hmm it's next week right"

" No it's not that devil chance the day at the last moment without asking me and arranging the concert on this Saturday means after 3 days and for that I had to leave tomorrow"

Ishaan said referring to the new CEO who is a lady in her 30's and she always likes to get on his nerves from the first day she joins the company.

Even if he wants to leave the company as after becoming the CEO she changes some rules like the artist can't leave the company without a proper and valid reason and also they have to pay a huge amount if they want to leave the company until or unless the company themselves didn't throw them out.

" So where is the first place"

Tara asks cause she knows about the lady who was literally obsessed with her brother.

" It's Eynsford , Kent "

He said and went out to pack his bags .

Leaving the two shocked ladies cause why not he is really designated with a certain someone that even the destiny don't want them to stay far from each other.

Target: 70 likes and 20 comments

Bye bye guys and support me please cause this story will end soon 😭.

And don't forget to like and comment bye 😜 😄.
