
Do you love me? I think you do. I hope you do. Cause i do. I know i pushed you away for a few years and i regret it. I really do. I didnt know how to react but i shouldnt have reacted in that way. Im sorry. Now you dont come running to me anymore like you use to. Its my fault and i know it.

Your not that energetic anymore, not as...happy anymore. And i hate it. I did this to you. How here i am, sobbing in the bathroom of are dance studio. You heard me and came running. You pulled me into a hug and held me tight. For once i dont push you away. I cry on your shoulder. You ask why and i tell you. I tell you its my fault why your unhappy, my fault your not as energetic as you use to be. But you tell me that its not my fault. And you tell me why. But when you tell me it doesnt help me but makes me cry til i cant anymore.
