(5) Back to the Present

    Present time, Rose POV:

    So there we were, back at UA. That was a fun little story, huh? I always have a blast remembering that day. I guess things could be worse like I could've not made it into UA at all. But I was there. Not in the hero course, but a course nonetheless.

    During the morning classes of my second day at UA, Professor Q decided it would be a fantastic idea to start some ice breakers. We each took turns to introduce ourselves with our names, Quirks, and what we enjoyed about Support. In all honesty, I was still bitter enough about my class placement that I didn't pay much attention.

    Most of the kids were, to put it gently, very unique. But to put it truthfully, a lot of them were crazy. That was just what to expect from a room full of genius scientists.

    It was rare, but once in a while, a quiet kid would go up and introduce themselves. But for every normal-looking kid in the class, there was one Mei Hatsume to parade up to the class and tell us all about how much she loves to invent. For someone who spends every second building, it was no secret she had a few screws loose.

    Seeing her stand on her chair and talk about gadget development with such a passionate joy reminded me of a time when I was that happy to be an inventor. I had been creating since I was a little kid, and I could think back to the days when I would wait around for chances to show off what I could do.

   I used to be as eager as the kids in that class, so what happened? Being rejected from the Hero Course hurt, but I started to think about what All Might told me. There was a time and a place to be angry with the world, and I had wasted my first day of school doing that.

    It was time for a different approach. I had begun to think differently and found things about Support that I genuinely liked.

    But to my demise, it wouldn't last long.

   While morning classes were taken up with general education periods, after lunch, the time was reserved for our Course-related classes. I was walking down the hall with Hatsume during the shift between classes. The Business Course and Support Course ate lunch together, then after we were done, the Hero Course and General Studies Course were free to use the cafeteria.

    Other than the mass number of people occupying the halls at once, the transition between classes went smoothly. It was a fine until a kid from one of the opposing classes knocked by my shoulder when walking through.

    I turned back, ready to apologize to whoever I ran into when a pair of harsh, red eyes glared at me. "Watch it, extras," the guy said and swept past Mei and me.

   Against all logic and personal growth, I stopped in my tracks to address the spikey head that insulted me. "I'm sorry, what did you call us?" I know I just said I was feeling better, but being talked down to was the last thing I needed to hear.

    He looked over his shoulder at me then glanced at Hatsume. She seemed uninterested in my little conversation and waited by me until I was finished. I gripped the straps of my backpack and stood my ground to this guy and his friend next to him.

   "I called you both extras," he clarified. "Now just stay out of my way and stop wasting my time, would you?"

   As this arrogant jerk brushed me off like nothing, his red-headed friend tried to jump in and say something, "Oh, he doesn't mean that. C'mon man, let's just leave." They turned to keep walking to lunch, but I was too far in to leave this alone.

   "No," I cut him off. "No, I want to know what gives you the right to treat us like that. We worked hard to get here and deserve to be here just as much as you. So, why do you automatically assume that we're just some losers?" Maybe I was being a little harsh on a guy I just met, but I was mad. A few days ago, I was certain I'd be where he is. But instead, I was just the "extra" he had the nerve to pick on.

    He turned around and stood tall. We were around the same height (I was taller), but he somehow still managed to make it feel like he was looking down at us. This guy was more intimidating than I thought, but I did what I was best at and tried to fake any confidence I had lost.

    The blond kid looked at me, then Hatsume, then me again. He answered, "What gives me the right is I'm the hero, and the best damn hero there is. You're the extras who stay in the back and keep quiet. You're just meaningless scraps while I'm one of the people who's actually doing something out there. That enough of an explanation for ya, extra?" He glared at me while I was at a loss for words. I just stood there, shaking in anger and clenching my fists. I couldn't think of anything to say back. A part of me even agreed with him. When I turned my head down, he took it as a sign of defeat. "Yeah, that's what I thought." He turned to walk back away.

   "Go..." I managed to sputter out. He turned back around with more annoyance than before.

    "What was that?"

    I took a breath and kept my head down. "Go..to...HELL!" I shot back up and took a swing at him.

Oh boy, so it's Rose's first day and she was pretty positive until a certain angry 1-A kid had to come her way. We got to meet some canon characters from other departments here. So, readers, I'm curious which department in UA is your favorite and why?

Stay tuned to see how our protagonist gets herself out of this sticky situation

Character Spotlight: Katsuki Bakugo (1A)
Quirk: Explosion

Fun fact: believe it or not, he doesn't like nicknames like pomeranian, angry dandelion, spikey boom boi, Shouty Mcblast Your Face Off, spikey bitch, etc.

Will that stop us from using them?

Absolutely not.

Take care lads, lasses, and loves ~
