aww, baby, don't be shy for me

C H A P T E R  E L E V E N

Carter stretched her legs out in front of her, turning her body slightly to stretch out her back before she lifted herself onto her feet. Her feet pointing out as she walked towards the long mirrored wall in front of her. Wrapping her hands around the bar that most of the ballet students used to stretched out their legs, she got into fourth position and turned to look for her teacher.

She was having a private lesson today and was almost jumping with excitement. She had been given a solo in her ballet school's concert that took place every year and she didn't want to disappoint. She'd practiced everyday since it had been announced. She could still hear the classical music for the dance playing in her head and she hummed along.

Nolan sat in the corner of the room, trying not to fall asleep as he watched Carter waiting patiently for her teacher to start the rehearsal. He had been doing this for five years.

After Carter had turned six, she'd taken a liking to gymnastics but after a few classes for beginners, she'd fallen in love with ballet after watching a few of the older girls dancing. And Nolan had signed her up for classes immediately, since she had whined almost every five minutes for him to take her to lessons.

And five years later, Carter was amazing at what she did. Though sometimes the lessons would be extremely boring, Nolan would never get tired of the sight of Carter dancing. The huge smile that lit up her face, eyes bright with joy as she twirled around had Nolan's heart at ease.

The solo Carter was to take part in must have been a big deal because Nolan had had to fly out to New York so Carter could practice at a better ballet facility. He didn't complain though, because he knew this was a great opportunity for Carter. Especially if she planned to go further and make a career out of this.

The only person who didn't like this arrangement was Miles. Who was miles away, at home, pouting because he missed Carter. He'd never been this far apart from her. If they ever left their home city, they always went together. This time, Miles had to stay behind because Maggie couldn't travel at the moment and Landon didn't want Miles so far away without him.

"Lovely, Ms. Pierce. Get into first position and we'll start."

Carter quickly separated her feet and faced the mirror in front of her. Waiting for her teacher to give her further instructions. They did a few warm ups before the teacher announced it was time to practice the choreography.

Nolan sat up straighter, leaning forward slightly when the music for Carter's piece started to play through out the ballet room. Carter stepped out of first position and stood up onto her toes before she was tiptoeing to the middle of the room. She stood back onto her feet before she was bending down, getting into position to start practice for her solo.

Nolan watched amazed as his daughter jumped around the room gracefully before everything was interrupted by the loud ringing of his cell. Cringing, Nolan frowned as Carter missed her landing and fell ungraciously onto her feet before she looked over to Nolan with wide eyes, "Daddy!"

Nolan smiled softly at the scolding, standing up from his seat in the room, "Sorry, baby. I'll answer the call outside, ok? Keep practicing."

Carter nodded, "If it's Miles, call me, ok?" She suddenly said before she got in position and Nolan nodded with a small frown, knowing Carter missed her best friend.

Nolan existed the room, closing the door behind him just as the music started up again. He rose the phone to his ear and shook his head, "Miles, you know you're not supposed to call at this time."

Miles grumbled on the other side of the call, "I don't care, I miss Carter and I wanted to hear her voice this time of the day."

Nolan rolled his eyes, "Kid, she's busy with practice. You know how important this solo is for her and I know you don't mean it, but you're distracting her."

Miles sighed and Nolan knew the kid was pouting on the other side of the call, "Fine, I won't call again. But please, tell Carter to call me when she's done." It was almost a plea and Nolan nodded, mumbling out a yes before he hung up.

It wasn't even a second later that Miles sent Nolan a text.

Don't forget, old man! I want to hear Carter voice. And can I have a picture of her? Please?

Rolling his eyes, Nolan walked back into the room just as Carter was finishing up. Seeing her father return, Carter turned towards him and smiled up at him with a hopeful smile, "Was it Miles?"

Nolan shook his head, slightly wincing when Carter's face dropped. He hated lying to her but he knew she'd drop everything if she knew Miles had called. "It was just Noah, he just needed details for the plan tickets."

Carter nodded, smiling excitedly when she realized that she was going to see her family soon.

"Go on with practice, princess. We'll call Miles after?"

Carter nodded, running over towards her teacher. Nolan settled down on his seat again, quickly taking a picture of Carter rehearing and sent it to Miles who immediately read the message.

<< o l>>

"It was really funny, Milo. You should have seen how angry daddy got when they attacked us."

Miles chuckled on the other end of the call and Carter giggled, picturing him laying on his stomach on his bed. His feet swinging in the air. "I really hate the paparazzi, they always get my bad side."

Carter snorted, almost rolling out of her bed in laughter. "You don't have any bad sides, Miles."

Miles giggled, "Why thanks, baby."

Carter couldn't help the blush that lit up her face and the high pitched giggle that left her mouth. "Don't call me such names."

Miles grumbled, "What? Daddy calls mommy that? So why can't I call you that?"

Carter's blush deepened and she rolled over onto her side, the phone denting her face by how hard she was keeping it at her ear. It was as if she was scared she'd miss something Miles said if she pulled it away. She hated being separated from people she loved, it was her worst fear. She hated this.

"Maggie and Landon are married—"

Miles gasped dramatically on the call, "Did you forget that we got married when we were four? Wow, Carter. My heart is broken, I can't take this pain."

Carter smiled, rolling her eyes, "Shut up, you fart. Of course I didn't forget, I just..." Carter trailed off, biting at her lip. Miles quieted down his breathing so he could hear what she had to say, "Come on, princess. Spit it out."

Carter shrugged, as if Miles could see her and sighed, "I get shy when you call me that."

"Aww, baby, don't be shy for me."

Carter let out a frustrated scream, giggling after when she heard Miles loud laughter. He was teasing her and she couldn't take it.

"When are you coming, Miles? I want to see you."

Miles sighed, "Don't worry, Carter. I'll be there tomorrow, in the audience, cheering you on."

Carter smile widened, "Can't wait."

Miles sighed, "Carter, I don't like not seeing you."

Carter frowned, rubbing her stomach as it clenching painfully. She didn't like not seeing him either. "I'll see you soon, ok?"

Miles seemed to nod on the other side of the call because Carter didn't get a response. Yawning, Carter placed the phone between her ear and the pillow, "When are you going to go sleep?" She mumbled out, her body slowly starting to fall asleep as she listened to Miles breathing.

"I'll wait until you fall asleep."

"You'll stay until I fall asleep?"

"Always, Princess."

Carter smiled, her stomach clenching with butterflies, "Night, prince."

<< o >>

"I can't see shit!" Miles hissed out, slamming his hands down on his knees. Maggie leaned over her husband, slapping Miles thigh since she couldn't punish him more since they were in public. Miles flushed, mumbling an apology to his mother before glancing down at his sister who gazed up at him innocently.

He forced a smile towards her before facing the stage again.

"You can't see anything because the show didn't start, dumbass."

Miles turned to his friend next to him and groaned, "Why did you have to come? I don't remember inviting you."

Alex smirked, "Carter invited me because she's so nice to me, unlike you. And my dad missed me."

Miles rolled his eyes, "When's the show even starting?"

Alex rolled his eyes at the impatient boy, "They can't start with your constant wapping, keep quiet."

Miles sent Alex a harsh glare but kept quiet. His eyes widened slightly when the lights around the theater finally started to go down. Miles glanced around the stage, his eyes trying to spot Carter behind a curtain. He was so focused on the stage, he didn't even notice Nolan make his way towards them until Nolan's ass was in his face as he tried to pass through the row.

Miles cringed, "Yo, something stinks around here."

Nolan glanced over his shoulder towards Miles, "Shut the fuck up, boy or I'll have you stand outside."

Miles rolled his eyes, "You missed me, admit it."

Nolan smirked, shaking his head as he settled down next to Miles with Payton in his lap. "I'd rather die."

Miles chuckled, "I feel the love."

"The show is starting." Alex hissed from next to Miles, his elbow digging into Miles ribs that Miles grunted, shoving Alex away before glancing back at the stage to see that girls had already made their way on stage and music had filled the theater.

Miles immediately sat up straighter, eyes trying to spot Carter in the crowd of girls but it wasn't her turn yet. Turning to Nolan, he poked the side of the older man, "When is it Carter's turn?"

Nolan turned towards Miles, "Now."

Miles's head snapped towards the stage and his jaw dropped. His eyes widening as he watched Carter walk onto the stage. He couldn't hear the music around him, or his family cheering for Carter over his rapidly beating heart. His eyes gazed over her. She was dressed in a blue long spaghetti strapped dress. She had on black ballet slippers and her hair was tied in a tight bun above her head. She barely had make up on since Nolan didn't allow foundation. But she had black eyeliner designs around her eyes and her lips were pink and glossy.

Miles gasped softly, she was absolutely beautiful.

He couldn't close his mouth, his jaw hanging on the floor as he watched Carter dance and he felt so proud of her. His chest tight with happiness as he watched Carter smile. Being away from her for so long was worth is because seeing her on that stage, doing something she loved made Miles love her even more.

She was everything to him.

His dancing princess.

And when she finished her solo, Miles jumped onto his feet, screaming out his lungs. And when Carter's eyes locked on him and her smile widened so much that her eyes wrinkled, Miles felt his heart melt. And he fell in love with her all over again.

<< o >>

I have writer's block and it's absolute shit :(

Plot also is going to jump a lot because I'm trying to get Carter and Miles to there teens so I can finally go into more detail about their relationship.
