Chapter 13 Candy


Mabel and Stan started laughing, Mabel falling on her back.

"You call that a scary story?!" she giggled.

"Yeah, hahah," Stan wiped a tear from his eye. "If this is the best you've got, I don't see how we're related!"

Dipper started to blush, and hung his head low in shame.

"And, dude, how'd you know about the silver?" (Y/n) asked.

"Oh, do you remember earlier when--"

Candy cleared her throat, trying to prevent Dipper from boring everybody with a long, unnecessary story. "I-I guess that it's my turn now, right?"

"Yep!" Mabel grinned. "And your challenge is to include something from your heritage. What do you got for us, boo?"

"Hmm, well, I know this story that my cousin told me not too long ago. It is, kind of, scary."

"Wait," Dipper intervened. "Is this the same cousin that suggested 'Eleven Minutes of Luxury'?"

"Um, yes."

(Y/N) swallowed a sip of Diet Apple Core (announcer: proudly owned by Pitt Cola- Me:GET THE HECK OUT!!) "I don't really like this..."

"Too late!" Candy yelled sweetly. "This story is called: Red Ink."

Candy, Grenda, and Mabel were sitting in the attic, drawing out posters for a party that Mabel was going to throw in a couple of weeks. Needless to say, they were each extremely excited.

"I wonder if there will be any cute boys?" Mabel dreamed, resting her face on her glitter-covered hand. "Maybe it'll be a love at first sight!!"

"Right," Candy clarified, "they'll fall in love-with me!!" The girls laughed a little, drawing on their posters.

"Girls, there's plenty of cute guys in Gravity Falls," Grenda swooned. "No doubt that at least three cute guys will come."

"Then we can have a triple wedding!!" Cue the fangirl screams.


More screams.

"Ok, girls, we've got to focus!" Mabel ordered, smacking her fist against her palm. "Candy! Design the posters!"

"Yes, Mabel!"

"Grenda! Write the details!"

"On it!!"

"And as for me--" Mabel turned away from her friends, dramatically raising a fist. "I...will glitter the finished piece."

"It will be beautiful, Mabel," Candy tearfully stated. "We shall make sure of it."

"Come on, guys! These posters won't make themselves!" Grenda told the others, pointing at the pile of arts and crafts supplies.

"On it!"

The girls got to work uninterrupted, except for when Dipper walked in about halfway through the process. He backed out of the room slowly, terrified by the amount of glitter and puffy paint that littered his sister's side of the room.

The girls laughed, resuming their work. Candy was drawing on spare paper, checking with Mabel to see if the designs were acceptable, and Grenda was waiting to write down the information.

"Candy, that picture is glorious!! I think that it's the one. Grenda! You may have the honors."

"Finally!" Grenda smiled and wrote on the poster. "And...done!!"

The girls cheered, and Mabel held up the poster.

Candy froze. "Um, Mabel, why is the information written in red ink?"

"Well, red's just an eye-catching color, right? And we need to get people's attention!"

"Heheh, right, Mabel." Still, Candy couldn't shake off this terrible feeling. "Um, but can't we use another color? I have a really bad feeling about this."

"Candy." Mabel sat next to her friend on the floor, resting one palm on Candy's shoulder. "We've been working on this poster for eight hours. Eight! And we don't want to scrap your masterpiece. It's just not right."

"Besides, what's the worst that could happen??" Grenda yelled.

Candy smiled at her friends, laughing lightly. But her gaze was pulled back to the party flier, her best friend's name boldly printed in a deep red ink.

*This is a time skip. Brought to you by an inactive author that's been sleeping for months!!*

Two weeks passed quickly, much to Candy's displeasure. However, she shook off her bad vibes, and marched to the Mystery Shack.

"It is time to party!"

Nobody was there.

No townspeople, no party snacks, no nothing. This was, honestly, very unusual. Even if there were no partiers, Candy knew that Mabel and Grenda would be KILLING it on the dance floor. So.... where were they?

Apprehension flooded Candy's senses. She couldn't help but feel like something happened to her friends.

Honestly, she could have just been imagining it. I mean, its not like the red ink actually could hurt-

Oh, God. Let's face it, there is a reason why Candy's cousin and grandmother told her never to write in red- it's the color for the dead.


Silence hung through the living room.

"Uhm, how was that scary, Can?" Mabel asked gently.

"I think that it's more about the suspense than anything else. My cousin never told me why to avoid red ink. I always thought that it may have cursed your blood or something."

"Easy there, Dorothy Umbrage. We don't need any I can tell lies, but I really shouldn't." (Y/N) smiled as she took her sketchbook out of her bag.

Lightning cracked before the adult in the room finally said something.

"Well, this sucks," Grunkle Stan bluntly muttered. "Joke's on me. I wanted to have a scary story circle with a bunch of kids. Now there's a storm to worry about."

Stan got up, leaving the room to get a new can of Pitt soda.

|A/N: I GOT ANOTHER ONE DONE!!! I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!! Ok, I wanted to have fun and tell a real Korean scary story. Of course, its not as scary as some of the others that I found-why did I do this to myself?-and this was something that I could think of Candy telling her friends. Besides, I don't know how old my readers are, so I want to try to make this story as family-friendly as possible.

I decided to play around with the red ink story, (since I really don't know what happens if you do use red ink) and make an honorable mention to Harry Potter, one of my favorite book series of all time. Dolores Umbrige became Dorothy Umbrage (which means to make someone mad or to be mad [which fits, honestly]), and I changed up I must not tell lies. ...Not very creative, I know, but I'm trying.

But I'm going to let you know that I'm going to make at least one troll chapter in place of one of these characters, because I'm a dork.
Anyways, thank you guys for reading, GOODNIGHT!!!!|
