Chapter 9

Reena: I don't have any procedures for the rest of the day but I'm still on call. Page me if you need me.

She tells the front desk and leaves with a smile. She then turns to Rocky and says,

Reena: Where do you want to go?

Rocky: *swoons* Anywhere...

Reena: There's a beach near by. Wanna go there?

Rocky: Beach aa? Let's go!

Rocky: By the way.. do you only wear sarees to meet potential matches?

Reena: Why?

Rocky: It's...dis.. dis.. disrupting!

Reena: *half smiles* distracting?

Rocky: Yes yes.. Same thing. But I love that destruction.

Reena: My god. You used so many words but none of them are good. Anyway.. come with me..

Rocky: Um.. did i say something wrong?

Reena: Don't talk, just come with me.

Reena takes him to her office and asks him to take a seat. She pulls something from her cupboard and goes into bathroom. After a few minutes, Reena comes out looking so elegant and pretty. She wore a simple saree and changed her earrings. Rocky sees Reena walking out of the room, adjusting her saree. Rocky leans back in his chair without breaking eye contact. He takes a sharp breath and gets up.

Rocky: Whattey planning!! But just because we're at a hospital doesn't mean it's okay to stop my heart!

Reena: *blushes* Stop! Now let's go.

Rocky and Reena go to a near by beach. A part of the beach was vibrant with families, some merchants, some lovers, and some kids. They went to a quieter side of the beach and took a long walk along the waters while they talked. With the white saree, shaded sunlight and the breeze that blows her saree pallu away, Rocky cannot keep his eyes to himself.

Rocky: This was a mistake. Biggg mistake

Reena: What happened?

Rocky: Maybe it's the lack of alcohol but the atmosphere isn't helping either. This is too much for sober Rocky to handle.

Reena: *smiles* You're ridiculous

Reena: Now tell me. What did you want me to know?

Rocky: Before that, I need to know. Why are you all of a sudden this nice to me?

Reena: No! First tell me about you. Who are you? And what's your real name?

Rocky: Raja.. Raja Krishtappa Bhairya.

Reena: Kannadiga?

Rocky: I was. I used to live in a village near by with my mom. After she passed away, I went to Mumbai.

Rocky goes on to tell Reena in great detail about his struggle to fend for himself at a very young age. Hearing about a kid getting relentlessly beaten up moved Reena to tears. Rocky immediately stops the story.

Rocky: Hey hey hey Sonaa! It's a happy ending I promise! Whatever they gave me, I gave back with Interessttt. Don't cry!.... It's not all bad! I'll finish the story some other time. Come let's eat something.

Reena: *wipes her tears* I'm sorry. I keep imagining a small child lost in the big city, trying to feed himself. I can't help but feel bad. I wish I was there to take care of him.

Rocky: You can. I am hungry now, feed me?

Reena looks at him with concern, takes him by hand and makes him sit on a bench. She then rushes to the fish fry stand beside them and gets back to Rocky. She takes a tiny pieces of the fish, blows on it and then feeds it to him. The amount of love and concern Reena was showering him with is insurmountable. He felt loved again. The kind of love his mom showed him. His eyes turn red from this weight of emotions. He stops Reena's hand and gets up to say,

Rocky: I don't know why you're this nice to me today but thank you. I've troubled you enough. I'll leave now.

Reena: Oy! You're not going anywhere. Sit down and open your mouth! You're already weak from the blood draw. I have a pint more than you do! So right now I'm stronger... Don't make me beat you up!

Rocky smiles as he adoringly looks at Reena. Reena on the other hand murmurs looking into the plate,

Reena: You know.. I really feel like we overpaid for this fish. We barely got a full..

Rocky: Shh.. I am trying to ignore the fact that your dad owns Bangalore and you're still hung up on some poor bastard trying to make ends meet.

Reena: That's not my money. This is. I am careful with my money!

Rocky: Verrry nice philosophy. Now can I go back to staring at you?

Reena shakes her head and continues to feed Rocky and talk about her med school journey. After feeding him, she goes to a trash can near by to throw the plate and wash her hands. As she turned to walk back to Rocky, two men stop her.

Man #1: Excuse me, can you tell me the directions to this place? *shows a card*

Not thinking much of it, she proceeds to tell them by pointing a few buildings. She felt the other guy leaning on her. She immediately stepped back, excused herself and started walking. Rocky is nowhere to be seen and these guys seem to walk behind her. She mutters to herself, " the one time I don't bring goons, this happens". As she walks, a breeze of wind carries her saree pallu backward, causing the men to grab of it. Reena couldn't move any further, she holds her saree pallu at the shoulder and turns around.

Reena: Bloody brutes. Leave me alone!

Man#2: A girl shouldn't be alone in a place like this. We'll give you company!

The men are laughing, other people at the beach are just standing there, doing nothing. Embarrassed and angry Reena looks down... WHERE IS ROCKY?

To be continued
A/N: Heyoo! Sorry for the delay and thanks a lot for all your sweet messages. I am much better now. Next chapter will be up on schedule. Take care!
