"F.M.L forever, right?"

"You werent me, you werent the one whose ass they stared at all the time. So I ask you again Alex.... why did you do it?"

Hannahs voice replayed over and over again in my mind with every tape that I listened to.

"Why me Zach?"

And again.

"It wasnt your decision to make Ryan, you embarrased me only for the sake of your magazine, and didnt even apologize"

Every. Single. One making me cry, as couldnt begin to understand how she couldnt have come to talk to me, or to someone she knew cared. And at the same time wondering what I could have done, and fearing if it was my tape.

"Clay. Helmet. Your name does not belong on this list, but you need to be here if Im going to tell my story"

Clay's tape broke my heart and eventhough I was still sad about his outburst in school about how it was all my fault and when he came to my house, now I understood his pain a little better and I felt bad about judging him for being so mean.

Next tape. Number 11. I held my breath as I clicked play. Would it be mine?

"There are many choices we make in life, that we dont actually think how they are going to affect other people. Things we do that we dont think about how they are going to hurt someone, and even if we do, we just make them anyways" Her voice sounded through the headphones attached to Clay's Walkman, that he had oh so kindly left inside the box, and I held my breath, knowing in my heart it could be my tape. "We all know the worst pain to feel in life is heartbreak. we all know how it hurts to have someone we trust and love betray us, and make us feel like shit. The thing is Grace, the thing that hurts me the most, is that you dont even realize what pain you have caused me. and today, now, wherever you are as you listen to this, you, and the 12 others that listen to these tapes, are finally going to learn what you did to cause me such heartbreak" I felt tears fall down my cheeks, I felt my heart thump way too fast in my chest as she said the next words.

"Thats right" she said, no emotion in her voice "Grace Blake, welcome to your tape" I stared at Clay's Walkman, my eyes wide as my hands shook in my lap.

What the hell?!?!
