
(n.) a lover of the sea, someone who loves the sea, ocean

JESSIE QUIINN laid back in the white pool chair-- a book in her hands. Her wet hair in a knotted bun, her lower half was covered up with a light yellow towel. Her eyes skimmed the same sentence for what seemed the two hundredth time. Her mind wasn't on the book, she was instead wondering where her shaggy haired best-friend and long term crush was.

She glanced over to Elle, her second closd friend. Elle laid back with her eyes closed, soaking in the sun for the last time before the start of school. Jessie sighed, looking back over her novel, re-reading the same line, trying to forget the missing boy.

A chime went off on the two brunettes phones simultaneously, they both reached over and and looked at the notification. I was a text from Warren that included the entire school.

"Ew! Perv!" Elle laughed, Jessie giggled at the text

"Hey, Lee, guess what Warren just texted the entire school!" Jessie called out, hoping the brunette boy would reappear. When he didn't answer, Elle realized he was no longer in their presence.

"Lee?" Elle called out, but to no avail. Both girls looked around, trying to find any trace of him.

"Geronimo!" Lee shouted, bringing the two girls eyes to him. Jessie groaned, dramatically rolling her eyes, as she quickly grabbed her yellow towel covering her face.

"Oh no!" Elle spoke up, a huge splash was sent in all directions, mostly landing on Jessie. Jessie groaned once more, peeling the soaked towel off her once dry skin. Her only towel was now soaking wet and so was she.

"Oh my god! That was a good one!" Elle encouraged his foolish behavior. Lee shook his hair out, coming to the edge of the pool.

"Whoo!" Lee pulled himself out the pool.

Jesslyn stayed silent, she was still trying to pick the wet towel off her body. She was shivering, as she threw the towel on the floor, making a plop sound. Just then did Lee notice the girl was soaking wet and shivering.

"Shit, I'm sorry Jessie. I didn't meant to get you soaked with water." Lee apologized, as he reached over to give the girl another towel. She nodded, muttering out that it was okay, she tried to stop her teeth from chattering. Lee sighed, sitting down on the end of her pool chair, opening his arms. Jessie sat up snuggling into his body, which was warm despite the fact he had just got out of the water. Elle sat up off her chair and started to talk about student council.

Jessie leaned in closer to Lee, her head was on his chest, his arm around her waist. Jessie smiled, and looked up at Elle who was looking at her. Elle smiled suggestively at her, Jessie shook her head mouthing the words, "rule number 4."


"Do you have any ideas Jess?" Lee asked looking down at the girl.

Jessie looked up meeting his eyes, the girl shook her head. She could come up with some, but they all involved water and no doubt swim team would've already picked them.

Ever since Jessie was a small child she was always memorized by the sea, or any source of water. She loved how water could be all different colors, and she was still trying to figure out all he uses of it, though she knew the general uses she wanted to learn the unusual uses. Jessie was a true Thalassophile.

"Lee, you seen my athletic cup?" Noah Flynn's voice rung through Jessie's ears. The brunette turned her head to the older Flynn. He stood with a towel thrown over his shoulder, his shirtless sweaty body didn't interest Jessie, but it did interest Elle, she stared at him with the stupidest look on her face. Jessie admits Noah was hot, but he just wasn't her type. Even though Elle was had a big childish crush on Noah, it could never happen, because the three brunettes developed a list of friendship rules, and Lee was responsible for rule number 9. which strictly claimed relatives of your bestfriend are strictly off limits.

This was a big one for Lee, Jessie and Elle thought it was the fact he lived in the shadow of a high school legend, even though Jessie thought Lee was for sure the better Flynn. Lee unwrapped his arms from Jessie and walked towards his brother.

"Yes, asshat. I needed it for all those varsity sports I'm constantly playing, you know?" Lee sarcastically replied, Noah sighed shaking his head. Elle laughed along with lee, which caught Noah's attention.

"Hey Shelly." Noah smirked, he knows she hated being called Shelly.

"Yes Noah" she knows he hates being called Noah.

"When'd you get the boobs, your almost on jesslyn's level of development" Noah teased, lee laughed, and Elle and Jessie looked at him in shock. Jessie scoffed disgusted at the older Flynn's words, she truly didn't like Noah, she didn't like the way he treated lee.

"When you were at football camp learning to be a better douche, it was almost like they were on human growth hormones or something" Lee chuckled, Noah laughed with that stupid smirk still on his face.

"Lee! Rule number two, please" Elle called to Lee, a towel now covering her chest.

Rule #2 never share our secrets with anyone else

"Whatever. Listen. M and D are out of town Friday night, so party starts at eight. Don't invite any jackasses."

" wouldn't that include you Noah?" Jessie asked, a finger on her chin, she made a pouty face. Elle laughed and gave her a high five, Lee turned around and stuck his hands out.

"Ay!" The three cackled at Jessie's joke. Noah picked up a football and threw it at Lee's back before anyone could comprehend to what was happening. Lee fell into the pool, again the splash getting on Jessie. Jessie rolled her eyes and started to pack her things back into her bag. She placed her soaking wet towel in the bag first. She then Proceeded to pack everything else.

"What an ass" Lee complained, a hand on his hurt back.

"I know!" Elle whispered, her eyes on the boys older Flynn's behind.

"Hey, Hey, Hey!" Lee shouted to get Elle's attention from his brothers ass. "Rule number nine, young lady!"

Elle made a face, which obviously wasn't sincere. "Oh,come on! As if"

Lee didn't believe her, Jessie didn't either, Elle has had the biggest crush on Noah since forever. "Yeah, well, you got a little bit of drool on the corner of your mouth." Lee teased.

Jessie had finished packing up her stuff, she stood up and made her way to where lee was standing, unaware of the playful argument her two best friends were in. She went to open her mouth to tell the two she was gonna head home, but before she could Elle three a soccer ball at lee, making him fall into the water, accidentally pulling in Jessie with him.

Jessie got out the pool, a frown on her face, though she loved her friends, she couldn't help but think they were childish at times, she wasn't one to get mad at them for nothing, but the fact that they were laughing about it was ridiculous, she could have hurt herself in the pool, or even worse she could have drowned.

With her soaking swimsuit still on she put her bag on her shoulder and marched through the Flynn house, she was sick of the two with their childish behavior. She walked out the Flynn house and walked across the street to her house.

Lee and Elle still not noticing she was gone.

sorry it took so long to update, I was over a friends house for the weekend, and never got around to writing the first chapter. Hehe

- N. E
