
Harold was pulled away from his work by a small "chirping" notification from his cellular device. He smiled to himself when he heard the simple sound. Oh how his blood boils whenever he hears someone who doesn't have the defult notification alert.

He unlocked his phone to see an ungodly amount of people spamming something called "Congay" in a so called "Kickcult" discord server. He scrolled through the messages and felf his blood boil. How dare these people break the conga rules! You can't just change it to congay! That's against the rules and Harold loves rules!

As he continued deeper into the "discord" he felt something rise up deep inside him. A feeling he never felt before. It was... different.

As he reached his final straw, he was suddenly teleported to the "Kickcult" discord. All around him were thousands of people.

Thousands of gallons of blood for him to drink. Flesh for him to turn into Jerky. Thousands of meals.

He grabbed the person closest to then and bit into their neck. It tasted oddly better the he thought it would.

It didn't take long for him to vore the whole server.

Harold licked his fingers clean and looked around him at the mess he made. "Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about that Congay cult anymore."


vore responsibly kids

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