Taking care (15)

"Be with someone who will take care of you. Not materialistically, but take care of your  soul, your wellbeing, your heart and everything that's you."


    "Princess", a soft velvety voice hums in my ear. It seems so far away yet so close.

    "Wake up, princess", the soft voice demands softly, shaking me lightly.

    "I-I'm c-cold", I shiver under the blanket, only now remarking how tremulous my body is.

I feel a warm hand resting above my forehead, burning me. It's so heatedly warm.

I snuggle closer to my pillow, wanting to get away from the warmth which is literally burning my skin.

"You're shaking, princess", the soft voice states worriedly.

My eyes flicker open for a second, feeling so heavy, making them shut immediately.

I fall in a deep somber sleep again.


I feel something cold and wet on my forehead, making me wince quietly.

    "I'm sorry, princess. I need to wipe your body so you won't drown in sweat", the soft velvety voice apologizes.

The cold shifts over to my neck, collar bone, my arms. It then go over to my abdomen, letting quite giggles escape my mouth.

The cold stops right under my bellybutton.

    "Another time", the soft voice mutters under his breath.

I lose consciousness for a second time.


I hear my heart hammering loudly in my head.

"Why isn't he here yet?", the soft voice hisses out clearly pissed by something.

I feel him pacing up and down from the end of the room to the beginning. I could feel his agitation steaming up.

"I'm s-sorry Mr. William. There was so much traffic on the way", a new voice apologies sincerely there is fear laced in it.

    "You made my princess wait!", the velvety voice roars out, sending a painful sting to my head.

My body shrivels up in pain. I start to wince from the immense ache. The pain is almost unbearable.

The bed drips down. I feel two soft, warm lips on my forehead, making me forget the pain for a moment.

The lips shift over to my ear, placing a tender kiss on my earlobe.

"I'm sorry, princess", he whispers lovely in my ear, sounding hurt.

A shiver goes straight to my spine from the pleasure this time.

    "Check on my princess", he orders this time softer, but with still so much authority, making me cringe.

"Y-Yes, Mr. William", the other voice submits in full angst. His voice completely shaking.

I feel a new presence beside me, probably the doctor if I can take a guess.

After checking me he finally speaks up: "Mr. William your girlfriend has a bad cold. She needs to rest for the rest of the day. She will be better tomorrow."

    "You're sure it's just a cold? Why was my princess quivering like that?", the soft voice hisses out, on gritted teeth still soft enough so it didn't hurt my head.

"Yes, I-I'm sure, sir", the other voice trembles out.

"I hope my princess has nothing serious or else you would lose your job, your everything", the soft velvety voice threats it casually out.

Poor bloke.


I'm loosing consciousness again.


I wake up surrounded by warmth. It feels so comfortable, making me snuggle even closer to the heat.

An amazing smell surrounds my nose. It smelled like mint and dark chocolate.


I didn't know I had a heated pillow which was this big and hard.

Pillow that has arms...


I don't have one.

With that conclusion my eyes sprung immediately open, meeting with an hard rock chest.

    What. The actual mushroom.

Imagine waking up in New York next to a warm unknown body, luckily not dead... yet.

   What did I do last night?

Oh God help me!

I try to wiggle out of the warm muscular arms, but the person only tightens his grip around me.

I slowly look up from the chest, meeting with the most handsome face on earth.



    Did we?

He looked so cute and peaceful in a deep sleep. You must be a monster to try to wake him up.

My hand goes out without any of my consent... okay maybe a bit.

It caresses his warm cheek softly. His mini stubbles tickling my hand, making quite giggles escape my mouth. It seems like he just had shaved a day ago.

My hand goes over to his eyes, there were big dark bags under it as if he hasn't had sleep for a whole week. Nonetheless his eyes still looked flawless.

    Not fair.

His eyelashes are so long, so beautiful. His eyes burning with their metallic grey color, it's so captivating. I could look at it for days even my whole life.

But then out of nowhere his eyes flutter open, making me almost have a heart attack.

Wait! I wasn't prepared.

A blush creeps up my face, my heart beat fastens immediately.

Oh my.

What will he think? His assistant is lying above him, touching his face.

That's batshit crazy.

I retract my hand, looking away. I'm so awkward.

    I mean.

    This is so awkward.

After I regain my breath and my heart kind off evened I take a quick glance at him, seeing him already burning his gaze on me.

I couldn't do anything, but get lost in those magnificent metallic grey eyes, such an unique color. His eyes held so much meaning. I could read him as an open book, but one emotion stood out the most; adoration.

He looked at me in complete awe as if I meant something important to him.

I'm getting crazy.

Thinking about crazy.

This position is crazy.

    "I-I'm so s-sorry, Mr.William", I stutter out, trying to get up. 

But before I could do so he gently but firmly took my hand in his and flipped us around so I was now on my back facing him. I try to roll over, but my petite frame couldn't do that.

He places his elbows beside my head, leaning his full weight on it so he wouldn't crush me.

He leans down, resting his forehead on mine.

I gasp out of utter shock, my heart razing through my chest, trying to escape me.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that", he leans down even closer, whispering in my ears. His hoarse morning voice sounds beyond sexy.

"Are you feeling better, princess?", his velvety voice sends shivers down my spine.

    "Y-Yes, w-why are you here", I ask quietly my voice completely shaking.

"Because my princess was sick", he answers in a obvious tone, giving me a wink.

"I-I mean w-why are you in my...", I couldn't finish the sentence without blushing madly.

I probably look like an awkward tomato.

I peek out my eyelashes and see him having a big warm smile plastered on his face. His lovely dimples appeared out, making him look even younger.

His face then goes over to something serious. He clenches his teeth, making his jawline stronger.

    "You were completely shaking, princess. I didn't know what to do anymore. Everything I did was not enough so I...", he stops for a minute. "So I got in bed with you to warm you up in my arms. I'm sorry that it was without your consent."

His grey eyes held some sad unknown emotion in it. He looks clearly guilty and hurt about something.

I can't bare it to see him like this. It breaks my heart.

My hand goes slowly out, ruffling his hair. It's so soft. He looks up a surprise expression on his face, making me blush again.

Why am I so awkward?

I just cannot.

"Thank you", I whisper softly to him, a soft smile escapes my lips.

He cups his big warm hand around mine, bringing it to his lips. He places soft kisses on it, making me blush even harder.

His muscular arms surround my waist, turning us around so he now lays on his back.

My head rests on his chest, hearing his razing heart beat. It's so relaxing like music in my ear. The best music you could ever imagine.

We lay here for minutes, maybe even hours. I don't know how long we lay here in silence, nor do I care.

"I was actually afraid...", he confesses in his deep smooth velvety voice.

"Hmm", I make a weird sound, indicating for him to go on.

Haven't you ever had one of those moments where you were so tired that you couldn't speak. Well, it was like this for me now.

    "I was afraid that you were going to...", he stops speaking, his voice was completely shaking out of fear and hurt. "You looked so pale, it was actually scary. You were completely quivering. Your body was burning, it was on fire, but you still whispered that you were 'cold, so cold'."

His breathing was shaky and uneven. He looked like a lost boy scared of everything in this world.

I wrap my arms around his waist, snuggling closer into him. I don't know what to do so I softly hum the melody of 'the river flows in you'.

It seems to calm him. His body completely relaxes under my touch. His breathing is back to even. He wraps his arms even tighter around me as if his life depended on it.

I let out a content sigh. This feels far to good. Our breathing and heart beats fill the room. I want to cherish this moment forever.

"Actually", I remark.

"Yes, princess?"

"Where is my door?"

He let's out a nervous chuckle.

"I hoped you wouldn't notice it. Well, I didn't have the keys sooo..."


That filthy rich brat.

I just cannot.



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I read every single one of them. It always brings a big smile on my face.

So tomorrow starts my exam. I begin with maths, but still haven't done a flying fudge.


Quick fact about me:

I'm really weird. Sometimes in the middle of the lesson I will bang my head down the table, making a loud bam explode through the class.

I just cannot.

