Chapter 2 Part 2: Waking in Red

    Wendy P.O.V.

It has been a couple of days since finding Natsu wounded. I was currently passing by Lucy~san's house heading towards the house of investigators, for the meeting that I had requested yesterday.

Without paying attention, I had bumped into a young female that had an appearance of light teal hair with bright violet eyes. She looked to be wearing a dark navy blue shirt with a bow in her ponytail.
(Picture above but with light violet eyes)

"I'm So sorry mrs. I wssnt payong attention to where I was going.." I had hurriedly apologized slightly bowing. "You're fine, I wasn't looking either.....but you seem to be deep in thought. Are you going somewhere?"

"... Oh yes, a friend was attacked a couple nights ago, and I have a suspicion that it has to deal with these recent murders... So I was going to the investigators as I had requested to meet them yesterday.."

"Well then you just passed them, I was headed that way as well..." "Are you and investigators?" "Yes actually"

I looked at her as I realized that I forgot to ask for her name "What's your Name by the way?" "Aiyla"

"Nice to meet you Aiyla" I said as I gave her a soft smile. "Anyway, we should head to the meeting and I correct?"

(Le time skip after getting to the meetings and introductions bought to you by Happy and his fish)

No ones P.O.V.

After we had the introductions, Aiyla had started to speak "So what was the wound that he had look like?" "Well when we found it looked to have cover his entire left side... But after we got him to the infirmary... We cleaned the wound and had found distinct bite marks...". After Wendy responded to Aiyla's question, a medium sized male whom was name Jake and had the appearance of and 18 years old with chocolate brown hair and blue eyes, had come up.

"Do you think it's connected to these recent murders?" "I believe so... And if I'm right than Natsu~san would be the first to survive..."Wendy said as she spoke with a worried tone.

Jake looked at Wendy with a worried expression on his face. "Alright... I'd like you to keep an eye on him...if my suspicion is correct then he'll need to be watched..." Wendy glance back at Jake scared to ask what his guess was
"What is it that you think happening....?" "I believe he's turning into one of those people that called themselves Ghouls" Wendy's eyes widened in realization.' That could be why I felt something was wrong but couldn't find out out what it was '

"Thank you"

Natsu P.O.V.

As the white haired Male disappeared and everything went back to black, I had tried to pry open my eyelids but they were too heavy. I stopped and took a small brake. When I resumed to try and opened my eyes. I was met with a bright light above me showing that I was in a white room. I immediately recognized it as the guild infirmary.

I recalled what happened in the forest as I remembered the agonizing pain of the wound as I felt like something had hit me in the head when I tried to sit up.

And at the same time...the door had opened.


What do you think? Personally I'm actually pretty proud of this chapter.

Anyways, I wanted to thank all of you dear readers for the support by reading this. I checked the views and saw that it went up then from when I last checked and it really made me happy and I hope you're enjoying the book as well

Also, I don't own any of FairyTail/Tokyo Ghoul as they belong to their rightful owners
