"Do you think he just... didn't want to teach us? I feel  like he threw us out."

Victoria doesn't say anything as she finds us a suitable area to sit. But I do spot the corner of her lips lift in a smile.

Our AP chemistry teacher dismissed the class with the excuse of us being close to the end of the term yet having not finished our respective group projects.

Excuse, because I think he just didn't want to teach, wanted an earlier break or something. I did spot a pack of donuts on his table. So now the lot of us have been asked to work on our assignment in either the library or study room. Victoria chose we go to the study room and I'm glad she did 'cause there's virtually no one else here, save for a boy in glasses who I know from almost all my other classes. We talk sometimes so we end up waving at each other at the same time.

Victoria chooses a sofa far inside by the wall where we begin placing all that we need. I love it here, honestly. It's so much more cosy as, besides a few chairs and stools, most of the seats here are sofas. Coffee to dark brown sofas giving the room an earthy homey look.

I'm still standing at the back of our seat, setting things up when she takes a seat. Then her eyes widen. "I forgot my other jotter in class."

I watch her start to close the open notebook on her thighs ready to get up.

Then I offer, "Oh, I could help you get it, though."

She halts. "Really?"

"Yeah, I could. I'll just go now, I am already standing."

"Thank you." She says to me, I'm already on my heading out but I nod anyway.

But as I corner the door out, I spot Pamela coming this way. There's not many people around however if there were, they'd disperse with the fire in her eyes. Her cascade of blonde hair bounces with every step as she walks towards then finally past where I'm at. She didn't see me.

I'm deciding not bothering about it and just continuing my task of getting upstairs, but she walked straight into the study room, no friendly expression on her face at all.

And I'm completely changing my mind when I hear her call out, "Victoria!" Regardless I'm still transfixed in the same spot.

Only regaining strength to move after Victoria responds in the most non-chalant tone ever. "What do you want?"

When I get back to the room, though stood at a place where they can't necessarily see me, I find Victoria. And the look on her face is as bored as the tone of voice she answered Pamela with.

"How many minutes of fame were you hoping for when you sought out the media?"

"None. I never sought out the media, Pamela."

Pamela laughs but it lacks humor, crossing her arms over her chest as she stares down at Victoria in what i'm certain is a degrading way. I'm left to guess because I'm only behind her. "Had you really thought I wouldn't find out? How daft do you think I am?"

"Very, actually."

"I don't have time for this," She states, Victoria's brows go up as if sarcastically asking really? "You're probably just like your mother."

"You don't know her."

"But I do know she was a home wrecker." Silence. I imagine Pamela's expression to be pointed as it's clear she's one-up her. And she seems to press on it. "A whore. Gold digger. And a chaser of fame, listen here, Veronica." She gets her name wrong. Though it feels more intentional than a mistake. "You're going to stay low, completely out of the press radar. One thing you're not going to do, is get any close to media, even if they get near. Understood?"

The calm exterior on Victoria's face is back, but it's not like the normal. I'm not sure if it's always been s front, an exterior used to mask emotions and not her actual face but right now it looks to be masking a whole lot more than it ever has. "Understood."

My heart breaks. I can't... believe. I can't believe Pamela could say all these things.

And it goes on. " 'Cause we both know who'd have the greater fall, remember the only reason you're here is thanks to my dad. Your miserable grandfather couldn't have, could he?"  My god.

We used to go to grandpa Francis back in middle school, and she'd compliment his cupcakes.

"Pamela," I don't even realized I've moved or that I say her name until she spins around. And is directly facing me. Her hazel eyes go twice their size. I used to think her eyes were pretty, better than my plain brown ones. But with what I've just seen here, Pamela's different from everything I'd thought.

Same goes for her eyes.

They reduce in size, back to normal, and somehow she manages to find composure almost instantly. The shock doesn't leave her face though, not till she stares behind at Victoria then at me. Not until she leaves us alone in the study without another word said.

The boy from my classes is also here. When I notice him staring, he begins studying.

"Victoria." I say softly, my focus returning to her. I'm still shocked at everything I just saw. And I'm not sure how to comfort her, or if she'd even want comfort. But I do take a seat beside her.

She blinks away.

"Has she ever talked to you like that before? Pamela." Victoria scoffs, but nods. "How long? How many times has she been like that?"

"A lot of times, honestly." Her voice stops being strong mid-sentence, breaking down as she adds 'honestly'.

She must know I'm staring at her. That my gaze is boring a hole into the side of her head. And she does glance at me once before turning away.

However when her eyes find mine again, they're a lot more broken this time. As a matter of fact she's looking at me like she wants me to save her. I don't know if I can. And I don't even think she'd let me if I could. But I move in the seat to be by her side for moral support, and after only a second, decide to just wrap my arms around her.

To my surprise she doesn't fizzle out of the hug as expected, rather she rests her head on my shoulder. And when I hear her quietly crying, I almost cry myself.
