The Soccer Incident

( This happened in 2010 when i was in 2nd grade.)


The warm summer breeze washed over the soccer field while running laps around the boundaries.

"Brooklyn!" screamed Sarah from across the field. She hadnt changed much since I saw her last autumn.Her hair was up in its usual pigtails with ribbons at the end.She played well enough being the youngest on the team and her father being the coach.

"Sarah!" I yelled with the same amount of enthusiasm . She was the only other girl on the team.The team mainly consisted of guys.

Nylan,Matthew,Ryan,Tyler,Jack,John,Sarah, and myself. Together we were the Sea Hawks. I was number 11 while the others all had numbers in the 20s.

"Okay team," said coach," today I want you all to practice your kicks. Got it?" "Of course coach."we said together.

I went to far end of the field to practice since the last incident at the game.


I dribbled down the field with the ball. The loud clap of thunder only caused me to stop for a nanosecond before shooting the ball. As I did so I slipped on a patch of mud causing the ball to soar higher in the air than I originally planned. I watched the other team's goalie attempted to stop it but ended up getting hit in the mouth. Next thing you know his front teeth are out and the game is over. What a great day for playing soccer in mud,rain, and mild thunder.

~End of Flashback~

I kicked the ball and it soared...... to the wrong destination. My coach was standing directly where it was sailing but facing the other way.I tried to make a sound to warn him but it was too late. It hit him head on literally. Next thing i know he is falling to the grass.

"I killed my coach! " I thought," I better find a place to hide the body and get rid of the evidence."

As I was plotting how to get away with murder he got up and was perfectly freakin' fine. I turned and saw he was alive so I dismissed my plan of how to not go to prison after this.

And that my dear readers was how I knocked out my soccer coach and knocked out a kid's teeth.Such great memories.

I will update again when I get 25 comments on your sport incidents, 15 votes, and 32 reads on this chapter. Till next time remember "Randomness is Awesomness spelled differently."
