Chapter 12

Spongebob had searched what seemed like every alleyway in Rock Bottom and couldn't find any trace of Patrick. He was just nowhere to be found. He would have to tell Patrick's parents that he couldn't find him. He had failed.

He walked back to the bus stop, his head down. "Mr. and Mrs. Star, I couldn't find--"

"Hey, Spongebob!"

Spongebob looked up. He knew that voice.


"We were waiting for you! Where'd you go?"

"Patrick, I was looking for you!"

"I was looking for Rocky. I found him!" Patrick held up his pet rock.

Spongebob probably should have been angry, but he wasn't. He shook his head and smiled. "Let's get on the bus, Patrick."

Patrick, his parents and Spongebob all got on after Fred, who was still complaining about his leg. Spongebob sat down next to Patrick and looked out the window.

"Did I scare you, Spongebob?" Patrick asked tenderly.

Spongebob shook his head. "No. I just.. got worried about you. That's all."

Patrick paused. ".. sorry. I don't wanna make you feel bad again."

Spongebob smiled. "Okay, Patrick."
