Chapter 7

Getting help from other adventurers was certainly needed now more than ever, and fortunately for us we came across a group that was willing to help us out and aid us during this time.

There were currently 4 adventurers present in this closed up space in the dungeon, me, Aiz, Tione, and Bell. This rare situation is due to Bell having fainted not too long ago, or so I told them so they wouldn't question me too much on what had really happened.

After a while of silence, I noticed that my presence here was not needed as the two girls were already taking care of Bell carefully. Seeing this, I decided to ask,

"If it's alright with you two, could you take care of Bell while I try and find more monsters?" Tione having been the only one that heard me, slightly nodded. Seeing this, it was easier for me to leave as I had felt that I could trust them to a certain extent on taking car of Bell.

This could come off as me not caring too much for Bell, but me being there wouldn't much help anyone, it's better for me to do what I came here for in the first place.


Hunting monsters that were as powerful as the rabbit I came across earlier shouldn't be too difficult, but I also had to keep in mind the amount of energy I still had available. At this point, my body felt heavier than any weight I've ever lifted.

I would last not any longer than half an hour is what my estimate was based on how tired and heated my body felt.

If I wanted to get as much out of this situation, I would have to act fast to try and get as many monsters as possible.

Immediately after clearing my mind and getting rid of any unnecessary thoughts, I ran through the dungeon, killing every monster that I came across, my body heat boiling as the minutes passed. My vision was blurry, and not much was to be said about my condition.

Even me, who could continuosly waste energy for days, still got the need of rest, which is what my body needed now. Ignoring that fact, I kept on going, my pocket bag was almost completely full at this point, meaning I had accomplished my objective and not care to much about the outcome.





Tione's POV

Hmm, I wonder where Ayanokouji-kun went since he's been gone for quite a while now, and if I remember correctly, he said he'd be back after he finished hunting down in the dungeon. It's almost been an hour since then, and I was getting kind of worried. Primarly because Aiz had also fallen asleep here, meaning I'd have to wait until she and Bell-kun woke up, and Ayanokouji showed no signs of coming back any time soon.

I had to wonder if he actually intended to come back, as he did not seem too concerned about his friend earlier. Being his partner must mean they were part of the same Familia, but I had no evidence to back that, meaning they could also just have been friends that happened to bump into each other by mere coincidence, but that was highly unlikely as well. Either way, him not coming back was not a huge deal since I could easily take out any monster that tried anything against us, the problem was that he left me with his friend to take care of.

"As if taking care of Miss Aiz weren't enough," I said to myself while stretching. Having nothing better to do, I decided to stand and look for Ayanokouji, seeing that it would be the best choice of wasting time.

This could also be an opportunity for us to be alone and get to know each other. Even though I've only met him today, I feel as if I could learn to trust this guy, we could become even become friends.

If that were to happen, then I could take things up a notch and go even further. His looks were obviously not bad, which is something I value on men the most, but his personality should also matters of cour-

I was so deep in my thoughts that I forgot that I was still in the dungeon. I quickly reacted as a dog headed monster approached, and with a fierce punch to its gut I obliterated it to pieces.

"Damn, the monsters here sure are weak. I can't even remeber the last time I fought any of these," I said to myself as I kept on walking.





Not even minutes after I left Aiz, Ayanokouji came into view as he laid the ground unconscious. I could surmise and say that he faited because he was exterting himself, but that doesn't seem too beliavable as he was just fine a few minutes ago.

Regardless of what it was, it would be better if I took him now instead of just stare at him the way I was doing now. I approached and shook him for a few moments but there was no response.

Anxious, I decided to just carry him, intead of waiting for a miracle.

"Well Ayanokouji-kun, let's see how long you sleep, since I aint about to carry you the whole way home," as I grabbed him, I suddenly felt the weight his body actually emitted.

As if he were carrying the heavist rocks in his pockets, his body had at least triple the mass than I thought. It would be a huge burden for me now that he was unconscious, but I mean, this is what I wanted right? Some alone time with the guy. *Sigh*




3 Hours Later

It's been 3 hours now since we left the dungeon, and I was growing worried by the minute as Ayanokouji had not woken from his slumber. Bell was alright I suppose, as he woke up a few minutes ago, but Aiz-san is already taking care of him.

Currently, I sat next to Ayanokouji, and have been looking at him for a while now as he slept, and it honestly showed me as how peacefuly he slept. As if he had no worries in the world, despite all the monsters out there, not counting the ones in the dungeon.

"Umm, Tione-san? Could you please step out for a moment? There's s-someone here to see you," Tiona, my younger sibling who was not shy scaredely opened the door halfway, just enough for me to see her and timidly told me to step out.

"Sure, but who is this 'someone?' Is it Loki-sama?" Curious about the situation, I asked her for a more detailed description.

"N-no, it's a much worse eminence!" even after hearing all that, I felt no fear. Despite my looks, I consider myself to be quite brave, as I dare say I would accept a challenge from the sword princess to a duel if it ever were to come down to it.

Despite my courageous self having no terror of whatever was to come, I was not prepared for who the actual individual was.

"You dare take my Bell-kun and Kiyotaka-kun! You decrepit cesspool of vomit!" Hestia, the Goddess of the Hestia familia ran through the entire building in a matter of seconds, without even looking at me and went straight to the point, demanding to see her children.

From a distance, Loki-sama watched, and it was not my imagination, but utmost reality that the flames above her head were real.

"Hestiaaa!!!" enraged, she threw whatever she could at the tiny and defenseless Goddess who did not stand back to watch.

"Hehe, did you really think you could steal my children like that? You're nothing more than a Goddess that lacks nothing but tits," having hit her weak spot, Loki-sama stopped in disgust and embarrasment.

"Y-you!" ignoring her surroundings, Loki-sama rapidly hurried towards Hestia, who waited patiently to then strike our Goddess without much hesitation, earning herself the win as the dominant Goddess.

3rd Person POV

Loki being uncounscious came at a great surprise to the rest of the Familia, as they did not think Hestia would go to such lengths for her children. But unfortunately for her, this was not the way to get what you wanted according to the Familia, as they kicked her out immediately after seeing what the causes of her rampage were.

Not wanting to leave, Hestia grabbed onto the door handle while trying her best to resist,

"I-i won't leave Bell-kun!" forgetting her other child, Hestia was kicked out by the furious wolf that had said nothing of the situation up until now.

"Aaaahhh!!!" screamed Hestia as she fell rapidly down the stairs. Once down, she fell on her hips, without her lower body too much.

The wolf known as Bete closed the door angrily, preventing her from coming back inside. Hestia seeing this, had no other choice but to wait for Bell and Kiyotaka to come out themselves.

"Tch, what a worthless Goddess, now I understand why no one else joins her Familia," Bete having said that looked back at Tione who stared at him in anger.

"You had no reason to do that, we could have just asked her to leave,"

"As if she'd ever leave, you saw how crazy that bitch can get," Bete spat back.

As the two got into their battle pose, the small but strong Finn stopped them both as they engaged in combat.

"That's enough from you two, it's bad enough that our Goddess is uncounscious, now you two want to resolve all this by fighting?" having had enough, the captian intervened at the perfect moment.

"S-sorry Finn, it's just hard to keep calm when we have a hot-headed idiot like this one on our team," spat Tione as she pulled back her fists.

"Tch, do whatever you want," Bete now calmer than before responded as he tried to leave, but a certain someone stopped him from doing so.

"B-bell?!" all in unison spatted the adventurer's name as they saw him standing incandescently while Aiz stood behind him with a look of disgust.

"Y-you... what did you do to my Goddesss?!" Bell having been much angrier than ever before, attacked Bete without much thought to who he faced.

Having not made the calculations on the obvious stat difference, Bell paid the price as he was immediately striked in the stomach by a fierce kick from Bete.

"Huh? Who the hell do you think you are? Weakling," everyone at Bete then at Bell in shock, trying their very best to figure out what Bete's motives were.

"Y-you coward!" the first to react was obviously Aiz, who even though did not show much emotion, now looked worried and shocked at seeing the way the were-wolf treated the white rabbit who was much weaker than him.

Ignoring Aiz, the were wolf now focused on someone else completely.

"I'm sure you're not waiting for me to strike are you? Hurry and face me you coward," confused, everyone looked at the direction Bete talked at.

"I thought I'd back until things calmed down, but you seem to want to face me head on," not having much choice in the matter, Kiyotaka faced the wolf who now had an evil grin in his face.

"Come and die for me, for the weak stand no chance against the strong!"




Whew, now that that's done, I can finally take a break.


This last fight was suggested by one of the readers, so I'll try to make it as enjoyable as possible, but don't expect too much from me.


Some of you may have noticed, but I changed my way of writing again. I want to increase the length of each of the character's monologue's.

Please let me know in the comments if this is better or if I should just write the way I do.


Another reader also suggested I add another ability to Kiyotaka for this story, and since I was interested, I accepted.

The Ability is called "The Eyes of the Lord Adam" and it's basically a hack to winning every battle as it lets Kiyotaka see through any attack and copy it by just seeing it once.

It's quite interesting, and since I like to name his abilities, I'll go with "Unpredictable Movements".


I also bought my first book of the light novel of Danmachi, vol 16.


That's all for now, leave your opinions on the chapter, and until next time.


Changes can happen
