This CAN work | Blitzarozzie (Fluff)

Author's Notes

Hello there! Thank you so much for checking out this story! More importantly, this was requested by cutecutecutecutepig! Thank you so much for the request 💖

I want to add some more tags to my stories so they're more out there. If anyone has suggestions on how to pick out a ton of good tags lmk because I'm totally struggling 😭

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy and let's get started!

Neutral POV

(One year ago) Fizzarolli was at Mammon's practicing for the upcoming clown pageant when he noticed a drawer with an envelope sticking out. No one was around, so he opened the drawer. Fizzarolli's eyes widened as he saw multiple letters written to him from Blitzø. Why would Blitzø send letters to Fizzarolli's workplace instead if his house? Suddenly, Fizzarolli realized that someone was trying to gatekeep the letters. That greedy, manipulative asshole (Mammon) had separated Fizzarolli and Blitzø to keep Blitzø from convincing Fizzarolli to quit because of the poor work environment. Fizzarolli sneakily took the letters, stuffed them into his bag, and left.

He went back to Ozzie's and read the letters with him. Turns out, Mammon has been preventing Fizzarolli and Blitzø from rekindling their relationship. Fizzarolli is devastated by this and Asmodeus is absolutely pissed at Mammon for fucking with Fizzarolli. Blitzø actually confessed his feelings to Fizzarolli, which were kind of mutual.

Blitzø's POV
*1 month later*

I was looking through some mail that was sent to IMP. Most of the letters were from Clients, but one letter stuck out from the rest. It was from.. Fizz? Why the fuck is Fizz reaching out to me now? I opened the envelope and began reading the note inside of it.

- Hello, Blitzo -

I was already angry because he used my dead name. I hope he just.. didn't know I went by Blitzø now. I hoped he wasn't trying to be a dick head.

- I know it's been a really long time. Fifteen fucking years now. I'm sorry for reaching out now, totally out of the blue, but hey. I found your letters and it turns out that my employer was hiding them. I want you to come meet me at Ozzie's in Lust. Here's my phone number, text me when you can. We need to talk.


Fizzarolli. -

What the.. fuck? Should I talk to him? I guess I will, it's not like I have anything better to do.

- Hi fizz. Its Blitzø the O is silnt. I am opn to seeinh u but wat do u actully want? -

I texted the number Fizz put in the letter, then turned off my phone to get back to work. Hours later, I checked it, and Fizz replied.

- Shit! Sorry, Blitzø. I want to talk to you about some of the things you said in the letters I read. Specifically, your feelings towards me. I totally understand if you don't have those same feelings now, but I want to let you know that they are kind of mutual. -

My jaw dropped.

- oh ok yea we can met up. 2day at 6? u free? -

- Sounds good! Can my boyfriend come? -

Boyfriend? If he has a fucking boyfriend why does he want to talk about us loving eachother, especially with the boyfriend?

- i gess, but why do u want to talk abot it if u hav a boyfrend?? -

- Well, he may be open to a polygamous relationship, if you're into that. -

I began blushing. Goddamn, he's very forward now.

- I meen mayb?? we can figur that out latr -

I sent out the last text and Fizz replied with a thumbs up emoji. I turned off my phone and started getting ready.

Fizzarolli's POV

"Ozzie, he said yes!" I began getting ready, looking through my closet for a nice outfit to wear. Asmodeus did the same.

In ≈15 minutes, we were ready. We got to the restaurant which Blitzø just on time. We could see him anxiously waiting at a table. We walked over to the table and sat down.

"Hey Blitzø! It's been a while!" I said, greeting him with a smile. He nodded. "So, this is my boyfriend, Asmodeus. I may have forgot to tell you, but he is the sin of lust." I added, rubbing the back of my head.

"Yeah, I think you forgot to mention that. It's nice to meet you, Asmodeus." Blitzø said, nervousfully smiling.

"It's nice to meet you too, Blitzø! You look very nice today." Asmodeus replied, trying to make Blitzø more comfortable.

"I look nice everyday, so that's not a surprise! But, thank you for noticing." Blitzø definitely did not change. But, I'm glad he didn't. I really missed him.

"Well anyways, we came here to talk about our feelings towards each other. So be honest with us, I promise that Asmodeus doesn't care." I said, trying to keep us on track.

Blitzø took a deep breath and was silent for a little bit, then replied, "I do still have feelings for you and I wouldn't mind giving this polygamous thing a try." Blitzø smiled as I clapped excitedly.

After that, the three of us ordered food and continued our date.

Neutral POV

Little do Blitzø, Asmodeus, and Fizzarolli know, two sinners were talking about them behind their back.

"Oh my Satan, is that Asmodeus? Why the fuck is he here with two imps?" A succubus asked, her jaw dropping.

"I recognize one imp as Fizzarolli. He's that one super popular clown, remember? As for the other one, I'm not sure. He's probably just a lame nobody. Except, how did he pull them?" Another succubus replied, crossing her arms and lashing her tail.

"We're so much hotter than that imp bitch. We should get with Asmodeus and Fizzarolli instead." The first succubus snickered.

"Well, let's just take his spot and make him leave, then simply seduce them and replace the little fucker." The second succubus said, then began walking over to the table. She pushed Blitzø out of his seat, allowing the first succubus to take it while the second harassed Blitzø, whispering something to him.

"What the fuck are y-" Fizzarolli was about to ask, but was interrupted by Blitzø.

"I'm going to go. If you guys want to go on another date, call me." Blitzø muttered while walking out.

"Wait, Blitzø!" Asmodeus yelled, but Blitzø already left the restaurant.

He didn't know what the succubus said to Blitzø, but it clearly upset him. Asmodeus sighed as Fizzarolli glared at the succubuses.

"What the fuck was that? Who do you think you are?" Fizzarolli asked, getting closer to the succubus' faces. They didn't seem scared of Fizzarolli at first, but a few seconds later, they bolted out of the restaurant. Fizzarolli didn't actually intimidate them, but Asmodeus' feathers turning into flames did.

"Well fuck.. that didn't go well." Fizzarolli said to Asmodeus, frowning.

"That's not true, Froggy! The date went well, the ending just got spoiled. I bet the next date will be much better. Let's just send Blitzø a text and call it a day. He must be very tired after everything that happened."

Asmodeus picked up Fizzarolli, who took out his phone and began texting Blitzø. Then, they left the restaurant and went back to their house.

End Notes

Thank you so much for reading this! I hope you enjoyed!!

Word count: 1230
