October 9

This poem is dedicated to a really good friend of mine, MB...okay bye.

An old saying is, "good friends are like stars. You can't always see them but they're always there."

Exactly 5 months ago, I came across a star
It's not fair that it's just so far

Flawed, yet perfect in it's own way
It's just necessary that everyday, I say hey

Who knew such a thing could change my life
Almost like it's nonexistent wife

But if a star can have a wife
There's no point at life

Such a star change my life, and made it better
This star deserves a letter

Dear star,

     I know we haven't known each other for very long, and I can only see you when the sun decides to get out of my face, but I think you're really great. Well, I know you're really great. It feels like I've known you a lot longer than I have but I'm really glad we met. You've helped me a lot to shin, as you do and I admire that and look up to you, literally, for it. In the end, all stars can't be perfect and the autistic birthmark verbally fails you at times, at least I think, so if you won't say it, I will. I love your batshit crazy five limb freak self and I don't think stars have hair -- stars are bald. Some stars are old and bald. You are old and bald. You are grandpa star...way too wise. I look forward to have many more chats grandpa.

                              Sincerely yours,
                                           Bassoon Goddess


"What is a friend? A friend is someone always there in the back of your mind, providing feelings of comfort and security. A friend is someone who adds happy sparkle to your life, joy, fun, a predictable creator of happiness. A friend is a stormproof shelter from life's challenges, troubles, uncertainties, an unassailable bond overcoming any challenge, strengthening the connection in the process. You are all this and more, my friend. Thank you."  ~Joanna Fuchs
