Dangerous Liaisons

Chapter 41: Dangerous Liaisons


Amalia, Damon, Elena, and Stefan all stood together in the kitchen of the Gilbert residence after all of them being called for a little assembly to discuss their current dilemma with the Mikaelson family.

"It was their mother, Esther, who was sealed in that coffin." Elena informed the group of what she had learned after having a small run-in with Rebekah and Elijah.

"As in the original witch?" Stefan questioned, using what he had gathered throughout his own time spent with the Original family.

"What? How is she even alive? Thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago." Damon was confused how she had managed to return to the land of the living after hearing the tale of Klaus killing her himself, resulting in what seemed to be a major family scene.

"I don't know. I'm guessing she has a couple connections in the witching community. Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus." Elena emphasized on the last part of her sentence, making it very clear that the Mikaelson's were all now on civil terms with each other.

"Well, there goes our weapon." Amalia stated, throwing their idea to use Esther to help them get rid of Klaus once and for all out the window.

"That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds." Stefan added, worried of what Klaus might do to them now that there wasn't a thing holding him back.

"Anyone else feeling a little used right now?" Damon asked, earning a nod of agreement from Amalia.

"Look, Elijah promised me that his family wouldn't hurt any of us." Elena pointed out as the doorbell to her home rang. "I believe him."

The rest of them followed Elena over to the door, watching as she picked something up from off her porch. "What is it?"

"It's an invitation. Please join the Mikaelson Family, this evening at seven o'clock. For dancing, cocktails and celebration." Elena read the card aloud to them, causing Amalia to scoff.

"Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?" Stefan clearly wasn't as informed as the rest of them.

"The Original family. Where have you been?" Amalia asked, wondering how it was he hadn't yet received word of their actual last name. Especially since they had already dealt with the whole Mikael situation. It was simple, really. All you had to do is put two and two together.

"It's not bad enough they're moving into town, now they want a housewarming gift?" Damon was vocal enough for all of them combined, not acting too shy about his disinterest in attending the ball.

Elena turned the card over, reading the words that were written on the other side. "Wait, there's a note on the back. Elena, I think it's time that we finally meet, Esther."


Amalia walked into her bedroom after listening to enough of their arguing on who would attend the ball with Elena, thankful to be out of the war of jealousy between the Salvatore brothers. However, as soon as she walked into her room, drowning her thoughts of the Mikaelson ball down the drain, she noticed a box sitting on her bed.

She walked over to it, picking the note that had been slid under the ribbon of the box, and read the words, Please join the Mikaelson Family, this evening at seven o'clock. For dancing, cocktails and celebration.

She then decided to turn the card over for herself, curious if she had also received a hand written note on the back side of it. And sure enough, the words, Save me a dance, love - K sat on the backside of the card in cursive.

She rolled her eyes and sat the note on her comforter before undoing the ribbon of the box and lifting the top up, revealing an emerald green, satin, spaghetti strapped dress that fell to the floor. "You've got to be kidding me."


Amalia Grace Schultz waltzed into the Mikaelson mansion, dressed in the attire Klaus Mikaelson had gifted her, contradicting the idea of her refusing to do anything he wanted her to. Which didn't include wearing a dress he had specifically gifted to her. But in all fairness, she would much rather look dashing than like a peasant for her very own Cinderella-style ball.

"Good evening." Klaus Mikaelson approached her almost instantly, stealing her away before anyone else got the chance. "You look breathtaking, as always."

"You look the same." She looked him up and down, trying to keep herself from giving even so much as a hint that she thought he looked handsome. But he did. Regardless of the fact that she wasn't his biggest fan, per se, she still had to admit that the suit and tie look suited him. "Ran out of guests to pester?"

"My guest is standing before me." He grinned at her, waiting for her to return at least a smile. "Can I get you a drink?"

She stood there, trying to decide whether or not she should accept his offer. But evidently, his lack of looking anywhere in the room but her caused her to give in. "Maybe one."


"Uh, if everyone could gather, please. Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom." Elijah's voice echoed through the room, requesting that every attendee of their family ball escort themselves to the dance floor with a partner by their side.

"May I have this dance?" A voice rang through Amalia's ear, grabbing onto her attention for dear life.

She turned to look at whoever had approached her, meeting the eyes of Stefan Salvatore and watching as his lips slightly parted at the sight of her. "Depends-- If I'm speaking to the serial killer in training, then no."

"Carol Lockwood said that if I didn't find a dance partner, she would be mine. And frankly, I would much rather be yours." Stefan announced, showing her just a glimpse of the humanity he had slowly started to get back.

"Well, when you put it that way." She felt as if she was left with no choice but to dance with him. "One dance, capeesh?"

"Capeesh." He agreed, holding his arm out for her to lock hers with. "Shall we?"

"We shall, Mr. Salvatore." No matter how hard she fought the feeling his company gave her, she wasn't able to completely be rid of it. It was habitual for her.

Every pair of partners slowly entered the room, arms interlocked with each other's as Give Me Love played through the speakers of the room. Amalia could feel Stefan's gaze burning through her, though she did her best to ignore it and keep her eyes in front of her, refusing to even so much as look at him.

"You look beautiful, by the way." He complimented her swiftly, taking her by utter surprise. She hadn't expected those words to come out of his mouth, let alone for him to genuinely mean them.

Amalia smiled to herself for a split second before returning the look on her face back to her normal resting expression, looking over at him. "I suppose you don't look terrible in a suit and tie."

He spun her around with one arm on her waist, taking her hand with his free arm as she wrapped one arm around his neck, refusing his gaze. "You've been ignoring me."

He pulled her closer to him, causing her breath to hitch completely at the lack of space between them as her heart beat increased rapidly. "That would require putting thought into your whereabouts, which I couldn't care less about."

Stefan raised his eyebrows as if to say You've proved your point, but honestly, he didn't believe a word that came out of her mouth. "Understood."

"Good." She looked into his eyes for a split second, but quickly reverted them elsewhere, avoiding the unknown power they held over her.

"I haven't apologized to you." Stefan stated, grabbing her attention once again and watching as her eyebrows formed into a furrow. "For the things I said to you... everything I did."

"Yeah." She nodded her head, accepting his version of an apology for the way he treated her when he was the worst version of himself.

"Was I wrong?" He asked her the three words she never expected to come out of his mouth. She looked at him in shock for a second as she attempted to formulate an appropriate inside of her brain, but eventually, it was too late.

She was spun out of his arms, landing in those of Klaus Mikaelson's, who looked more than delighted to be in her company. "Hello, love."

"And here I thought I had already danced with my least favorite person in this room." She sighed, throwing a slight insult in his direction as she tried to decipher whether or not she was truly unhappy to be in his presence.

"Surely that's not true." He smiled, refusing to show his teeth in it-- Which for Klaus, was normal. "

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She asked, referring to the fact that he would like to know her exact thoughts on him. Sure, she found herself hating him at times, but she also had a certain pull to him... one that was hard for her to resist.

"Careful, Amalia." He warned her, leaning in closer to her to whisper in her ear. "Wouldn't want anyone to think you're enjoying yourself."

"And you're so sure I am?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow at him as she waited for his response.

"You once told me your heart belonged to me." He informed her, causing her lips to part at his words. "I happen to think it still does."


"Hello, Amalia Grace." A man approached Amalia as she stood around the room with a glass of champagne in her hand, her eyes following none other than Stefan Salvatore. "It's lovely to see you again."

She looked over at the man, recognizing him somehow, though she was certain she had never laid eyes on him before. "Let me guess... Your last name is Mikaelson?"

"Observant, as always." He nodded his head, seeming to know her more than she ever would have known just from looking at him. "I am not usually one to cut a conversation short, but my mother has requested your presence upstairs."

"Okay." Amalia furrowed her eyebrows, confused as to what Esther Mikaelson would want to do with her. He started to walk away from her, turning around once he noticed that she wasn't following behind him and motioning his head upstairs.


Esther looked over in the direction of the doorway as soon as she heard it close, notifying her that her guest had finally entered the room. "Amalia, dear. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Not to be disrespectful or anything, but what am I doing here?" Amalia questioned curiously as she watched Esther pour two glasses of wine, one for her and one for Amalia.

"I would just like to have a chat. Have a seat, will you?" Esther handed her the glass she had poured, regardless of the fact that Amalia hadn't asked for it and took a seat in front of her. "It is my understanding that my son has taken a liking to you."

"That's an understatement." Amalia muttered before lifting the glass to her lips, taking a drink from it. She began to feel a burning sensation around her lips, causing her to bring her finger to it, feeling a bit of blood that had released from it. "What's happening to me?"

"I'm sure you are a lovely girl. But, as you know, I do not tolerate immortality. Unfortunately, you have been burdened by it due to your former love for my son. It is my doing to fix the wrongdoings of my children, starting with you." Esther informed her, watching as more and more blood poured out of Amalia's mouth.

Until there was no more blood that would leave her body... and a heart that no longer beat.


I'm sorry, did you think this was the end? Absolutely not. We're only just getting started...

