HRH André

André was up at dawn. It was the one day of the week he was allowed outside the castle. In order to connect more with the people his father had made weekly public appearances, bringing his son along with him. Once his father fell ill, André had kept up these appearances, savouring the time spent outside the suffocating castle.

André let Mrs Hendon fuss with his clothes as he approached the castle gates. Armed guards escorted him through the streets with Mrs Hendon a respectable three paces behind. He stopped frequently, chatting with the locals. Eventually he stopped at a lovely little cafe. After a brief argument with his guards he entered the cafe alone and found a table. He had just begun to eat when he noticed a blur out the corner of his eye. His fencing reflexes served him well as he caught the wrist of someone trying to steal his purse.

"You dare steal from a prince?" André questioned glancing round to see if anyone had noticed.
"You can see me?" The thief responded puzzled.
"Of course I can see you," André replied rolling his eyes.
"Well to everyone else it looks like you're having a conversation with yourself." André glanced around the room noticing the odd looks from those around him. André called the waiter over and asked for a second meal then invited the cloaked thief to sit. The thief pulled back his cloak to reveal a teenage boy. When the two locked eyes for the first time they both gasped. They were identical except their eye colour. "Who are you?" André breathed. His mirror image cocked an eyebrow. André startled, "Forgive me, my name is Prince André Twain William Tudor, Heir to the English Throne." He bowed his head.
The doppelgänger whistled through his teeth, "That's some name you have André." André flushed in embarrassment. "And you are?' He prompted.
"Felix Du Prae at your service," the boy tipped an imaginary hat.
"How come no one else could see you?" André asked as the food arrived.
"Magic cloak," Felix replied with a mouth full. André recoiled, magic had killed his mother. "Lets me slip around undetected."
"I wish I could do that. If only I could escape the palace and be normal for once," André remarked with a sigh. He quickly jolted upright. "How would you like to be the prince for a few days?"
The other boy laughed, "if only." André remained silent. "You're serious?"
"Think about it, you look just like me. Put you in my clothes and you'd fool everyone."
"You forget the one feature that differs between us, your highness," Felix replied batting his eyes.
"Surely there's something to fix that?" Felix went quiet. Eventually he pulled a vial out of his pocket. 'There's this dye but it really stings." Without a second thought André took the vial and put a drop in each eye. He blinked with a wince at the slight burning sensation. He stole a glance in the window, his eyes had changed from blue to violet. "You idiot, why would you do that?" Felix hissed.
"Hurry up, we must get changed before anyone notices," André replied nudging the vial over to Felix. The boy cursed before dropping the dye into his eyes, changing their colour from violet to blue. André grabbed his arm and pulled him to the restrooms.
