Lord Berbrooke

After Anthony came by Eden was expecting any suitors that day. So Margot started to play the piano so that Eden could enjoy her favorite hobby. Dancing! She loved to dance being able to move freely without hesitation when Alexander came in making both ladies stop. "May I introduce Lord Berbrooke." A gentleman came in bowing to both ladies as both ladies nodded their head. "What can we do for you Lord Berbrooke?" Margot asked the Lord eyeing him very carefully. "It's my understanding by your brother that you are still looking for a suitor Miss Norrington." Eden and Margot looked at each other then at Alexander confused. "unfortunately Lord Berbrooke you have been misinformed. Lord Bridgerton has taking a liking to my daughter and had asked her court her." Lord Berbrooke smile went into a frown looked at Lord Norrington and said, "Very well, I am so sorry for coming in. I hope you have a nice rest of your day." Bows as he walks out. When hearing the door closed Margot look at Alexander furiously.

"ALEXANDER BENJAMIN NORRINGTON! Why did you bring him in when you were here when Lord Bridgerton asked you sister to court?" Alexander sighed and said, "I don't believe that Lord Bridgerton is suitable for my sister mother." Margot sighed sitting down as she said, "I don't care if he has had a past. He is a strong man who loves your sister dearly. I have you step down and bring Beatrice in your place. You still will stay as the man of the house but Beatrice will be the one to take you place. Now go to you room Alexander Benjamin Norrington." Alexander was in complete shock hearing this but thought it was best not to say anything to not upset his mother in further.

He walked up to his room as Margot looked at Eden and grabbed her hand. "Eden Felicity Norrington, don't you ever be like you brother. Now please go to your room as I write to Beatrice and your sisters." Eden nodded as she walked up to her room to do some more hobbies to past the time. She was quite upset at her brother doing this to her and embarrassing her in front of the Lord Berbrooke. 

Mean while Margot was sitting at her desk writing to her daughters.

"Dearest Beatrice Clara Arthurton,

I would love for you to come back to take your brother place. It would be better to explain wants you get here. But let's just say he has embarrassed your sister in front of a Lord.

Your mother,

Margot Agnes Norrington."

"Dearest Carla Denise Mayflower,

I would love to have you home to help you sister help Eden through this time. It will be easier to explain once you home.

Your Mother,

Margot Agnes Norrington."

Dearest Danielle Eleanora Jameson,

 would love to have you home to help you sister help Eden through this time. Please do inform me if you do come.

Your Mother,

Margot Agnes Norrington."
