Chapter 8

We got inside my house,My mom had set out snacks for us and my Parents " hope you two are hungry." She said with a smile. I'm still reluctant to talk to my parents, but I reply when I need to. "Thanks mom." I say as Kristen and I sit down at the table " Thank you for letting me come over, Mr and Mrs. Nygma." Kristen says with a polite smiles "Of course dear." My mom said, my dad smiled and nodded at her. I held Kristen's hand under the table until my mom served us sandwiches. We ate and then Kristen and I went up to my room. "Door open!" my mom yelled up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and left the door barely open an inch. Kristen laughed "I love how parents say that,like they think we're gonna do stuff" We sat on the bed and I laughed lightly "Yeah" I say she curls up against my side " I love you Eddie." I wrapped my arm around her "I love you too Kristen." "Do kids not believe that you have a Girlfriend cause we don't go to the same school?" She asks me suddenly "Kids at school don't notice me... I usually don't even talk to anyone except Lee. All they do is judge" I say looking up at the ceiling " I can understand that...." "What about your school? Are they any nicer?" I ask looking down at her " No.....The kids....they don't believe me, when I say I have a boyfriend and it makes me sad because you mean the world to me and they don't believe me......" I stroke her hair "You don't need them." I say " but Eddie,they don't believe me...I want them to love you just as much as I do." she says sadly. I smile and lean in to kiss her which she does to,kissing me softly " Edward Jonathan Nygma, I said door open!" My mom says,coming in the room then goes quiet " oh sorry, honey." She had made me and Kristen pull away. "Okay mom!" I say as Kristen giggles, I prop the door slightly open and we lie back down to cuddle for the afternoon.  
