Happy Birthday

Iris's point of view:
It was early in the morning when I woke up. I got out of bed and got my clothes for the day. I took a shower and when I was done and dressed I had a quick breakfast. once done I glanced at the calendar and smiled at the date. *after training I will see if he wants to come over.* I think to myself as I head out to the training field. I have been helping Kakashi and Yamato with team 7 for a while now though for a while its just me and Yamato until Kakashi shows up a few hours later. As I got there I saw Naruto, Sakura and Sai waiting. "morning" I say with a smile. "Morning Iris Sensei" Sakura says waving. "hey" Naruto says in a tired voice. "good morning Iris sensei" Sai says with his normal small smile. I nod "guess we wait for Yamato before we start. He should be here shortly" I say and they nod. We waited for a few minutes until I saw the former Anbu coming from the woods. "Morning everyone " he says with a smile. I smiled back "shall we get started? " I ask and they nods and we get started. After about 3 hours into training Kakashi finally showed his face......er masked face that is. "YOUR LATE KAKASHI SENSEI!" Both Sakura and Naruto yelled. The copy ninja chuckled nervously "sorry I'm late in was helping an elderly couple across the street " I rolled my eyes at him. "Right..." Yamato said with some sarcasm in his voice. After a bit of talking Kakashi took over and I went over by Yamato who was leaning against a tree. "Hey how is your day going so far?" I ask trying to strike a conversation. "It's ok" he says, but his voice didn't seem to agree with him. "You sure?" I ask again and again and he nods. "Ok....oh um uh if you want you can come over to my place after this is done " I say nervously. Yamato looked over to me and smiled a bit "I would like that" he says. I smiled back and the rest of the day went with out issues. When practice was over we all said our goodbyes and headed of. I told Yamato to come by in a couple of hours and he agreed. I then went home and once there I got started by looking up a good cake recipe. After a bit of looking I found one I knew Yamato would like. I then washed my hands and got to work on making it. Once the batter was in a pan I put it in the oven and set the timer. I then got to work on dinner witch I settled on making a homemade stew. Once all the vegetables were prepped and chopped I put them in the pot with the broth and some seasonings. As I was doing that the timer for the cake was done so I tuned on the stove and put the lid on then grabbed some oven mitts and took the cake out. I put it on the counter to cool and cleaned up the kitchen and bit. I then frosted the cake and put what was needed on the top. After that I looked at the clock and I saw I had about an hour before Yamato came over. This gave me time to clean the house. Once that was done in fixed my hair in my ponytail and checked on diner. I added a little more seasonings and as I put the lid back on and turn the stove to warm I heard a knock at the door. I went over and opened it and Yamato was on the other side waiting. He smiled and so did I. "Hey welcome come on in " I say opening the door more and stepping out of the way. He came in and I shut the door behind him. "Feel free to make yourself comfortable dinner should be ready soon" Yamato nods and sits on the couch. "Would you like anything to drink?" I ask? "May I get some water" he asks and I nod going to the kitchen and got him a glass pluse one for myself and take it back to him. "Thank you Iris" he says. "Your welcome " I say taking a seat net to him. "Um uh how was your day" he asks nervously. "It's going good" I say and he nods.after a bit I got up and checked on dinner.

Yamato's point of view:
I sat and watched Iris go to the kitchen. I don't know why I feel so nervous today around her. I sighs to calm myself down I then saw Iris come back with two bowls in her hands and sets them on the table. "Hope your hungry " she says with a big smile. I nod and tried some. "Mmm..this really good did you make it by scratch?" I ask? "Yep it's an old recipie from my mother" she says and I nod understanding. And we eat and talked about the little things. Once done I helped her with the dishes and the we went back to the living room and watched a movie together.

Iris's point of view:
After the movie I decided It was time for cake so I excused myself and went to the kitchen and got the cake. I put a couple of candles in it and lit them.i then walk back out to the living room with the cake. I saw Yamato's eyes widen and I smile. "I-i-i don't know what to say....." he says in shock. I chuckled at his reaction "happy birthday Tenzou" I say hugging him. "T-t-t-thank you " he says hugging back. After that we had some cake witch was a simple yellow cake with walnuts sprinkled on top. "Hey I got you something let me go get it" I say getting up. "Y-you didn't have to" he says with a blush. I couldn't help but smile at this and go to my room and got something and went back to the living room and handed Yamato his gift. He nervously took it and opened it reveling a couple of new architecture books. "T-thank you" he says. I smiled "your welcome tenzou" I say sitting by him again. "You know I didn't think anyone knew it was my birthday today" he says looking at the books. I couldn't help but give a sad look and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well at least you had someone to celebrate it with. I have remembered since that day when in the Anbu when we had some off time from training you told me. And I always made an attempt to get you something when I could" I say rubbing his back a little. He smiled "that is true...thank you Iris. I'm glade you were and are here for me today " she says pulling me into a hug. My eyes widen and then I hug back "your welcome tenzou. I will always be there when ever you need me to" I say.

Hey guys I ment to get this out last night but couldn't cause of WiFi issues and the fact that I had to type this on my phone because of the WiFi and the fact my computer defeated part of my one-shot that I typed out last night . Anyway I hope you all enjoy
