🍋 Bunny 🍋

(A/N: I feel like I should update this more lol 🧍🏻‍♀️)

Y/n was walking down a beautiful street with sakura trees and green nice grass on the floor.

"Wow It's so beautiful here!" Said Y/N out loud because they are a anime character.

Y/N's Gaze was on the clouds what lead to, that the cute Gacha person walked into someone.

"Oh, sorry I didn't saw.... You..." Y/N wanted to apologiesed but the person (?) In front of them was really strange. "Ah~ Senpai~!" Said the weird rabbit-girl/boy/nonbinary. "W-What the fuck..." Y/n wanted to run away, but the thing grabbed their sleeve...

To be continued...

Jk : )


I woke up in a strange room. "Argh..." My head hurts like hell and my vision was blurry. After a while I could see that I was in a classroom. I was the only person in the room and in was tied up with a... Disgusting, old, stinky, wet, greenish rope... "Ew" that was REALLY disgusting and I tried to get the weird rope away from me. "H-Help!" I hoped that someone would her me, but that is a Fanfiction so I guess no one will hear me... Accept the person who tied me up...

I actually heard steps from outside the classroom. "Omg hweeelllpp!!!"

The door opened....


And it was the IMPOSTER from AMONG US!!! 😱😨😰🤯🥶😍

Jk it was the bunny thing :///

It gulped and looked... Horny... ?

(A/N: the next part is CRINGE af so yeah I warned you.)

It walked to me and sat on my lap. "Before you say anything." They laid their middle finger (which smelled like piss) on my mouth. It leaned extremely close to my face and wishpered to my ear: "can I call you daddy~?" The ear said 'yas' and the bunny thing moaned again. I felt my massive boner and the disgusting shit rope which turned me only more on. "Ah~" the bunny also had a boner and I could see that it had a monstrous pp.

The soft pink colored bunny slowly and suductive untied me. We were looking each other in the eyes. When it was done, it rubbed their boner against my entrance. "Ah~" I moaned. I quickly shit me mouth with my hand and my face flushed in embarrassment. The cute Gacha leaned closer to me and whispered: "mm~ don't close your mouth, I want to hear you~..." I nodded shyly and before I could react anyhow, the Bunny shoved itself's big pp into my ass. "Ahh~!" It thrusted into me and I moaned everytime louder. It was embarrassing, but the feeling of the adorable Gacha bunny thrusting it's pp into me was just great.

(A/N: time skip, because Idfk how to write smut)

After we were done the bunny quickly put it's swimming costume back on. Before it left, the Gacha bunny wrote it's phone number with ending on my (ass) cheek. "Bye~ I hope we will see each other again~" after saying that, the bunny ran away, being as fast as sonic.

Part 2...? 😀
