Clocktower Battle

As me and Paris walked towards the Clocktower we observed the surroundings. Cars tossed and turned. Glass everywhere. All you could see was pain and misery. As we finally got to the tower we spotted Gwen. Paris ran to her. "GWEN!" Gwen was engulfed in a hug by Paris. The moment didn't last long. Soon Harry arrived and he didn't look happy.

"Harry why are you doing this?" He chuckled sinisterly. "I'm doing what you made me do." I was so confused, he started to shout. "You were my friend, AND YOU BETRAYED ME. YOU TURNED MY SISTER AGAINST ME!" He then turned around, grabbed Gwen and  Paris and flew off. Paris screamed.

I swung after them. "Harry put them down." He continued to do that sinister chuckling. He was flying all around. I was dodging the clocktower and buildings. I had to keep my eyes keen. He then flew a few feet above the ground. He looked like he was going to drop them. Now I was scared. "Harry stop this isn't you. This is not you. Harry put them down." Harry looked at Gwen and his sister.


I quickly looked at Paris then back to Harry. "Harry." "HARRY IS DEAD."


"Harry this is between me and you. You wanna fight? Let them go." I was so scared but I had to be brave. He suddenly dropped them."No." I jumped up and managed to grab them. We all fell threw the glass and landed safe enough. "You two okay?" Gwen shook her head and Paris had a tear start to fall down her face.

All of a sudden a goblin bomb landed near us. It exploded and everything broke. I managed to catch Gwen's hand. Paris was knocked to the side. I looked back at Gwen. "I got you. I got you Gwen I am going to put you right here." I then lowered her to the nearest tower floor. Harry then flew at me. We began to fight.

I honestly don't know what had gotten into Harry for him to be like this. I then noticed the clock gears underneath Gwen broke and she began to fall. I managed to grab her with my webs and started to pull her up. Harry suddenly lunged at me. He began to punch me and intempted to stab me me with some sort of knife-like object. Gwen was dangling and was scared. "Peter."

Time was slow. But the next thing I know Gwen was falling and Harry was knocked of to the side. I tried to catch Gwen. But by the time we reached the bottom floor Gwen wasn't moving. "Gwen, Gwen. No,no, no please."
