
wc: 1.3k


you had promised to bring an eye catching story to prez. a story of teamwork and dedication and resilience in the face of adversity!


the longer your predicament played out, the more it seemed like you was finna break that promise.

the blond haired shorty, nishinoya as you learned his name, had come to apologize to you earlier that day from lunch.

"i apologize for my behavior yesterday," he bowed, handing you a drink from the vending machine as like some sort of token.

you figured that the team captain had probably put him up to it, but you were willing to let it slide considering he at least played the part. and you was thirsty.

tanaka on the other hand was no actor. as soon as you walked into your shared class his expression darkened.

you probably wouldn't be receiving a genuine apology from him this afternoon, but you would be amused to see him try.

it wasn't long before the teacher started droning on about.. idek whatever i guess. what class are you in again?


you turn to your side watching as tanaka tries to pass you a little folded up piece of paper.

but with the eyes of a fucking hawk, the teacher notices and immediately calls him out,

"mister tanaka, i guess our meeting yesterday wasn't enough. you can stay with me and serve after school detention today,"

"what? but i- yes sir," he slumps back in his chair but not before throwing you a glare like you personally took his note to the front a the room and laid it on the teachers desk.

"damn thats tough," you mumble under your breathe cause you can take nothin serious, but apparently teach has the ears of a fucking hawk too.

"and you can join him, l/n y/n,"

it was tanaka's turn to laugh as your mouth dropped open as the students whispered amongst themselves.

you had after school detention


and it's all because of..

you turn to look at his tanaka's face as he smirks. as soon as you catch his eyes he throws you a wave.

..this bitch

as kids shuffle out the classroom to leave, you and tanaka are stuck behind to clean up the classroom.

"wipe down the tables and the chalkboard," the teacher calls, before making his way to the door, "i'll be back in the next twenty minutes,"


even the teacher was leaving you alone with this guy.

"you start on the chalkboard," you stand up from your desk, grabbing the cleaning supplies from the corner of the room, "i'll start on the desks,"

"woah woah, hey! you're not the boss around here,"

you roll your eyes as he instead goes to get the rags to clean off the desks.

"fine. clean the desks. i don't care,"

the two of you work in angry silence wiping shit down waiting for that stupid timer to go off and set y'all free, but it never does. it feels like you're being kept hostage.

after wiping down the chalkboard, you start sweeping up the floor when you come across the little yellow sticky note fallen beside tanaka's desk.

it's all crinkled up as you try and open it, the handwriting messy as it reads

lets talk after class

you shudder thinking about the possibilities; he probably finna beat down your block with his gang to beat your ass.

"hey," he calls, bringing you out of your nightmares, "quit slackin off!"

"chill, i was just readin the note you was tryna pass me,"

he stops to look at you, the desk he was cleaning only halfway wiped down, "it doesn't matter anymore,"


he gives a halfhearted grunt

"what was you finna say?"

"i was going to apologize" he replies without missing a beat.

"about what?"

"you know what.."

and did. but, you still wanted to hear it out of his own mouth, "do me a favor and jog my memory,"

he finally drops the wet rag in his hand, wiping his hands on his pants as he approaches you, "apologize for.. yelling at you.."


"..threatening you," his glare is still hard, but his ears are red as a hand goes to rub the back of his neck, "and uh, grabbing your shirt like that.."

you hum and nod your head like he just gave a profound message at the pulpit.


"..so what?"

"whatdoya say?" he grows impatient, shoving his hands in his pockets, "do you.. forgive me?"


"what!?" he throws his hands up in the air, facade dropping, "i apologized?"

"i heard ya," you motion for him to chill which does the exact opposite.

tanaka takes a step towards you, pointing an accusatory finger as you drop your broom, trying to take a step back and create some distance.

"listen, prettyboy," he scowls, your back to the wall as he keeps you cornered between his arms, "im not here to play your silly little game, i-"


tanaka pauses for a moment, the two of you turning to the open door to see your junior in the journalism club.

"oh, and tanaka," a nervous smile plastered on her face as she greets the two of you.

"what's up?" you greet, throwing a glare at tanaka as you break free from his arms before smiling again. tanaka simply seems to shrink away, his face flushed red as his hands bunch in his pockets.

"i was- the club president, she's looking for you.."


"she wanted to talk to you before she started helping around the club, but you didn't show," she brushes a strand of hair behind her ear, "i trust everything is going well with the karasuno story?"


tanaka still stands behind you as you open your mouth to speak, "yeah, everything is going fine,"

"thats great!" she smiles, turning to leave, "the president will talk with you tomorrow, don't be late!"

the two of you watch her go, standing in silence before tanaka speaks up again.

"dude," he breathes, laying a hand on your shoulder, "you didn't tell me you knew a girl like that,"

"nah, we just in journalism club together," you reply, shrugging his hand from your shoulder.

"man, are all the journalism club chicks as cute as her?"

you don't even know how to respond to that as you turn away to pick up your broom, trying to leave this conversation, but he gives you a hardy slap on the back as he laughs

"hoo boy, if i was as lucky as you, i'd-"

"look, don't you got a girl?" you interrupt him, trying to rub your back from where his hand was. must be a volleyball player thing..

"girlfriend?" he tilts his head like a confused puppy.

"volleyball club? kiyoko?" but apparently your words still aren't hitting as he continued to act all obtuse like he wasn't fawning over her every word yesterday. doja cat tried to warn you

"ohh," a lightbulb goes off in his head as he smiles, "nah, kiyoko and i aren't a thing,"

"you've gotta be kidding," you deadpan, "so what was all that shit you pulled yesterday about?"

"water under the bridge," he waves off, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, "since we have got more important things to worry about!"

"who the fuck is we?"

"the karasuno story is back on, isn't it?"

crap. he was right there when you was talking about it. you knew eventually you'd end up back at the volleyball club whether you liked it or not, but you hoped you could hang it over his head just a bit longer.

"guess so.." you mumble, avoiding his eyes.

he acts like he won the lottery as he pumps his fist in the air so loud, you can barely hear the timer go off.

as the two of you finish putting away your cleaning supplies, he comes from behind you, throwing an arm around your neck

"looks like i'll be seeing you around, prettyboy," tanaka chuckles, ruffling your head before making a mad dash out the classroom.

you sigh watching him run down the halls to the volleyball club, your reality sinking in.

this story was becoming a lot more trouble than it was worth.


niggas is square like madison🙄 i cant even really get mad at dem😒

lowkey i feel like his hands be mad heavy, but he always underestimates his own strength when w u
