*~Touch Tone Telephone~*


"Huh?" Split wondered, coming to pick up her banana-telephone.

"Who's this?" Split asked.

"BIVE.." Bive said through the telephone.

"Yello Bive! I never expected you to call me as I try calling you every day!" Split said to the telephone as she sat down.

"AH.. SORRY. I've been working on a unified theory.." Bive apologized.

"It's okay! Wanna meet at the elevator today?" Split asked.

"SURE.." Bive agreed


The elevator stopped at Funny Maze. Split was waiting for Bive now, but she wasn't the only Extra Resident there. Pilby was there too.

"HELLO.. SPLIT AND.. PILBY.." Bive greeted.

"Hey Bivey!" Split cheerfully waved.

"oh.. hi.. Bive! :o)" Pilby waved.

"So, what was the theory you said?" Split curiously asked.

"WELL.." Bive told Split about the theory. While Pilby just stood there. Oh, I'm crying now.. Authentic tears. They flow out of me when I think about you, cause' you're the only person in the world who'd understand..


Pilby looked into their phone. It was Mach who was texting them.




next show is almos starting

get back.


okay :o)

is it alright if i invite my two friends?


sure if they want to.

Pilby closed their ifone. They walked towards Split and Bive.

"hey uhm.. do you wanna come to my show? :o]" Pilby asked.

"Sure!" Split said. Bive looked unsure, but went with Split's choice.


They arrived at Wheel Of.

"Welcome, Extra Residents and Residents! Welcome to our show, the name's Mach," Mach welcomed.

'If I make it through tonight everybody's gonna hear me out,' Pilby thought happily. Everybody was excited about the show. Bive was resting her head on Split's shoulder while taking notes.



Everybody applaused at the show. Pilby smiled, they were happy that their show was engaging enough.

"Psst Pilby." Mach whispered.

"um.. yeah :o<?" Pilby questioned.

"Are those your two friends?"

"yes! :o)"

"I didn't know you had friends that wanted to come to your shows Pilby."

"yeah.. i do :0)"

"Alright, you can have your break as promised now."

"thank you..:oD"

Pilby walked home. Feeling both excited and stressed. They had liked Split for a long, long time.. They weren't sure if Split liked them back, but they'll try asking tomorrow..


338 words <3

guys dont attack me for spilby angst
