Part 7

@pans_queen @Asty_babes @Daph_green @loony_nargles and @Queen_Gin are in this group chat


pans_queen girls, it's so obvious that they have feels!

Queen_Gin well I can speak for mione when I say she has feels, since third year she's had feels, talks to me about it every bloody day... she tried moving on when she dated my brother but it didn't work!

loony_nargles I can confirm

Daph_green awww that's cute, not the 'dating brother' part 😂

Asty_babes yes I agree, now we need to get them together but how?

pans_queen hmmm 🤔 idk any ideas

Asty_babes we should get the whole group together... have a night out or something

Queen_Gin not a bad idea... we can make mione stand out, look sexy and all 😊

loony_nargles oooh yess let's do it

pans_queen and the plan is set... how bout for tomorrow night?

Daph_green ok, sounds solid

Asty_babes let's inform the others 😁

Queen_Gin okie dokie let's DO THIS 😊

My bitches

Queen_Gin Heyy guys... is everyone free tomorrow night?

bookworm yeah... why?

Weasley_king yeah... so is Lav

slytherinprince well yeah, what is going on?

Nott_Theo ooh yes I sense a night out!

pans_queen we're all going out to the clubs tomorrow night

Asty_babes yeah ALL OF US, no one is backing out!

ya_boy_blaise ok, I'm down

the_chosen_1 same 😎

Weasley_king aight, Lav and I are in

slytherinprince ok... fine

Nott_Theo YESSSS

bookworm *sigh* ok

Daph_green and the plan is set, meet at Pansy's at 6 😜
