52: Hurt/comfort, Lamslaff

Alexander hated his scars.

Of course, fighting a war, he had obtained many scars scattered across his body.

He despised every single one of them.

"Alex? Are you alright?" Laurens' voice cut through his train of thought.

"H- huh? What? Sorry," Alexander looked up.

"Are you alright? You seem distracted," Laurens frowned.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"You're not even speaking, though," Lafayette pointed out.

"I'm just tired." it wasn't a lie.

"You should get some rest," Laurens sighed. "It's getting late, anyway."

Alexander nodded, getting up from his seat and heading to his tent. As he changed his clothes, he noticed every single scar on his body, every mark marring his skin.

Tears fell down his cheeks before he could stop them.

"Hey, Alex, I-" Laurens froze at the sight of Alexander crying. "What's wrong? What happened, darling?"

"N-nothing," Alexander wiped his tears away, sniffling.

"It can't be nothing if you're crying. Please, talk to me. Tell me what happened," Laurens pleaded.

"I..." Alexander trailed off, staying quiet.

Which was very odd for him.

"Wait." Laurens said, disappearing for a second before entering the tent with Lafayette by his side.

"Mon amour, what is wrong?" Lafayettr asked softly.

"I just-" Alexander took a deep breath. "I hate my scars. I hate how ugly they look. I hate my body."

"But you're so beautiful," Laurens murmured.

"You're gorgeous," Lafayette said. "Don't you dare think otherwise. You're one of the prettiest people I have ever met in my entire life. A few scars don't make you ugly. They make you a fighter. A soldier."

Alexander sniffled, wrapping his arms around his boyfriends.

"I love you two," Alexander mumbled.

"I love you too," the two murmured back.

Alexander gave a small smile.
