I have started coming to the ground for my bowling practice,  as the lockdown has relaxed and the grounds have been opened up for sports practice. I wanted to brush my skills and be back with my pace and length.

It's just not for my ipl franchise but also for my country, there were tours lined up after ipl, like Australian tour is immediately after the ipl and based on our form in ipl, the BCCI will figure out indian team squad for the Australian 2020 tour of India.

I have to be in  form to bag a place in that squad. I'm really bored of staying indoors. its depressing and frustrating at the same time. Cricket has always been an addiction for me and being far away from it has taken away, the real me in me. It has been my lifeline after those tragic days in past.

After completing my bowling practice in the nets, I showered there and changed in my sweatshirt and tracks.

I left the ground and headed for my car. I wore my hoodie and made sure my mask was  proper and in place.

I decided to head towards my mom's favorite sweet shop and  take some mohanthal and ghari for her from there.

During pandemic, I could easily do these normal things, because in masks  it's really hard to recognize anyone,so nobody would give me a second glance or pester me for selfies.

Nobody gives a shit about anyone,  as everyone are afraid of each other, and being in close proximity of one another, so its a relief  as I can breathe freely for once.

At first I would like the attention but  now  it has just becomes suffocating. My life has lost its privacy . If you go out with a friend who if by chance, happens to be a girl , so next day she’s termed your girlfriend. Seriously,  cant a girl and boy be friends for God's sake!

I finally have learned to ignore it and pay no heed to such news. I have stopped giving a shit about it. My teammates have really helped me on it, because they too faced the same issue.

Media should be to spread news and information and not rumors for the sake of trp.
I bought the sweets from the shop and headed straight for my home. As it is freshly prepared so she will love it. My mom will really be happy after seeing her favorite sweets.
In the elevator, I received a call from my manager,  I ignored his call and decided to call him later , after taking shower and having tea with maa.
I entered my home, removed my shoes, as they were muddy and gave the maid the box of sweets and ordered her to not show it to mom and bring it only when I tell her to.
I changed my clothes and went to my moms room, taking tea and the sweets,  I had brought for her. She was so happy after seeing them. She almost squealed with excitement. Sometimes she says like a small girl. We chatted about our day.

I have got to spend a lot of time with mom in pandemic,  we have got more close in these days. Before I would be busy with matches and would go on different tours but now, this time I have spent it with her mostly,  these are the most memorable days of my life. Somehow we have grown more close to each other.
I then left  her room to attend my managers call,  he has called 5 times and my phone had been on silent .

I called him, he picked on the very first ring, just as the corona caller tune started.
“Hey, what’s wrong ?”,I asked him.
“Jassi, where the hell are you?In half an hour you have a shot for  coco cola add, same place as the last, I called to remind you about it.” He barked on the other line saying quickly in a single breath. My manager Rakesh is my childhood friend,  so he sometimes gets the liberty to speak this shit.
“What and now you are telling me.”I  snapped at him back
“ I have been calling you for an hour but you weren’t picking up my call. Now get going and come fast here.” he said.
He is right it was my mistake,  I was the one who ignored his call, “I was busy, I will be there in an hour.” I said to  him curtly and left for the  film city.
“ok, I am waiting, I’ll inform the director,”, he said sighing in relief.



