[31] A Bump in the Night

*Third Person's POV*

        The cool night air gently flowed over the homes on the Isle of Berk. Stirring trees' leaves and making grass sway in the breeze. Crickets chirp and owls hoot from somewhere off from the shadows of branches. While silver moonlight and twinkling stars shine down on the peaceful sleeping village.

        Under the wooden roof of one of the biggest homes that lay under the stars, figures sleep soundly in the dark of night. A young brown haired male sleeps soundly under quilted covers. A black scaled, four legged beast is nestled soundly on his dark rock. In another room sleeps a woman with her autumn hair in three separate braids behind her. Her dragon rests elsewhere since the house, despite it being large, is still too small for her four-winged giant. A room over in the occupied guest room rests a young (H/C) (H/L) haired female curled up on her side in bed. A furry tan dragon, currently saddleless, rests by the side of her mattress, sleeping soundly. In the far corner of the room, out of the gentle moonlight, a young black haired male rests against his Sand Wraith's warm side. His bow clenched firmly in his hand, ready to be used if anything dared to threaten the peaceful atmosphere.

        And something did dare.

        A noise from so far off, and almost too quiet to be heard, rumbled from the confines of the wilderness outside of the village. While the Sand Wraith merely twitched in it's slumber, the Woolly Howl stirred. Fiery violet eyes pierced the dark of night and her tan head lifted itself groggily from the wooden floor. The dragon swept her gaze over the room, seeing nothing out of place. But a distant sound of thundering from the woods made the dragon become fully alert. She knew something wasn't right on this once peaceful night.

        Being careful not to wake the others sleeping in the room, the Woolly Howl stood up on her four legs and looked to her rider in bed. The dragon nudged the sleeping form of the girl with her head. All the dragon got in response was a frown forming on their rider's (S/C) face. The dragon tried once more, even tugging at the covers keeping the human warm and snug. This prompted a stronger response as the young woman groaned in annoyance and tried to pull her blankets back over her. Her dragon was having none of it, and yanked off the rest of her sheets, exposing her to the cold air of night. Immediately the rider tensed at the sudden change in temperature, and finally their eyelids fluttered open. They begrudgingly sat up, brushing stray strands of their hair away from their face. Their sleepy (E/C) eyes land on the violet gaze of their dragon.

        "Skyler? It's the middle of the night, what are you waking me up for?" The human whispered, irritated. Skyler responded by tugging on their rider's furry sleeve cuff, then walking with purpose to the closed door to look back at the tired human. The young woman blinked at their dragon.

        "You want to show me something?" She asked in a confused whisper. Skyler nodded silently in answer. The human let out an audible sigh before climbing out of bed. They put on their knee-high, beige boots with furry lining along the top. Then gathered their belt holding their bag and dagger holster just in case. They didn't bother putting on their sash of pockets, feeling too lazy to do so.

        "Alright, let's go." The young woman said tiredly as they opened the door for their dragon.

        Meanwhile, up on top of another wooden roof sits a young blonde woman staring at the stars. Her mind too troubled with thoughts and emotions to sleep. Her dragon sleeps soundly after being exhausted from the events prior to that day. Even though she had lost the race, she had tired herself when pushing too hard.

        No, the blonde tells herself. She isn't upset about losing, well not entirely. Something else nags at her conscience, something she can't ignore. The fact that her ex boyfriend is getting closer and closer to (Y/N) with each day that passes. She saw the look he gave her when they looked at each other after the race. Every time she recalled it, it caused pain to flare in her heart. Deep inside she knew that her chance with the boy she loved was gone, but she refused to accept it.

        The blonde looked down in time to see a single crystal drop fall from her face and dampen the fur on her skirt. She quickly wiped her face with the back of her bracers wrapped around her forearms. Even when she's alone she refuses to cry.

        Her sadden blue eyes look up from her lap and out across the village. Her eyes subconsciously looking at the biggest house in the distance, Hiccup's house. She didn't expect to see the wooden front door slowly swing open. The blonde narrowed her gaze at the now open door, seeing two violet eyes glowing in the darkness of the doorway. Soon a tan furred head pokes out and walks fully out into the moonlight. Followed soon after by the figure of the one and only (Y/N), who closes the door softly behind her. The young woman on the roof glares in suspicion of (Y/N)'s actions. Watching as her dragon motions for her rider to get on her bare furry back. She obliges and mounts the Woolly Howl. The furry dragon unfurls her wings, allowing the (F/C) tint and flecks to show. She takes to the air with only a few powerful wing beats, now heading off in the direction of the wilderness.

        Without hesitation the braided blonde slides down her roof and climbs down her home using the window ledges to her advantage. She runs into her stable, effectively waking up her teal Deadly Nadder.

        "Sorry for waking you up girl, but we have someone we need to follow." She tells her dragon. The dragon senses her urgency and gets up, shaking herself awake. The young woman hops onto her dragon and immediately takes off after the other dragon rider.

*Second Person's POV*

        You let out a loud yawn, covering your mouth with your hand. You felt so tired, not even the cold night air whipping by your face woke you up. If anything, it made you want to go back to your warm cozy bed. Alas, you couldn't because Skyler wanted you to check out something. You have no idea what, and at this time of night could really care less. Though...

        You look down at your dragon, seeing how her eyes are narrowed to slits as she searches the surrounding land flying below you. Her head tilting now and then as she listens to something out of your hearing range. It made a knot of unease build in the pit of your stomach. What was out here that warranted Skyler to immediately check it out? Thinking more on it, could be a threat to Berk? It could be a wild dragon, or a Viking like those Agirifa riders that want to kidnap you. You felt your heart freeze in fear. You suddenly felt very awake. Maybe you should have woken Varor and Remus. You leaned closer to the comforting warmth of Skyler, rubbing a thumb over the fur clenched firmly in your fists.

        Then you felt a rumbling vibration come from Skyler, followed with a deep almost purr-like sound. You looked to your dragon's face to see Skyler smiling back at you with gentle dilated eyes. She must have sensed your distress, because now her face seems to tell you 'I'm here, it's okay'. Ready to comfort and protect you whenever it's needed. You felt your heart warm up, feeling touched by how much she cares for you. You smile gratefully back at her, feeling much more secure then moments before.


        You have no idea how much time has passed. You only know that your face feels numb from the wind hitting it for too long. Your alertness from earlier is fading, and you find yourself just wanting to lay in Skyler's soft fur and possibly take a short nap. Just thinking about it is tempting.

        That's when you finally heard it. The rumbling sound from within the woods ahead. Like a large creature is growling in the shadows the trees cast. It was enough to scare a few birds away from their perches in the tall pine trees. You felt your heart begin to race in anticipation, acutely aware of the weight of your dagger by your side. Skyler let out a low growl beneath you.

        You leaned close to Skyler's head and patted her side, "Land, we don't want whatever that is to see us flying around."

        Skyler nodded to show she heard, before going into a gentle dip downward. You gripped her fur tighter, ignoring how stiff and sore your fingers felt in order to stay on her bare back. You even ducked to avoid a branch as Skyler dove into a gap in the branches. Feeling Skyler's wings pump powerfully but gently as she leaned back and spread them to allow a softer and quieter landing.

        You slid off of her furry back, flexing your fingers to rid their stiffness as you gazed wearily at your surroundings. The wilderness looked ominous in the dark. The moonlight barely piercing through the leaves of the towering pines all around you. Leaving the forest floor covered in large patches of shadow, where in some areas, are darker than others. Hiding unseen dangers from your limited night vision. You removed your dagger from it's holster. Feeling more secure with the weight of a weapon in hand.

        Suddenly, a loud growling sound echoed through the woods, putting you even more on edge. Gripping the handle of your blade tighter as you instinctively tensed. You felt a large, warm presence beside you. Looking down revealed it to be Skyler standing beside you with a protective face on. Her glowing violet, silted eyes glaring daggers into the surrounding woods. Even her fur looked raised, showing how tense she is.

        Taking a deep breath to steel your nerves, you start making your way cautiously towards the direction you last heard the growling. Placing one foot quietly after another, avoiding any and all obstacles you could see in the dark. Ears open for anything out of the ordinary. Skyler, walking closely beside you, kept flicking her gaze all over the place.

        After walking a few meters or so, you feel like something isn't quite right. It's not the admittedly scary shadows or tension in the air, but something else. Something that makes this place feel ten times creepier than it should be.

        Then you realized, it's dead quiet. The only sound you can hear is your boots softly crushing the grass under you, as well as Skyler's heavier steps. Not even a single cricket sung in the desolate pine forest. You couldn't help but feel a prickle of fear worm it's way into your heart. You mentally hit yourself. Get yourself together! It's probably just a dragon, you're fine!


        You froze cold on the spot. Something or someone just snapped a branch nearby. Skyler sniffed the air, but the stagnant air proved to be of no help getting a scent for the dragon. You readied yourself in a defensive position, muscles tense and ready to spring into action. Seconds ticked by, both you and your dragon not daring to make a sound.

        Something suddenly grabbed onto your non-dominant arm, causing a scream to be torn from your mouth. Instinctively you raised your dagger and turned on your attacker, ready to stab the first part you see. Another pale hand grabs your wrist holding your dagger, stopping your attack altogether with a firm hold. You were happy it did, because a pair of hard, familiar blue eyes glares back into your own. Even in the dark shadows of the trees, you knew the person before you.

        "Astrid?!" You exclaim in surprise. Skyler let out a low growl somewhere behind you, practically telling Astrid to let you go or else. Astrid glares behind you at your dragon before shoving you away, causing you to stumble back and bump into Skyler's furry side.

        "What are you doing out here?!" The blonde immediately demanded. You then notice her dragon Stormfly standing a little bit behind her.

        "W-Well, what are you doing out here?!" You yelled back, still in shock by her abrupt appearance.

        "Following you!" Astrid jabs a finger in your direction. "What are you up to out here?!"


        "Are you meeting someone?" Astrid cut you off.

        Your eyes widened in shock at the accusation, "What!? No! I-"

        "Then what are you doing sneaking out at night? The night Hiccup just so happens to not be out for his nightly flights!" Astrid growled.

        "I was just-!"

        "Are you planning something?" Astrid took a threatening step forward towards you.

          "Would you just let me explain myself!" You quickly yell. Astrid crosses her arms, allowing you to speak. You huffed, before taking in a breath. "Skyler heard something and she wanted me to check it out."

        Astrid narrows her eyes, she crosses her arms and looks down upon you. "As if." she scowls.

        You don't know if it's the lack of sleep, the remains of adrenaline in your body from being scared, or just Astrid's attitude towards you, but you now suddenly feel hot with anger.

       "What's your problem?!" You shout at Astrid. You feel Skyler bump your back with her nose.

        "My problem?" Astrid raises an eyebrow.

        "What do you have against me?!" You take a step forward, clenching your hands at your sides.

        "I'm just protecting Berk!" Astrid retorts, gritting her teeth and dropping her arms.

        "How?!" You throw up your hands. You feel your (F/C) shirt be tugged on by Skyler.

        "Watching threats like you!" Astrid get's in your face, poking you in the chest. Stormfly looks around behind her.

        "HOW ON EARTH AM I A THREAT?!" You raise your voice even more.

        "YOU'RE AN OUTSIDER!" Astrid hands' ball into fists.

        "I'VE BEEN HERE FOR SEVERAL WEEKS!!" You scream back in frustration. You push Skyler's nose away from tugging on your shirt.

        "YOU COULD JUST BE GAINING OUR TRUST!" Astrid's face is mere inches from yours. Stormfly is starting to squawk loudly for Astrid's attention.



        "I'M NOT!"

        "I BET THE AMNESIA THING IS ALL A LIE TOO!" Astrid blindly yelled. You felt white hot anger flow through you.

        "WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?!" You screamed.

        You didn't get an answer. You were suddenly tackled to the grassy ground by the large weight of a dragon. Disoriented, you could only process the loud roar that sounded overhead. Simultaneously hearing the crack of wood and feeling a huge gust of wind bombard you and the dragon on top of you. Then you heard the groans of over a dozen trees all at once. You felt the dragon above you tense, anticipating a blow. You heard the horrifying sound of branches snapping, thuds of wood against wood, and heavy boom sounds of something heavy hitting the ground. You could even feel the Earth under you shake with every impact.

        Then, as quickly as it all started, it stopped. Only the distant roaring of a dragon could be heard. That is, till the dragon on top of you got off. You were able to look up and see it was Skyler that had jumped on you, but that information didn't matter. No, what you found yourself staring in shock was, in fact, that you are now caged in under a mound of fallen trees. Their battered and broken branches creating a web of knots above and around you. Blocking most of the moon's silver light. All the tress just so happened to fall in a way that intertwined their branches offering no way out.

        "What...?" Astrid's voice mumbled behind you. You looked over to see her starting at your predicament in disbelief. Stormfly had protected her from whatever dragon that caused this, just like Skyler had for you. You ran a hand through your hair, as you reevaluated your situation.

        Astrid grunted as she stood up, dusting herself off of the pine needles that still fell. "Stormfly," she turned to her dragon with worry, "You alright girl?" Stormfly squawked in in response, looking fine.

        You looked to Skyler, "You okay?" Skyler shook her fur free of pine needles before letting out a purring noise to tell you she's fine. You saw nothing wrong, so you guessed she was.

        You and Astrid turned to look at each other, before quickly turning away to glare at the branch covered floor. It seems, you have just become trapped with the one person who hates you the most.
