4. film day out

 Saturday arrives and you wake up at 6 o'clock, you're maybe a little to nervous, 'uh it's not even a date I'll be with all my friends' you think. But that doesn't help the fact that you're nervous; to stop thinking about it you get in the shower and wash your hair.

Then you remember 'ushi was here, naked... oh my god ushijima wakatoshi was here freaking NAKED' you start to feel your cheeks getting really hot and just get out of the shower because you couldn't process this thought.

In your desperate quest to stop thinking about the movie night out you start watching devilman crybaby, a very bad idea. You end up in tears for an hour and decide to freshen up again bit this time without thinking about your goddamn crush. (no really I had a panic attack because of how much I cried at the end of that anime)

After walking out of the shower you go to your dresser and pick out your favourite outfit, you feel so confident in it and you don't even care what anybody says about it, you look good. After adding some jewellery you put some perfume and pack a hand bag for all the necessities, money, your phone, pepper spray, just whatever a girl needs.

You look at the time and decide to go down to the meeting spot but you only see semi.

"hey semisemi you're surprisingly early." you shout

"yeah I was just a bit to nervous, you know because of my crush..." semi smiles shyly

"I can relate" you wink

"You have a crush too y/n?" he asks

"hahaha... yeah..." you sigh

"ushijima isn't it?" he says

You nearly choke on your saliva, 'was it that obvious?'.

"Don't worry, he's so dense you can take your time before you tell him" he laughs

You laugh with him but you fell a bit sad...

The rest of the group arrives shortly after and you feel strange seeing them with their day clothes. Reon is wearing a nice trench coat with straight pants and cool shoes, he looks really put together and professional, his style embodies well his character. Yamagata on the other hand is only wearing ripped jeans and a black hoodie but he rocks it off with earrings, he can't wear them to school so whenever he can show them he does. Semi is wearing a cute knitted top and cuffed jeans... he's so cute. Shirabu is as badly dressed as his bangs are cut nothing is matching but you could see that he had put a lot of effort into it. Finally tendou was wearing hxh merch and honestly he looked nice in it, his hoodie was a little basic but his painted pants were fire.

And ushijima, wow, he looked so effortlessly good, he had an oversized adidas jacket and a blue t shirt, he finished the outfit with black pants. You stopped caring about the others and just stared at him for a minute or so.

"do I look strange?" he asks

"I- what? No y-you look so good, I mean nice you look great hahaha" you stutter

"You look beautiful too" he says without any emotions in his voice.

You all head to the cinema and go get some snacks before going in the projection room, you decide to pay for the drinks because your just such a great manager and the boys buy their food separately. You all sit next to each other except for semi and shirabu that decide to sit together so that they can have their 'moment'.

You end up between tendou and ushijima and honestly it was the best place you could be at.

The film starts and (spoiler) it's sooo sad, because you had already cried that morning you didn't have the will to stop the tears from trickling down your cheeks, then you feel a hand on them. You look on your right and you see that it's ushijima whipping the tears of your face. He leans to your ear and hushes:

"don't cry, I'm here"

system failed

restart program

You quickly go back to the movie with your face on fire, magically the tears stopped falling and you finish watching without looking at ushijima.

At the end you rush out and wait for the others to follow outside, you see semi and shirabu walking out holding hands and you smile from the happiness but you feel a little jealous, but you don't think about it

"sooo what did you think?" tendou starts

"I didn't like it, it made y/n cry" ushijima says

All the boys look at you and tendou hugs you.

"oh no my little y/n-chan cried" tendou hugs harder

"but don't worry I made her stop" ushijima replies

"what the?" the hole group asks

You are so embarrassed, you try to explain but no coherent phrase goes out of your mouth. Tendou looks at you with cheeky eyes and chuckles, why did you have to tell him out of all people, he's going to be so annoying about it, but it still made you happy to share a secret with him.

After a while the conversation changed and they were talking about what they would do in that situation and then you check for your bag to see what time it is but you don't feel anything on your shoulder. 'oh no' you had forgotten it at the cinema. You start running back to the movies and manage to convince the lady at the checkout to let you in to get your bag back.

Luckily it was still there and you walk out of the room thanking the checkout lady, and when you go out of the cinema you see ushijima sitting on a bench looking at his phone. He looked a little confused, you saw a small frown and his lips were clenched to each other, his hair covered his forehead and all of his face was lit by his phone.

You walk up to him and you look over his shoulder,

"do you want some help?" you propose

He turns around visibly shocked to see you behind him and he looks back at his phone.

"I wanted to call you but I seem to be stuck on some sort of clock" he says with a hint of disappointment in his voice

"Why did you want to call me? And why are you all alone?" you ask

"I saw you run of and the guys told me to go after you so I ran after you but I forgot how fast you where and I couldn't catch you up so I waited on this bench and I wanted to call you to tell you I was there but as you can see I failed" he explained

"well look, just click on this icon and... wait I'll put myself as a favourite so that it'll be easier to call me... and now just click here and" your phone starts ringing "see"

"Thank you very much y/n you are very helpful" he bows

"Well then treat me to an ice cream to thank me properly" you grin

He nods and you both walk to your favourite ice cream shop, you go to the counter and order your ice creams. He chooses the weirdest flavour, like who takes rhubarb and custard flavour? But it did intrigue you to see if it was nice or not, you chose your favourite flavour and he paid for you.

You decide to go to the nearest park to eat your ice creams in peace and quiet. You settle down on the dry grass and look up to the sky, the stars were beautiful, you stare at them for a while and then say:

"Look at this constellation it looks like tendou!"

"indeed" ushijima agrees

"and this one looks like shirabu's awfully cut bangs!" you continue

You continue spotting your friends out in the stars and then you ask:

"And what am I?"

He takes some time before answering.

"you are that one" he says pointing at Venus "even though it's not a star it shines brighter than all the other stars "

You are short for words 'I shine brighter than all the other stars?' you think 'no he just wanted to be nice and look intelligent'

"What about me?" he asks

"You?" you answer "The sun obviously, you seem so close but far to reach and when you play volleyball you bring the light to all the team"

"thank you"

You smile at him and he leans closer to you.

'wait a minute he's not going to kiss me right? Oh god I hope he does...' you think closing your eyes

And you feel a soft touch on you cheek, you open them and you see him licking his finger.

"W-what the?" you stutter

"You had ice cream on your cheek, so I took that chance to taste it" he responds

"ooh so can I taste yours?" you ask with a shy smile

As an answer he gives it to you and surprisingly it's kinda nice. You look back up to him and you see a slight blush on his face, you give it back and you both finish eating in silence, a calm peaceful silence.

Then you walk back to the dorms talking about the upcoming game against nekoma, when you arrive at your dorm you smile at him and you say goodbye to each-other. When you get in your room you start jumping around and fangirling about the day, it was so great, you send a quick text to thank ushijima for waiting for you.

You go to sleep with a smile on your lips, this day was perfect.


ushijima pov

I wanted to hug her...


it's was kinda short for a chapter but yeah idc, I HOPE YOU LIKED IT

word count : 1575 words

artist: bettychan on tumblr
