Part 7

Abuse and conflict

The day of Livias launch party

Today was Livias launch party and to be honest i have hardly seen her.

Her latest excuse is obviously the launch party and to be honest i completely understand that


It had came out she had been spotted out for dinner with a 'model apprentice' who through some deep diving i found out he is called Noah

When i asked her about him she got all defensive saying talk to women in my career all the time so why isn't she aloud to

Which I didn't say she wasn't aloud to i just thought if was weird she never told me about the dinner when she's 'to busy' to go to one with me

A lot of the England boys had gratefully accepted the invite to the event and where now round at mine for a couple pre drinks before

Hey don't know if I'll get to see you before the runway but if not good luck I'm so proud of you xxx i love you ❤️

Hi babe thank you love you too ❤️xxx

I huff at her message i just know something is off and it doesn't feel good

'You alright brother' Madders asks sitting beside me
' Don't know mate to be honest' i run my hands through my hair 'this about the dinner thing' he sips his drink 'yeah not just that but shes just being different its a weird one' i place my elbows on my knees and lean on them 'I'm sure everything's good bro she's just stressed about tonight' he pats my back 'hope so id hate to leave tomorrow not being on good terms' we both stand up as the boys start heading out to the taxis

Arriving to the venue it looks amazing i knew it would be it was my girl organising it

'Jack' Livia's mum waved me over 'hey you alright' i hug her 'perfect son not seen you in a while' she crosses her arms 'yeah Livia's been busy a lot' i look to the floor 'I'm alway here for you jack no matter what i know your Livia's boyfriend but your also Phil's best friend' she rubs my arm 'thanks Claire appreciate it' i smile

I head to backstage to see if i could speak to Livia and surprisingly they let me

'She'll just be in there' I'm pointed in the direction of a dressing room

I thank whoever it was who let me know as i head in

'Hey beautiful' i hug her from behind as she sits a makeup chair 'aw Jack I've missed you' she turns around giving me a kiss and a hug

I had her the bouquet of flowers i had arranged to be delivered here so i wouldn't accidentally leave them at home
Can be quite forgetful me.

'Aw there gorgeous babe' she gives me another hug

I didn't realise how much i missed her touch until this very moment

God i missed her so much

'Whats wrong angel' she asks as we pull away 'nothing just missed you' i pull on a half fake smile 'these are nice who they from' i ask heading over to the extra large amount of flowers 'oh um one of the girls from pretty little thing' she shrugs fixing her hair

Little does she know

From the corner of my eye

I saw the note

'Hopefully see you at mine later if you can get away from that boyfriend of yours

Noah xxx'

My heart sank

For the first time in my life i felt


'See you out there yeah' i say quickly leaving the room before she could even answer me back

I swear if i see him he will have another thing coming

What a cunt.

'Wow bro whats up' Phil asks as i head for fresh air in a urgent

'She's cheating on me' i spit absolutely furious and heartbroken 'shut up jack' he laughs 'no joke here mate she's a cheater' i walk outside

After some back and fourth thoughts and some of the boys trying to tells me some of their options

Some good

Some bad

I decided to stay as after all the only thing i care about in this whole world is that girl

And i hate myself for that

'Im sorry bro' mason hugs me as i take my seat for the runway 'just wasn't meant to be' i shrug downing a drink 'take it easy bro start at camp tomorrow' he reminds me 'just so shit man' i cover my face with my hands 'i know bro i know' he rubs my back

An announcement got made that the runway was now happening forcefully i sat up and prepared myself to witness 'my person' succeed in life when mine feels like its crashing down

'Here she is' i hear Claire say from behind me as i look to the stage i spot her

She looks beautiful

Of course she does

Shes an angel.

'Hey everyone thank you so much for coming along i am so so excited for yous all to see what i have been working so hard on for the last couple of months there has been a lot of  different emotions and feeling throughout this process but that all comes down to how amazing tonight has to be. Of course i have to thank my incredible family especially little Ronnie' she waves to him beaming 'and of course everyone behind pretty little thing and last but not least Jack i know it hasn't been easy having to spend so much time apart but i am so lucky to have his full support' she says but hesitantly as if she was scared to say me

As soon as she thanked ME her head turned to back stage

And thats when i seen what had her attention

It was him


I feel a hand go on to my shoulder and look beside me to Jude

He just nods letting me know i have his support as he has obviously seen what i saw too

The runway had began and i just couldn't focus

Shortly after the speech I noticed Noah leave the venue which I thought was weird

'Hey you enjoying it' arms creep around my shoulders and all the boys send me awkward faces 'yeah its good congrats' i gently shrug her arms of me

All the boys throwing her death stares unintentionally creates tension 'il speak to you after okay' she kisses my temple as i nod my head

She's got some nerve let me tell yous that

'Is she for real' i laugh with the boys as the one's listening shake their heads 'crazy bro' mason laughs

The runway had now come to an end and in all fairness it was amazing

She done excellent and as much as I'm angry and hurt I couldn't help but show my support

Everyone had now moved in to the room for the after part as we gathered around to wait for Livia to arrive

I decided i would let her know that i know about her and Noah when she arrived as I wouldn't have a chance tomorrow as i leave for camp early

There she was

Looking incredible

The cheers erupted

Everyone clapped showing support including me

She made her way over to her family exchanging hugs before heading in my direction

Launching herself into a hug she rubbed the back of my head

'I need to talk to you Livia' I whispered in to her ear she looked up at me with quilt as if she already knew what i needed to say

We headed outside sitting down on a wall like we did the first night we met

'Im not going to beat around the bush' i huff with my heart beating rapidly 'i know about your cheating' my hands shake as i look towards the floor 'jack I'm so sorry plea-' i cut her of removing her hand from my face 'Analivia there's no denying it i already know the truth and it hurts it hurts a lot that you could do this to me' i shake my head legs bouncing up and down

Tears drop down her face 'please jack it isn't what you think it is' she cries trying to take my hand 'well tell me then Livia' i stand up hands on the back of my head 'tell me why the girl i love the most in this world would do this to me your the reason i wake up in the morning the reason i didn't give up ages ago and you ruined it you've ruined me' my voice breaks

'I cant tell you jack' she whispers standing up wiping my tears with her hand 'exactly theres no excuse its over' i huff 'we, us whatever this is' i point between me and her 'it's over' my voice cracks again

She just nods not even fighting for us tears trickling down her face as she tries to string words together

'Are you leaving' she looks up to me with glistening eyes 'not if you don't want me to' i look down at the floor

I shouldn't even care what she wants

I should be in a taxi going home

But instead I'm staying to support my now ex girlfriend

Analivias pov:

My heart has just been absolutely torn into shreds and its all my fault

The past 2 weeks have been torture

Something that nobody should ever go through

1 week before

'Im- im not doing that' i cry as he grabs my wrist tightly 'it wasn't a question angel' Noah laughs 'don't call me that' i shake at the name only jack calls me

Walking home from a late night shoot with pretty little thing i was approached and grabbed by a man threatening me that if I didn't go with him he would go after jack

So i did

'We're going to make little jacks heartbreak' he laughs pushing me into his car

Since that he has made me go on 'dates' with him
Be seen in public with him
And the worst of all
Made me look like i cheated on jack

He made me do difficult things like ignore jack

He made me swear I wouldn't communicate with him

He made me swear I wouldn't tell anyone about him

He made me swear that i would ruin mine and jack's relationship

He made me swear to say silent whilst he hit and abused me

Or he would torture ever last person i love

It has been the most destroying thing in my life and nobody knows

Back to present:

Jack made his way back into the venue as it started to pour leaving me outside

I broke

I broke down in tears

Moments later i hear distant footsteps approaching me

My heartbeat fastened in fear

Was it him.

"Come on, I'm not leaving you out here alone."
A voice says, a familiar voice, hints of despair in his sore throat.

Looking up, jack stares at you, his arms held out for you.

Wiping away your tears, you grab his hand and pull yourself up.

"Come here." He pulls you closer to him, letting you nuzzle into his side.

Your tears stain his shirt, as more tears dribble down your cheeks.

"Hey come on, don't cry." He begs,
"it breaks my fucking heart to hear you cry."

You can't stop, you gulp for air and shudder in his arms and he does the most amazing thing by stroking your hair and making rough soothing noises that only make you cry harder.

We make our way inside as he lets go giving me one last smile before heading over to the boys

I head go the bathroom go freshen up so no one knew i had been crying

I couldn't let anyone know about this or Noah would do as he said he would

Luckily he had to leave earlier as he got a call that police had been spotted around his warehouse where he had been taking me most days

'You okay hunni' my mum walks up to me giving me a hug 'y-yeah' i nod 'i heard what happened thats not like you to do something like that' she rubs my back

I shrug my shoulders before walking of without a word

I didn't see jack much for the rest of the night he was with the boys majority

And to say they all hated me right now was a understatement

Everyone did

Even Phil

And that broke me

'Babe i think everyones going to head now' Rebecca came over to me letting me know as no one else spoke to me

Her words broke me

Made me feel sick

As i know that I didn't have there protection for later on tonight

'Oh okay babe thanks for telling me' i hug her trying to hold back tears 'i know theres more to this Livia and you need to let us know if you need help' she whispers taking my hand

A tear falls down my face

'Im in a lot of trouble Becca but thats all i can tell you I'm sorry' i nod taking her hand 'w-what Livia you can't say that' she grips my hand 'I'm sorry' i give her one last hug before heading out as she calls from she distance but i keep walking

'Dont you dare walk awa- Livia!' Becca shouted as i slip through the backstage access door

I absolutely love this chapter i keep re reading it

I hope yous love it just as much ☺️
