Party hook up

You confused on what just happened got dressed and knocked on gavis door.

"Just go I'll order you a Uber"

"No, everything was fine then you ran what happened , open the door."

Gavi not wanting to open it new he owed you an explanation at least so he went to go open the door with only his underwear on.

" what happened down there?"

" it's nothing against you. I don't know what got into me. I'm not like that."

"Like what ?"

" gay"

" really you got embarrassed and you think this is the best excuse?"

" it's not an excuse"

" so you like getting your ass eaten and fucked but you're not gay?"

"Fuck you" Gavi shouted. He pushed you over causing you to get into a fight

Not much long after Gavi stopped and put his arms around you , he just started balling his eyes out. You leaned back, leading him lay on you for comfort.

"Talk to me" you said

"I'm lost , I don't know who I am anymore I've been told to be something I'm not but it's been drilled so far into my head I can't be who I truly am"

" who told you that"

" my parents"

" they're wrong the real you is perfect"

" thank you but this doesn't change anything I can't do this again we have to forget this happened"


" I can't do this again I'm sorry"

"That doesn't answer my question"

"I don't have a answer for you"

"Well the harms already been done tonight why not go again?"

Gavi smiled for the first time at this comment loving the idea, but he tried to protest

"I'm not sure"

You stood up, standing right in front of Gavi. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your cock over your clothes.

"So you don't want to feel this again?"

"I do bu-"

"But what" you cut him off


Gavi didn't finish his sentence, he moved closer towards you pulling your pants and underwear down. Not hard yet Gavi still put your soft cock in his mouth. He enjoyed the feeling of it growing hard in his mouth. You leaned over him, pulling his underwear as far down as you could reach exposing his perfect ass. Gavi moaning with you cock in his mouth loved feeling your eyes on his ass. It's like he was proud of it and happy you were looking at it.

You stood back up straight moving gavis face off your cock making him look up at you.

"What's your biggest sexual fantasy"
You asked , licking your lips in a sinister way. Gavi didn't answer instantly , you could tell me
Was putting thought into this answer. You could hold back from putting a finger on gavis lips almost petting them. Gavi got distracted from his train of thought by this move from you. He moved his mouth into your finger sucking on it looking up at you.

"Is this it?" You asked

Gavi shook his head not wanting to let the finger out of his mouth.

"What is it then" you said releasing you fingers from his mouth

"I don't know" he whispered

"Come on give me something"

"It's embarrassing"

"No it's not I promise anything you say I will do for you"

"Hmmm.... I liked it when you put your hands on my face"

"Come on that's lame , give me something good , don't you want to have fun"

Gavi knew what he liked , he had never done something like this before so it was embarrassing for him to admit. He always knew he was more submissive but didn't want to admit it not even to himself because he tried to portray this "straight" version of himself.

"I .. uhh.." Gavi paused after trying to spit out his words

"Can we just continue" he finally got out

"Sure" you replied , you knew he was embarrassed, so you moved on

You put your finger back on his mouth , massaging his lips. You used your other hand to move his head up, making him look at you.

Gavi loved feeling you control him , it was like he enjoyed being a pet , he did whatever you said and moved when you wanted him to. It was what he wanted to tell you he liked but didn't even thought you could tell he did enjoy it.

You pulled Gavi up to a standing position then got on your knees , you turnt him around to face the wall back to you. You slide down his pants slowly revealing the beautiful ass you missed.

"Does it taste good?" You asked smiling looking at it.

Gavi smirked and turnt his head and look down at you kneeling grabbing on his ass.

"I want you to check" he replied

Now kissing his ass cheek for a bit leaving red marks on it until you got to the best part. You pulled his cheeks apart revealing his hole. It was just perfect as you remembered. You started Kissing around it teasing the boy until it was time.

You started by kissing on it directly until moving in with tongue. Gavi squirmed at the feeling , pleasure going all through his spine. You then removed one hand from his ass and put it on his cock, stroking it slowly.

Gavi instantly became painfully hard at your hands contact almost instantly cumming.

"Does this feel good?" You asked

"Mmmm it all does" Gavi moaned out

You then moved your other hand off his ass to his wait , bending him over causing his ass to spring out towards you. Gavi started arching his back wanting to get all the feeling in.

"Mmm remember what you asked me earlier ? About what I like ?"

removing your head from his hole for as little time as possible you responded


"I like being handled, taking control of it is that makes sense"

"So you like it rough?"

"That makes me sound slutty" Gavi said laughing still struggling to talk as you only went away from his hole to speak

" but yea .... I guess I do. I didn't know..mmmmmm .. I didn't know I... RELAX IM TRYING TO TALK" Gavi blurted out.

"You can talk I give permission" you sarcastically responded

"As I was trying to say, I do
Like it rough , but don't hurt me please"

"I will never"

You then stood up behind Gavi pressing your cock against him. He let out a little moan at the feeling.

Finally pushing in the boy enjoying the amazing beautiful feeling inside his warm tight hole. It was easier to go All the way in the boy this time but he was still tight as ever. Gavi clenching his ass taking in the pain bent over holding on the wall. His moans where barley moans a few minutes in there where more like cries and yells. Gavi hated himself for enjoying the pain he felt like an animal for enjoying it but he couldn't deny it.

You turnt the boy around and started kissing him, the kiss was wet , tongues flying everywhere fighting in each others mouthes. You holding him tight around the waist with one hand other grabbing his hair violently. You towering over him pushing him towards the bed , finally Gavi fell on the bed with you falling on top of him still making out. Gavi pulled away for a split second

"I miss it , please"

Not wasting any time you shove it in him laying on him in Missionary. You put your head on gavis neck kissing it while he held your head moaning in your ear taking in all the pleasure.

"Is this your first time?" You groaned out still pounding on his tight hole

"Mmm ye... yes I'm... I'm all yours I promise"

"Stop clenching just take it"

"Ok. Mmm"

"you feel so good inside me"

You grinned at the comment, still kissing his neck leaving marks everywhere covering his entire neck.

Gavi felt himself getting near the end.

"I can't last longer"

Gavi hasn't touched his cock neither had you , it felt so good that before you could respond to his comment he shot his load all over himself hitting your chest above his to.

"I'm sorry I tried" Gavi let out in a gasp moaning at the feeling with his chest pounding from his ejaculation.

"It's ok" you whispered in his ear

You were almost done to and that really sped it up for you.

Almost done you pulled out just to make sure

"Can I help you finish" Gavi asked

"Yes please"

You leaned up, Gavi then put his hand on your cock stroking it as fast as he could until you came all over him. Covering his entire body with your sperm.

You feel fell over laying next to Gavi both of you panting. Gavi tried leaning over towards you but his legs were shaking so much he couldn't. You got up to get a towel , you brought one back for Gavi too , helping him clean up then helping him get dressed.

Gavi had been wanting to ask you to spend the night but didn't know how to say it, he'd been making up ways to say it sense you walked in the door and even after having 2 rounds of sex he was still nervous. Finally he just blurted it out.

"hey uhhh.. would you like to spend the night ? No one will be home for a few days"

"I should get back to my friend"

It was 3am and everyone had left at 1:30am

"Text him your spending the night here"

"You sure?"

"Yea I want you to stay here with me"

"Hmmm ok"

Gavi got so happy at this words , he let himself slip, he gave you a big hug and kissed you neck whispering in your ear

"I needed that thank you"

"Of corse"

You grabbed his face placing both your hands on his face holding him in place

"Thank you for trusting me"

Gavi didn't know why he did, he had only known you existed for a few hours. Many men had hit on Gavi that he knew for years but Gavi would always keep his guard up never flirting back. But for some reason just a glance at you was enough for him to let you have the night with him you did.

"Thank you for living up to the trust"

The night ended with you both cuddled up in bed , after getting ready and cleaning the sheets , Gavi let you get a new pair of clothes to wear out of his closet for the night aswell

Before you ended up in bed when you went to grab clothes out of his closet you realized none were your size. Still looking around you found a drawer off to the side , you opened it hoping to find bigger clothes, instead...
