Bellatrix x Teacher! (Battle Of Hogwarts)

It was dark and cold. You ran around casting spells in every direction. It was almost a blur. Then you saw her, fighting with that crazy look in her eye. That you secretly loved. Crazy how peoples personalities shift. One part takes over the other.
"We should be in class!"
You scowled at your crazy girlfriend who was currently dragging you down the hall.
"Shhh! Shut up I have a surprise for you!"
She dragged you down to the lake.
The sunlight shimmering and shining on the water like the goblets you drank out of in the great hall.
Suddenly you were tore out of the beauty by something even more stunning.
Bella was now staring at you, her beautiful eyes shimmering in the mid-day sun. She slowly leant in, you couldn't resist those sultry lips. You two toppled over onto the grass, then continued your passionate kisses. She smiled as she slowly kissed down your neck. Leaving bites that marked you as hers.
*end of flashback*
You saw it. Almost as if in slow motion. A curse, flying Bellatrix- no... Bella's way. You lept infront of it taking it upon yourself. You died instantly. The last thing you saw was a tear dripping, out of those crazy...beautiful eyes.

A little shorter but I enjoyed writing it. Make sure to follow my photography Insta (if you like that sort of stuff) @/
