Chapter 6: NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool

(One week later)

Tonight was NXT UK's first ever pay-per-view event which was held in William's hometown of Blackpool. The card showed an interesting amount of matches.

Moustache Mountain (Tyler Bate and Trent Seven) vs. Zack Gibson and James Drake - Tag team match for the inaugural NXT UK Tag Team Championship

Travis Banks vs. Jordan Devlin - Singles match

William Tuazon vs. Noam Dar - Singles match

Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Toni Storm - Singles match for the NXT UK Women's Championship

Pete Dunne (c) vs. Joe Coffey - Singles match for the WWE United Kingdom Championship

Will felt at home as he went into the arena with B.S.S., Dakota and Toni.

Will: feels great to be back home

Trent: a homecoming for you, mate

Tyler: and the brand's first pay-per-view event

Pete: and with this day, I'm 600 days in as champion

Dakota: you done it better than Brock Lesnar ever did with the Universal Championship

Pete: the man didn't show up while I was wrestling every week and every month

Will: that's why the main roster sucks

Toni giggled at Will's roast of the main roster.

Trent: alright, let's go guys

As the six went in; they separated to the locker rooms while Toni and Will talked.

Will: good luck on your match, Toni

Toni: you too William

Will: I hope you win

Toni: aww, thanks for your support

She gave Will a side hug which surprised him.

Toni: I gonna to my locker room now

Will: okay, I'll see you after the show

Toni nodded and smiled and the two separated to their locker rooms.

(B.S.S. and Will)

Trent: I hope we win the titles

Tyler: yeah, so British Strong Style have all the titles

Will: you guys did that when you were still in PROGRESS

Pete: that was historic

Tyler: the PROGRESS World Championship

Pete: the WWE United Kingdom Championship

Trent: and the PROGRESS Tag Team Championships

Will: and you three held them at the same time; proving that you three are the most dominant faction in the UK

Trent: and we'll have that moment again when me and Tyler win the NXT UK Tag Team titles

Tyler: and that will happen because our match starts in a minute

Trent: see you later, lads!

(End of match)

The legal men were Trent and Zack. Trent landed the Burning Hammer on Gibson.



James Drake breaks the pin.

Tyler came back in and flattened James with the Tyler Driver 97. Zack ambushed Tyler from behind with a forearm, taking his eyes off Trent for a second; taking advantage of the distraction, Trent nailed Zack with the Seventh Heaven piledriver.




Announcer: here are your winners and the inaugural NXT UK Tag Team Champions, Tyler Bate and Trent Seven!

(A/N: I know they lost in real life, but I want them to win in this story)

With this win, British Strong Style has held every male NXT UK championships.


Trent and Tyler walked to the locker room with the tag titles on their shoulders until they ran into Dakota.

Dakota: you guys did great out there, and look at you; you're the first NXT UK Tag Team Champions, congrats!

Tyler: thanks Dakota

Trent: we appreciate it

Dakota: uh Trent, can I talk to Tyler alone?

Tyler: Trent, don't leave me

Trent: I'll be in the locker room if you need me

Tyler: Trent!

Trent: can't hear you, mate!

Trent walked away to the locker room leaving Tyler with Dakota.

Tyler: so what you want to talk about?

Dakota: the thing you said to me last week

Tyler: oh that

Dakota: I still can't get it off my head because that's the sweetest thing I ever heard

Tyler smiled.

Tyler: well because you're cute, pretty and a tough fighter

Dakota blushed.

Tyler: I'm gonna go take a shower

Dakota: wait!

She grabbed Tyler by the shoulder and kissed him on the cheek surprising the 21 year old Brit.

Dakota: that's for being a good friend

Tyler: thank you for that

Dakota giggled and Tyler proceeded to walk to the locker room.

(Men's locker room)

Tyler walked in and saw Trent, Pete and Will relaxing.

Trent: there you are, what did Dakota want to talk about?

Tyler: it's just something between us

Pete: boi, what is it?

Tyler: fine, I can't hide it any longer then. I told Dakota that I have a crush on her

Guys: what?!

Will: how did she react?

Tyler: surprisingly she was okay with it, and told me it was the sweetest thing she ever heard

Trent: then what happened?

Tyler: she kissed me on the cheek

Pete: oh, your not a boi anymore; you're a man

Tyler: it was just a friendly kiss, that's it

Tyler took a shower and later joined the guys as they watch the next match between Travis Banks and Jordan Devlin. However, Jordan attacked Travis causing Banks unable to compete. Then GM Johnny Saint and his assistant Sid Scala came out.

Sid: Jordan Devlin, after what you did earlier today, we had a suspicion you might try something like this. But, as luck would have it, we have ourselves a backup plan

After a minute, the arena went dark and the UK crowd cheered loudly. Then a familiar theme played and the crowd cheered even louder.

Announcer: his opponent, from Bray County, Wicklow, Ireland; Finn Balor!

Jordan's new opponent was his own mentor, the first ever Universal Champion.


The guys were surprised, especially Will.

Will: oh my old friend, Finn

Trent: you know him?

Will: yeah, we became good friends in the indies

Tyler: looks like he's gonna teach his student a lesson

(End of match)

Finn nailed the Coup de Grace on Jordan.




Announcer: here is your winner, Finn Balor!

Pete: Jordan still has a lot to learn

Everyone chuckled.

The next match was Will's match against Noam Dar.

Will: I'm up next, boys

Tyler: have fun out there

Trent: we'll be cheering for you

The Fil-Brit Brawler nodded and left the locker room. As he walked to the gorilla, someone called out his name.

???: William, wait!

Will turned around and saw Toni running towards him.

Will: oh hey Toni, you need anything?

Toni: I just wanna say good luck to you

Will: that's very nice of you; I have to go now

Toni: wait!

Will: yes?

Without hesitation, Toni kissed William on his cheek which surprised the Fil-Brit Brawler.

Toni: be careful

Will: I'll be careful; I gotta go now

Toni nodded.

Will walked to the gorilla and waited for his cue. After Noam made his entrance, Will's theme played much to the delight of his native Blackpool.

Announcer: and his opponent; from Blackpool, England, weighing in at 225 pounds; William Tuazon!

The Blackpool crowd rained cheers on their hometown hero as the Fil-Brit Brawler walked down the ramp and went in the ring.

After doing his pose, Will was in fight mode as the bell ring.

(End of match)

Noam hit a running enzuiguri on Will knocking the Fil-Brit Brawler down.



Thre- Will got his shoulder up

Noam picked up Will and measured him for another running enzuiguri, but Will ducked out of the way and grabbed Noam from behind to hit East Meets West.




Announcer: here is your winner, William Tuazon!

The crowd stood on their feet and cheered for Will.


Will walked down the hall where he was ambushed by a hug from Toni.

Will: hey there

Toni: you did really good out there

Will: thanks for your support

Toni: and now it's my turn

Will: good luck and I hope you'll win the title

Toni: aww, thanks

She hugged Will.

Toni: I gotta go now

Will nodded and Toni's theme played.

He walked to the locker room and took a shower. He finished just in time to watch Toni's match against Rhea for the championship.

Trent: cheering your girlfriend on?

Will: shh, I'm trying to watch

B.S.S. had teasing grins on their faces as the match continued on.

(End of match)

Rhea went for Riptide, but Toni got out of it. Then she kicked Rhea in the gut and set her up for Storm Zero and nailed it.




Announcer: here is your winner and new NXT UK Women's Champion, Toni Storm!

As the referee gave Toni the belt, she cried tears of joy as the crowd cheered for her.


B.S.S. and Will were all clapping for Toni.

Will: I gotta go, lads

Tyler: where you off to?

Trent: oh Tyler, we all know where's he going

Pete smirked and shook his head.

Meanwhile, Will was running to the gorilla hoping to meet Toni and luckily, the Fil-Brit Brawler caught up with her.

Toni: hey Will!

Will: wow Toni, you won! Congratulations

Toni: I'm still overwhelmed

Will: but you did it; I knew you will win

They stared at each other for a few seconds before realizing it was now or never for the both of them.

Will and Toni: I want to tell you something!

Toni: you go first

Will: oh no, you go first; lady first

Toni giggled. Then she poured her heart out.

Toni: William, ever since you became a part of NXT UK, I started to develop a liking towards you. I developed feelings for you because of your gentleman and friendly personality. I really like you, Will. I'm in love with you

Will smiled as he listened to Toni's heartfelt confession.

Will: Toni, I feel the same way. Ever since becoming friends with you, I started to develop feelings for you. When we hung out weeks ago, just the two of us, I started to fall for you. You're a strong girl and you don't let anyone or anything stop you. Toni, I'm in love with you too.

Tears of joy fell from Toni's eyes as she heard her crush confessed his feelings for her.

Toni: you know what's funny?

Will: what is it?

Toni: I heard you confessed your heart out when we went to bed

Will looked down in embarrassment, but Toni held him by his chin and turned his face, so she's looking at him eye to eye.

Will: I really meant it

Toni smiled. Then the two stared at each other as they leaned in and kissed each other on the lips. They made out for a minute before pulling back with Toni blushing heavily.

Will: Toni?

Toni: yes William?

Will: will you be my girlfriend?

Toni dropped her title belt and she jumped on Will and kissed him again.

Toni: does that answer your question?

Will: oh yeah

Will and Toni walked down the locker room. Before Toni left to go wash up, she told something to William.

Toni: wait for me in you guys' locker room

Will: okay, love

Toni: love you, babe

Will: I love you too

Toni closed the door to the locker room as Will went in to his locker room with a smile on his face.
