Chapter 3

(My apologizes for taking so long) Time skip to after school also if you don't like sexual sense i recommend not reading this

After school Kanan drives Hera to his apartment so they can work on there project that they have together. 

"Kanan you never told me that you have your own apartment. Can i ask why?"

Kanan hesitates to answer the question but he does. "The reason why i have my own apartment is because my parents.... dont really like me.... They didnt like the way i looked or how i was good at sports"

"Kanan I.... Im so sorry"

"Its alright but at least I have a great girlfriend that I can trust and she cares about me" Kanan looks at Hera and places his hand on Heras cheek as Hera blushes.

"Kanan ....." She gets cut off with Kanans gentle lips on hers. Hera kisses Kanan back and wraps her arms around Kanans muscular body. As they kiss for a while Kanan picks up Hera and takes her to his master bed and lays her down. Hera lays there looking at him and watches him take off his shirt s she sees that he has an 8 pack. 

"Wow... uh... Kanan you are mmm mighty fine looking" 

Kanan smirks and takes off Heras shirt and toses it to the ground. Hera blushes really bad. The Kanan kisses Heras neck down to her breasts and down her perfectly shaped body.  Hera softly moans in pleasure. Kanan pauses for a second.

"You dont look bad yourself" Hera smiles at him after he said that then out of no were Hera flips Kanan over so she is on top and pulls him up so she can straddle his lap as she also pulls him close to her and Hera kisses Kanans neck. Kanan soft moans but slowly moves his hands up Heras back and unhooks Heras bra and toses her bra to the floor as Kanan starts kissing her breasts. Hera takes Kanans hair tie out so she can see how long his hair is and she runs her fingers through his shoulder length hair. After they had a little fun they decide its time to get the homework/project done.

Hera puts her bra on but instead of her shirt she decides to put on Kanans shirt. Hera loves the smell of Kanans Cologne.

"I have to say something Kanan.... you smell so good"

"Why thank you Hera. You smell good too" They both smile and they start to work on there project
