• Library

Credits: @khaeludinn on Twitter


Example ← this is whispering⚠️)

[Freminet P.O.V]


The library... I usually go there whenever I have time, is such a quiet and calm place, makes me forget about everything that bothers me, just like the ocean. The library is mostly empty, the only ones there are Xingqiu, Faruzan, Mika, Kuki (sometimes) there's also Miss Lisa and Mr Alhaitham. Now that I noticed, the library is a pretty empty place, that's why it's so quiet... Well! I am getting out of topic! I go to the library everyday of the week, and recently there has been a boy that I have never meet before, he is slightly taller than me, has brown hair with the back dyed red, honestly, if I looked at him in the hallways I would never think he reads books, but he seems to read a lot, I wanted to talk to him because he seems like a nice person but I am too nervous to talk to him.


I arrived at the library door but it's locked as I am trying to see if there's someone inside there I noticed someone stand behind me, I turned around to see and it is... Oh, it's the boy...

Gaming: Hey pal! You know what happened for the library to be locked?

Freminet: Uh... I... No, I don't know what happened...

I was truly not expecting him to say anything to me... I am not used to start conversations nor continue one.

Gaming: Oh... Hey aren't you that Freminet guy? The sibling of Lyney and Lynette? Dude me and my cousin love to watch their shows! Als-

He talked... A lot... But, somehow, I wasn't bothered by it like I usually am, listening to him talk is quite relaxing.

Gaming: Oh sorry, I was talking to much wasn't I? Well, I will take my leave now, see ya later man!

Freminet: Ah! Wai...t...

I screamed... Oh no... I didn't meant to scream, it was automatic, I...

Gaming: Ye?

Freminet: I... Uh... Your name...

Gaming: My name?

He heard it? How? I whispered! There's no way he heard it...

Freminet: Yes...

Gaming: Oh, the name's Gaming! Nice meeting you but now I really gotta go! Bye bye penquin boy!

He winked at my... Bag? Oh the Pers keychain... He truly is a nice person, I hope I have the chance to talk to him again...

[Narrator P.O.V]

The weeks have passed and Freminet and Gaming only waved at each other in the hallways, Gaming always called Freminet "penguin boy" and Freminet liked it for some reason. Ah entire month has passed and Gaming and Freminet's classes had to watch a movie together cause almost all of the people in their classes didn't came so the teachers decided to make them watch a movie and eat their lunch earlier.

[Gaming P.O.V]

I was talking to Yunjin and Xinyan while entering the room, usually people look at me because I always walk with a lot a girls but in reality I only walk with Yunjin, the other girls around us are just her friends, well as expected people from Freminet's class were looking at me, a LOT, but it was ok. Lyney and Lynette went straight to Freminet to talk to him but ended up sitting a little far, he was alone and that was kinda sad so I decided to sit with him.

Gaming: Hey penguin boy! Mind if I sit with you?

Yunjin: And who is that Gaming?

Gaming: Oh, that's Freminet, a friend of mine

Yunjin: Nice to meet you Freminet! I'm Yunjin, Gaming's cousin

Freminet: Nice... To meet you...

Gaming: Sooo, can we sit with you?

Freminet: ... Su- sure...

[Narrator P.O.V]

As gaming sat next to Freminet the movie started, it was a horror movie called Terrifier (+18 movie with gore, watch if u want but be aware of the gore) one of Freminet's favorite time of movie but one of Gaming's worst nightmare, in one part of the movie Gaming got extremely disgusted and terrified so he hold onto Freminet's hand very tightly, this made Freminet face bacome more red than Diluc's hair (I hate Diluc😘)

Freminet: Ahm... Hm.. An....

Gaming: What's wrong penguin boy?

Freminet: Ha- hand...

After Gaming notice he was holding onto Freminet's hand his face got red and he was out of words, he never touches his friends even in the hand without their permission cause he knows there are people who hate being touched (me😭) so que immediately let go of Freminet's hand.

Gaming: I am sorry, I didn't know I don't like being touched..

Freminet: Oh, no... It's not... I am just not used...

Gaming: Oh, ok...

Freminet held Gaming's hand. They went silent and the tension in the air grow stronger the longer they stayed like that, Yunjin looked to Gaming's side and noticed the awkward situation they were in the laughed slightly.

Yunjin: Are you enjoying the movie Ming Ming?

Gaming: Shut up Jin...

Nothing much happened after the movie, and they got back to their natural rotine.


[Freminet P.O.V]

Today was rainy and I loved to go to the library in rainy days, but just as I was about to enter the library I hear... Moanings...

???: Gaming slow down... It hurts...

Gaming? Wait... GAMING? I don't think I should enter... But my bag is inside there... Fuck it, it's probably nothing right? Right...? I slowly entered the library avoiding to look where the sound was coming from.

Gaming: Who's there? Oh, it's you penguin boy!

Gaming slowly came out from behind of the bookshelfs, there as a bit of blood in one of his hands, what in the world were they doing?

Gaming: Sorry if we were loud, miss Lisa said we could use the library to clean Yaoyao's knee cause she feel while playing in the playground

Yaoyao? Wait, the Yaoyao from Sigewinne's classroom? Oh my archon I feel so bad now...

Freminet: Oh it's ok, I just came here to grab my bag... Oh where is it?

Gaming: Miss Lisa took all of the bags and putted then close to her table and asked me to watch em'

(Btw that's Fremi's bag instead of that black thingy there's a penguin keychain on it)

Gaming gave me my bag and Yaoyao walked with difficulty behind him.

Yaoyao: Big brother Gaming, now we need to clean my bag, is all dirty and full of mud.

(Yaoyao's bag😭)

Gaming: Oh sure!

Freminet: You need any help?... I was gonna wait till the rain stop to go home but I can help you... Only of you want of course! I... I was gonna stay outside and do nothing but helping you may help to pass the time tastes and... I am talking too much... That's embarrassing...

Gaming: hehe it's ok, I would love your help penguin boy

[Narrator P.O.V]

They cleaned Yaoyao's bag while Gaming and Yaoyao talked to eachother the entire time.

Gaming: The rain don't seem to be stopping any soon, do you have and umbrella my penguin?

Freminet: Y-yours? I... Ahm... I don't

The "my" that Gaming said make Freminet blush a lot.

Gaming: I can walk you home if you want!

Freminet: But, what about Yaoyao...?

Yaoyao: Big sister Xiangling will go home with me, she's in the cooking club right now so I have to wait for her to finish whatever she's doing there

Freminet: O..k, then I guess you can walk me home...

Gaming: Great! Yaoyao will be leaving now, be a good girl and go to Xiangling's cooking club and stay there until she finishes k?

Yaoyao: Okay big brother Gaming!

Gaming kissed the little girl forehead, grabbed his bagpack with the right hand and with left he held onto Freminet's hand.

(Gaming's bagpack, he likes anime and games guys)

They held eachother's hands all the way to Freminet's house (before u ask "what about his siblings" they had to attend to the theater club) Gaming was talking about some random things like, wushou dance and dim sum.

Gaming: What you wanna do is get some sweet dim sum and some savory dim sum- uh, gotta make it a balanced meal, and order a mix a ready-made dim sum and make-to-order dim sum so that you can SNACK on dim sum, while you are waiting on your OTHER dim sum! Ahaha (writing this was hell)

Freminet laughed about Gaming's obsession over dim sum and that was the first time Gaming ever heard Freminet laugh so he was shocked, his face got red and he was with his eyes slightly wide open.

Freminet: Oh- sorry, people usually say my laugh is annoying...

Gaming: What!? They're stupid! Your laugh is the most perfect laugh I've ever heard in my life!

Freminet: ah... Thank you...

Gaming: Your welcome my penguin!

The rest of their walk was silent and comfortable, the sound of the rain was relaxing and calming. Soon enough they arrived at Freminet's house.

Gaming: So... That's you house...? I wasn't expecting something so massive...

Freminet: Yes, my "father's" work pay her a lot, and my siblings shows also get us a lot of money, so "father" decided to buy a big house...

Gaming: Oh, makes sense

Freminet: The rain is very heavy, you... want to come inside and stay until the rain stop?...

Gaming: There's no need for it my penguin

Freminet: I insist...

Gaming: oh, ok Freminet~

The way gaming said Freminet's name and smirked right after made the blond fell something inside of him in which he have never felt before, Freminet's first thoughts was that this feeling was probably the "love" Lyney talked about but that couldn't be possible, after all they never talked to much to eachother, only small interactions in the hahallways and some reading next to eachother in silence, but, all the times gaming talked to Freminet the boy always felt fuzzy and warm inside, he was very confused about the meaning of this feeling. They entered the house and went to Freminet's bedroom to watch some tv while the waited for the rain to stop.

Gaming: Can I ask you something my penguin?

Freminet: oh, sure, I guess...

Gaming: Why are you so obsessed with penguins?

(Fremi's bedroom, it has penguin plushies instead of the panda ones in the pic)

Freminet: Oh- i... I just like them... Can I... Ask you something...

Gaming: Oh sure!

Freminet: Why... You call me..."Your penguin"

Gaming: Cause one day you'll be mine~

Gaming said with a little smirk in his face, even tho he was the one flirting you could easily say that he was way more blushed then the blonde.

Freminet: I-... I would love to...

Gaming: What you said? I didn't heard...

Freminet: nothing!

The evening was "normal" Gaming and Freminet kept watching cartoons in the TV and totally ignored what they both had said before, Gaming heard what Freminet said but wanted to hear the blonde say it out loud to him, after the rain stopped Gaming went back home and Freminet went to bed to think about his feelings.

[4 days later]

Their relationship stayed the same but Freminet decided to try to tell Gaming how he feel, the boy decided to talk to Gaming at lunch time in the library. He entered the library and saw Gaming sitting at a table while reading a book and sat in front of him.

Freminet: Hey Gaming... I... I wanna tell you something...

(There is no fucking way the pizza I ordered arrived now, the moment of the confession was ruined 😭)

Gaming: Oh what is it?

Freminet: I... I am in love with you...

Gaming: Uh, I didn't heard, can you repeat?

Gaming heard, he was only lying because he wanted to hear the blonde say that once again.

Freminet: I... Lo-love... You...

Gaming: Me too, My penguin...

They were both extremely blushed and nervous, not a word was spoken after what Gaming said, they only stood there, sitting at the table reading reading books with one hand and holding eachother's hand with the other.

─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────

2038 words


Anygays, I download hsr on my cellphone just because.
