Chapter 8


(Y/N) - Your Name
(M/N) - Middle Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nick Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair length
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(C/F) - Cake flavor
(S/N) - Ship Name

This will increase when you proceed further into the story


Art in the media belongs to ZikSua


"And I am not throwing away my shot~

I am not throwing away my shot~"—

JJ sprang up the bed and sprinted towards the bathroom while singing.

"Eyo, I'm just like my country!—"

"I'm young, scrappy, and hungry!

And I am not throwing away my shot!" (Y/N) sings along and heads towards the bathroom as well. The both of them have a concert while fixing their needed items for the day, forgetting about the three girls who were startled awake by the two trash bags.

JJ turns off their alarm and started playing "Congratulations". (Y/N) widens her eyes and jumps up and down.




The both of them continued happily, not knowing about the three people who were recording the whole thing. The three girls decided on leaving to get ready in their room, with Sunni leaving a note on the mirror of the vanity. They quietly closed the door, starting their journey to the next floor on where their room is.

Dear (Y/N) and JJ,

We left to our room to get ready. Hope to see you guys later at the convention!

Xoxo Sunni from SkitsoFanActs

You guys are great singers. Wink, wonk.

You guys were cute last night XP

"Every sacrifice you make is for my sister! Give her the best life!


The two (cough)lovers(cough) finished, bowing in front of each other, causing their heads to bump. The both of them pull away and laugh. "We should go to the karaoke room today!" (Y/N) smiles.

"Agreed." JJ smiles back at her. "You should take the shower first. I was the first one to do so yesterday." (Y/N) insists.

JJ replies with an 'okay' and heads towards the shower, making (Y/N) leave the bathroom, locking its door on the way out. She heard the shower running. Deciding to be the one to prepare the costumes, she goes to the closet that contains the bag of costumes they packed, which was beside the bathroom door. She opens the bag filled with different kinds of fabrics and costumes. While looking for the costumes, she hears JJ singing 'Devil's Train' softly. (Y/N) smiles to herself. But that was cut short.


She heard the shower stop and the curtains shuffling wildly. She grabs the costumes, pulling them out of the bag. The bathroom door slams open, revealing a JJ with a towel wrapped around their body.

"What's wrong?" They ask frantically, snapping their head in (Y/N)'s direction, which caused their hair to whip, making water droplets fly to (Y/N)'s face. She shows the costumes to JJ, frowning slightly.

"Those aren't the costumes we planned on wearing..." They say.

"I know! I must've packed the wrong costumes since we were in a rush to go to the train station..." (Y/N) looks at the Be More Chill costumes. One was Jeremy and the other was Michael.

"The costumes don't even look alike! It would be okay, but we don't have everything we need. Plus, we don't have the wigs..." JJ says. Suddenly, an idea pops into (Y/N)'s head. "I know what to do..."


(Y/N) fixes JJ's hair to look like Michael Mell's hairdo. "(Y/N), you are absolutely genius."

"I know." She takes two steps back to marvel at her work. She smiles and she walks toward her bag, pulling out her plain white headphones, making them settle around JJ's neck. The glasses part was no problem, since JJ already wears black-rimmed glasses.

(Y/N) starts to style her Reversed Dipper wig with a frown settling on her face. "I worked so hard on this wig..." She pouts.

JJ chuckles quietly. "You did a great job on my hair, by the way."

"I know. I'm the best." She replaces her frown with smile. After a while, she finishes styling the wig, successing to replicate Jeremy Heere's hair. She places it on top of her head. "Is this okay?"

She turns around to face JJ. "Yup! It looks just like Jeremy's hair!"

She smiles, "Thanks."

JJ, or should I say Michael, stands up from their bed and holds out their arm. "Shall we?"

(Y/N) smiles wider, "We shall."

She links her arm to theirs.

"You do know that Michael is hella gay for Jeremy, right?" (Y/N) states, making JJ blush a deep red and look away. Truth be told, JJ is hella gay for (Y/N). Poor kid can't handle dressing up with (Y/N) as two shipped characters.

"Uh, yeah."

The both of them started to walk their way to the convention with their arms still linked together, (Y/N) secretly bringing her camera with her.


Story: 789 words
Everything: 854 words
