Chapter 29


"Have you apologized to Rebekah yet?" Was the first thing Aurelia asked when she answered the phone call she received from Klaus, hearing him let out an exasperated sigh at the repeating question. "No.. but-" He starts. "Apologize." Aurelia says before she hangs up on him.

"Who was that, love?" Rebekah asks, walking into the room after hearing Aurelia on the phone. "Nik. I'm trying to get him to apologize to you. How do you feel?" Aurelia asks, leaning against the countertop as her eyes trail over Rebekah's body, looking for any visible signs that she's not okay.

"Better" Rebekah nods slightly, giving Aurelia a soft reassuring smile. Aurelia hums, not entirely believing her but deciding not to push it.

"I think I'm going to head to the grill. I'll see you later, love" Rebekah says, giving Aurelia a kiss on the cheek while passing by her, not allowing Aurelia to respond before she walks out the door.

Aurelia had debated on calling out to Rebekah but decided against it, deciding to meet up with her in a little bit instead.


Rebekah sat at the bar countertop, deep in thought as she was drinking. She loved Aurelia, no doubt about that. But her hallucination scared her. She might've been fully healed now, but it was still taunting her and creeping around in her mind.

There was one side of Rebekah that told her to stay away from Aurelia, to keep her safe. To love her from a distance, a far one at that.

But there was the other side of Rebekah, that wanted to be with Aurelia all the time, always touching her, always seeing her, and just knowing that she was there. But she didn't know which part she should listen to.

"You're day drinking and deep in thought. And before you ask me how I know, every time you're in deep thought, your eyebrows do this cute little furrow that I find adorable every time. Now spill." Aurelia says, coming up from behind Rebekah and sitting next to her. "What's going on?" Aurelia asks, more softly after Rebekah didn't look at her.

"It's nothing, Lia. And you day drink all the time" Rebekah says, glancing at Aurelia. "Nik is my current drinking buddy and Kol was my old one when he was here. What do you expect?" Aurelia says, making Rebekah tilt her head quickly, realizing her argument was pointless.

"Look nothings wrong. I just want to be alone right now. Can you leave me alone for once?" Rebekah says harshly, turning her head away from Aurelia. Aurelia was taken aback, feeling a small pang in her chest, making her frown.

"What the hell is your problem Rebekah?" Aurelia scoffs. "Maybe it's-" Rebekah starts but immediately cuts herself off, not thinking correctly. But Aurelia was able to guess what was going to come out of her mouth.

"Right. You know, after last night I figured that you would be clingy but right now you're just being cold and harsh." Aurelia says, seeing Rebekah continue to avoid her gaze, but Aurelia just lets out a sigh. "Look Bekah, whatever it is, I'll help you and I'm with you until the end. Let me help you" Aurelia pleads, but Rebekah doesn't say anything.

"Right. Got it." Aurelia says, getting up and storming out of the grill. Rebekah had resisted the large urge to get up and stop her and tell her she's sorry and loves her, but she thought this might be for the better. Even though she had no idea how wrong she was.

Rebekah let out a sigh and let her head rest in her hands, already regretting the hard decision she made. "You're trying too hard" Klaus says, glaring at Rebekah from a few tables over. He had heard everything, and he wasn't pleased with how Aurelia probably feels now.

"Now why are you chasing away one of the best things that's ever happened to you?" Klaus questions, curiously. "Last I heard you were leaving town. Forever." Rebekah says, ignoring him while picking her head up but not looking at him.

Klaus realizes that she ignored his question, making him smirk. "Well I was, but then I thought to myself, "How can I when my sister, clearly so desperate for love and affection, is left here after chasing away the one good thing she had" Klaus says, standing him and approaching Rebekah with a smirk.

"What do you want, Nik? Thought I was dead to you" Rebekah asks, already over this entire conversation. "Things change, Rebekah. And Aurelia happened" Klaus says, finally locking eyes with Rebekah.

"I've stumbled upon something I think might be of interest to you" Klaus says, getting back on his original topic. "Doubt that" Rebekah says quickly. "No? Well what if I told you the Brotherhood of The Five still existed?" Klaus says, finally peeking Rebekah's interest.

"What?" Rebekah mutters, her face falling. "You see? And like that, bygones. Come on love, work to do" Klaus says, turning away for a second. "We don't have anything to do. There is no "we". I don't care about The Five, and I don't care about you." Rebekah says, making a small smirk appear on Klaus's face. "As you wish" Klaus says as he walks away from Rebekah.

Rebekah lets out a sigh and checks the time, realizing that she's late to meet up with April, after all she did promise her that she'd help her with her family.

Rebekah heard April talking and walked toward the booth where she saw April sitting and then Matt standing and talking to her. "Sorry, family drama" Rebekah says, walking around Matt to sit in the booth.

"You two are friends?" Matt asks in disbelief. "Is it so hard to believe I would have one?" Rebekah asks, already annoyed by his presence. "Yeah, it is" Matt says, finally walking away from them.

Before Rebekah and April could even start talking, Stefan came and sat in the booth next to April. "You won't remember any of this" Stefan says, compelling April. "Klaus wants me to fake peace with you so you'll talk about The Five" Stefan says, turning back to Rebekah.

"I bet. Don't help him, he'll just betray you. It's what he does" Rebekah replies bitterly. "Alright, well forget him. Help me instead" Stefan says back quickly. "Why? You hate me more than he does" Rebekah points out, still not convinced she should be helping anyone.

"Because I wanna figure out what he's up to. Plus, I can give you the one thing he won't" Stefan says. "I already have everything I could ever want, all in one person" Rebekah smiles, thinking of Aurelia. "Maybe, but are you sure you still have her?" Stefan says, making Rebekah's smile drop to glare at him.

"Klaus told me all about your fight with Aurelia. He heard everything before and he told me about it. Now, something I can give you that Klaus won't is a clean slate" Stefan continues on, making Rebekah raise her eyebrows.

"I'm not saying I'm willing to forgive you for what you did to Elena, but I'm willing to set it aside and start over" Stefan says, leaning back. "Why would you do that?" Rebekah questions.

"Because you're obviously not leaving town at anytime soon and I'm just looking for a way we can all get along. Plus, you can't be too happy wandering around school with no friends. And Aurelia doesn't count" Stefan says, making Rebekah roll her eyes. "Well what if I don't care what you or anyone else thinks?" Rebekah retaliates.

"Well I'm pretty sure that you care what Aurelia thinks. I'm sure that she would love to hear all about The Five from Klaus and find out more about you and your past lover" Stefan says, making Rebekah quickly stand up, placing her hands on the table while glaring at him. "You leave Aurelia out of this, it's dangerous for her to know about The Five. And if I find out that you touched a hair on her head then I will have yours on a stake. You do not threaten me. And bringing Aurelia into it? Stupid move." Rebekah seethes, leaning closer to Stefan while still leaning against the table before backing away.

"Dinner at Klaus's tonight" Stefan says before he gets up and walks out of the grill. Rebekah lets out a sigh before she walks away from the table, leaving April confused but she didn't care much at the moment. She walks to a different table and pulls out her phone, dialing a certain brunette's number, but all she received was her voicemail.

"Hi sweetheart. Listen, I'm really sorry about earlier. I promise I'll explain everything to you later when I get home, but for now I'll be heading to Nik's for a dinner. Yes he talked to me and well- actually I'll explain when I see you tonight. I love you, darling. Bye" Rebekah says, hanging up and leaving the voicemail.


"What is it now Nik? I'm not in the mood" Aurelia mumbles, answering another one of Klaus's phone calls right as she paused the tv that was playing her show.

After she stormed out of the grill, she drove back home and just watched tv while she drank blood she had stashed away.

"Clearly. I was in the grill and heard you and my dear sister and I spoke to her afterwards. Now I'm back home and I'm hoping you'll come over and join me. I've got something to show you and tell you about" Klaus says, peeking Aurelia's interest.

"Fine. It's not like I have anything else to do" Aurelia sighs and gets up from the couch, setting down her glass of blood.

"Fantastic. See you soon, love" Klaus says, and Aurelia could already hear his smirk on the other end before she hangs up on him and gets in her car to start driving to the Mikaelson mansion.


"Nik?" Aurelia called out as she stepped into the Mikaelson mansion. "Right here, love" Klaus smirks, appearing in front of her. Aurelia just hums before a small smirk forms on her face too, wrapping her arms around Klaus to hug him.

"So, what is it that you wanted to show and tell me about?" Aurelia asks, pulling away after a moment. "I've caught a hunter, follow me" Klaus says before he walks out of the room and opens the door to another one, where Aurelia saw a shirtless man in chains.

"Oh.. I didn't know how kinky you were Nikky" Aurelia says, smirking at her rhyme. "Shut it, Lia" Klaus says, causing Aurelia's smirk to grow wider.

Just then, the hunter squirms around in his chains, letting out a grunt. "You feeling alright, mate? Are the shackles too tight?" Klaus asks as he stands next to the hunter as Aurelia lets out a snicker, before they hear footsteps approaching.

"Welcome home, sister" Klaus says, causing Aurelia to turn around, just to be met with Rebekah and Stefan walking in before coming to a stop and standing. "What is she doing here?" Rebekah asks quickly when she sees Aurelia, turning around to glare at Stefan but turns back when she hears Aurelia scoff.

"What? Want to be alone again for a second time?" Aurelia says, making Rebekah's face drop when she realizes that she was harsher to Aurelia than she meant to be. "Love, I didn't mean it like-" Rebekah starts but Aurelia rolls her eyes and shoves past Rebekah and tries to go past Stefan but he doesn't let her, putting a hand on her shoulder to stop her. "I'm going to suggest that you take your hand off me before you lose all of your limbs." Aurelia seethes, glaring at Stefan as she flashes her golden werewolf eyes.

"You're going to want to hear this, trust me" Stefan says, ignoring the hard feeling of Rebekah's eyes piercing into him. "He's right, love" Aurelia hears Klaus say, turning around and seeing him nod at her. "Fine, whatever" Aurelia mumbles, shrugging Stefan's hand off her.

They were all quiet for a moment. Rebekah still didn't want to involve Aurelia into this but she didn't have a choice in the matter anymore.

"This is a trick? How do you know he's one of The Five? Where's his bloody tattoo?" Rebekah finally asks, breaking the silence.

Aurelia furrowed her eyebrows at the name, she'd heard it before. She remembered researching about The Five ever since she became a hybrid, she wanted to know all about the past skilled hunters and if there were anymore around to kill her and her friends. But it was stated that The Five went extinct and there wasn't anymore since, so how was this one here?

"Oh, the tattoos aren't visible on this lot like they were on the last" Klaus says, making Aurelia understand things a little more now.

Clearly the Mikaelson's had known about The Five back then, that's probably how they went extinct.

"Let's eat" Klaus says, bringing Aurelia out of her thoughts as he walks past Rebekah and Stefan and wraps his arm around Aurelia's shoulder, walking with her.

They all sat at the table, Aurelia sat between Klaus and Rebekah and was towards Rebekah's right side and towards Klaus's left side, and with Stefan on the other end of the table from her.

Klaus compelled a couple of girls and they brought them drinks and food, it reminded Aurelia of when she had a dinner with Klaus, Elijah, Damon, and Stefan when Rebekah was still daggered.

"Thank you, my lovely" Klaus says when the girl puts something on his plate. "I could kiss the council for burning up all the vervain in town. They made my life so much easier. Rebekah love, eat your veggies" Klaus says after noticing that Rebekah wasn't eating.

"I'm not eating till you apologize" Rebekah says, making Aurelia look over to Klaus. "Didn't you apologize earlier when you said you spoke to her?" Aurelia questions, waving her fork around in the air.

"Well- uh technically I never said I apologized.. I just said I spoke to her" Klaus mumbles, refusing to make eye contact with Aurelia. "You ass" Aurelia mutters, dropping her fork and rubbing her face with her hand.

"Now apologize for which indiscretion? There have been so many" Klaus says, turning back to Rebekah. "You tried to break my neck." Rebekah says, saying it as if it was so obvious. "You threw away Elena's blood, so I can't make anymore hybrids" Klaus says, waving his hands around.

"Because you took me for granted!" Rebekah exclaims. "That's what big brothers do, sweetheart! And after all I didn't even break it because of Aurelia here" Klaus says, raising his voice at first but lowering it afterwards. "Yep, that's right. Because you seem to obey me like the good little wolfy you are" Aurelia smirks, letting out a snicker.

"Don't push it, little pup" Klaus says, making Aurelia just hold up her hands in surrender but she still tries to hide the smirk on her face.

"Let me just name the million other people I'd rather be having dinner with right now" Stefan finally butts in. "Stefanie shush nobody cares" Aurelia says, causing Klaus to snicker.

"Alright, fine. I'm sorry. I often forget how delicate you are, forgive me?" Klaus finally apologizes, but his attempt made Aurelia roll her eyes.

"I'll take it under consideration" Rebekah says, making Stefan and Aurelia let out a small sigh of relief. "Okay good" Stefan says at the same time when Aurelia mumbles "Finally".

"Now why don't you tell me about Rebekah's hunter?" Stefan says, glancing to Aurelia, who furrowed her eyebrows in response. Aurelia immediately looked to Rebekah with a knowing look on her face, requesting that she knew more.

"There was a hunter that was apart of The Five back then, Alexander. I fell for him.. I fell in love with him" Rebekah says quickly, keeping a bare minimum amount of eye contact with Aurelia.

"Right, Alexander. Nice chap, foregoing the obvious issues" Klaus says, moving on from the awkward topic as he starts to tell a story about a conversation that he, Elijah, and Rebekah had with Alexander which leads to a part about a weapon he had.

"So that's what this is about? A weapon?" Stefan asks, clearly disappointed by it. "Not just any weapon" Rebekah says, looking at Stefan like he was stupid.

"Rebekah love, don't get ahead of the story" Klaus says, holding his hand out. "How is a weapon the answer to all my prayers?" Stefan questions. "It'll be the answer to all my prayers when I use it to shut your ass up for good. Now shut up and let them finish their story" Aurelia says, glaring at Stefan while she takes a sip of her drink.

"Okay, why don't we just skip the theatrics and get right to the point?" Stefan says, looking between Klaus and Rebekah as he leans back in his chair.

"Not quite yet. Because in order to find this weapon, we need to solve the puzzle... which seems to have disappeared" Klaus says, also leaning back in his chair and looking at Stefan.

"What puzzle?" Stefan asks before Aurelia's face falls in realization. "The tattoo. It's a map, isn't it? Leading us to what it holds, it's treasure" Aurelia says, making Klaus nod at her with a small smirk. A small proud smile formed on Rebekah's face while she looked at Aurelia, admiring her.

"Fat lot of good a tattoo is gonna do if we can't see it" Rebekah says, pulling her eyes away from Aurelia. "We can't, but someone else can" Klaus says, turning back to look at the girl who was standing there, waiting for her presence to be needed.

"Why don't you tell the hybrid to bring him in, love?" Klaus says to the girl, who starts walking away. "You see, the hunter was so eager to get to the bottom of his mystery tattoos that he mentioned there was only one other person that can see them.." Klaus says, and just then, his hybrid brings Jeremy in and shoves him inside.

Stefan vamp speeds up and tries to go to Jeremy but Klaus beats him to it. "I wouldn't." Klaus says, standing slightly in front of Jeremy.

"Lucky for us, young Jeremy here is a bit of an artist" Klaus says, putting his hand on Jeremy's shoulder and shaking him but taking it off soon after.

"I'm not helping you with anything" Jeremy butts in. Klaus looks to his hybrid, who vamp speeds and rips Jeremy's ring off his finger and tosses it to Klaus. "Oh I'm afraid you are" Klaus says, holding his ring up.

Aurelia glances to Rebekah and then to Stefan, he looks like he's going to attack but Aurelia knows he won't. Klaus would kill Jeremy in a second.

Klaus puts Jeremy into the same room that the hunter was in, still chained up. He gave Jeremy a pencil and notepad for him to draw on.

"So now what? We just sit here and wait until he's done doodling?" Aurelia asks, finishing her drink before standing up. "Yeah, basically" Klaus shrugs, putting his hands behind his back.

"Yeahhh no. I'm gonna go see what they're doing" Aurelia says, starting to take a few steps. "And then what's to stop him from killing you?" Rebekah says, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "The fact that he's tied him in chains, and you two" Aurelia smirks, looking to Rebekah and Klaus.

"Fair enough. Careful love, don't want to end up strangled in chains" Klaus says when Aurelia started to walk again. "Careful Nik, don't want to
end up with my fork up your ass" Aurelia glares, seeing him step back with his hands up in surrender, but also trying to hide his smile.

Aurelia smiles before she walks away from
them, and starts to hear Jeremy's and the hunters conversation. "You set me up at the hospital, led me into a trap. Why?" Aurelia had finally heard the hunter talk.

"You were trying to hurt people who are important to me" Jeremy says and Aurelia sees him walk to the other side of the hunter, continuing to draw. "Important to you? That vampire just threatened to kill you" The hunter says as Jeremy sits down.

"Well, to be exact. He's a hybrid" Aurelia says, walking in and making her entrance. "And you? What are you? You aren't human, so don't try to fool me with that. I saw your eyes glow when that guy put his hand on you" The hunter says after it was silent for a bit.

"You're right, I'm not human. But I'm not a vampire either. I'm a werewolf. Hence, why my eyes glow golden" Aurelia says as her eyes start glowing, but not showing her full hybrid face. She wasn't lying, she wasn't a full vampire, just part vampire, but the hunter didn't have to know that.

But Jeremy did, which is why he looked to her with his eyebrows furrowed. But Aurelia looked back at him, a soft look in her eyes, her way of asking for him to not rat her out to the hunter. And he didn't.

"I don't understand how you can see the tattoo if you're a sympathizer" The hunter says, his eyes moving back towards Jeremy.

"And what exactly do you understand? Cause a couple days ago, you seemed to have all the answers, and now you know jack. Where did this tattoo come from? Why am I the only one who can see it?" Jeremy questions the hunter.

Aurelia leaned against the doorframe, while the hunter let out a sigh. "Years ago, I met someone with the mark. He claimed he had this intense desire to kill vampires, like it was ingrained in his DNA. He told me the same thing I told you, if I could see the mark, I was a potential" The hunter says, and Aurelia's eyebrows raise in realization.

"Who was he?" Jeremy asks, now invested. "Just a guy I served in Iraq with. I lost track of him and then one day, the tattoo just showed up on me. It started on my hand but the more vampires I killed, the more it spread. Like- like it was trying to tell me something. I just- I just don't know what" The hunter says, and Aurelia finally understands.

"Wow. How creepy. Okay well, I'm bored. So I'll leave you two be" Aurelia says, leaving the room and as soon as she closed the door, she sped walked back to Rebekah, Klaus, and Stefan.

"Oh great, you're alive. Splendid" Klaus says when he hears Aurelia walk into the room. "Alright, fine. Guess I won't tell you what I just learned from the hunter" Aurelia shrugs, sitting down in a chair and putting her feet up.

"God, so annoying. Fine, I'm sorry. Now, what did you learn?" Klaus asks, putting his attention on Aurelia. "Good doggy" Aurelia smirks, and it grows bigger when Klaus's glare hardens.

"Apparently the hunter met someone many years ago when he served in Iraq, who had the mark and said he had this strong desired feeling to kill vampires. That guy told our hunter that if he could see the mark, he was a potential, which is what our hunter told Jeremy too. He lost track of him and one day the tattoo showed up on him and started on his hand. He said the more vampires he killed, the more it grew" Aurelia says, her demeanor changing, being more serious.

"My guess is that being a potential means a future hunter. When he lost track of him, I'm assuming he died and then the mark was passed onto him. The more vampires he kills, the more it grows, which means if he kills who knows how many vampires and his mark is complete afterwards, it forms the map that leads us to its treasure. Sorry Stefanie, looks like your girlfriends little brother is going to be a future hunter. Oh and the hunter also thinks that I'm just a werewolf, not a hybrid so I'd like to keep it that way" Aurelia shrugs after looking towards Stefan.

"Nice job, little pup. Can't say I expected less from you" Klaus says as he quirks an eyebrow at Aurelia with a small proud smirk.

Rebekah was smiling proudly bigger than ever. She knew she actually picked a good one this time, and she couldn't wait for this dinner to be over so she could apologize and actually talk to Aurelia again.

Aurelia just shrugged nonchalantly at Klaus, glancing at Rebekah and giving her a small smirk as she interlocked her own two hands together and held them at her chest, feeling proud of herself.

"Well Klaus, do you know anything else about the tattoo? Tell me more" Stefan says, looking over to Klaus and ignoring Aurelia's comment about Elena and Jeremy.

"My sister's suitor was unwilling to tell us anything. Rebekah, however, was more than willing to investigate. Isn't that right?" Klaus says, causing Aurelia to glare at him for his comment.

He told a story about how Alexander ended up daggering Rebekah and tricking her. "My sister's boyfriend threw a slumber party that night. He and his brothers put us all down in our sleep. Elijah, Kol, Finn, and me" Klaus says, looking to Rebekah with a glare.

"How was I supposed to know?" Rebekah retaliates, not appreciating how her brother was blaming her. "Cheers, to my sister's uncanny ability to choose men" Klaus says, holding up his drink.

"That's why I'm here" Aurelia mumbles, taking a sip of her drink she got refilled.

"I thought the daggers didn't work on you because of your werewolf side" Stefan questions. "They don't." Klaus says, giving Stefan a small smirk.

Klaus told a story about how he woke up and killed all of them, and the part when he woke up Rebekah made Aurelia want to make Klaus wish that he never laid a finger on her. She was glaring at him, her jaw clenched.

"Go ahead Rebekah, tell him. Tell him what the hunter told you the tattoo leads to. What's this great weapon that could bring about the end of the vampire species?" Klaus says, waving his hand toward Rebekah for her to speak.

"A cure. He said there was a cure" Rebekah says, glancing at Aurelia. It was quiet for a moment, before Klaus stood up, Stefan following him. "There is no cure for vampirism" Stefan said, walking faster.

"He's telling the truth, Stefan" Rebekah says as her and Aurelia get up to follow them as well. "Then why wouldn't you have searched for it, found it?" Stefan says, starting to raise his voice.

"Because when the hunters drew their final breath that night, the marks disappeared from their body" Klaus says as he starts making a drink, his back faced towards them. Aurelia walks over and leans against the small table, facing Stefan and Rebekah but still standing next to Klaus.

"The map was gone, the Brotherhood of The Five extinct. For 900 years, there was not a whisper of another hunter until our friend in there showed up in town" Klaus says, handing the drink he made for Aurelia to her and turning around to face Stefan and Rebekah as well.

"Well, now we have the map. What do we do next?" Rebekah says, leaning against the doorway.

"We don't do anything. You can't be trusted little sister, you'll be blabbing this secret to the first boy who calls you pretty. I mean, it's pathetic, really isn't it? How she continues to hand her heart to any man who shows her a hint of affection, you think she would have learned by now! From the endless cycle of disappointment and deception!" Klaus says, Aurelia fights the urge to kick him for saying that about Rebekah and basically acting like Aurelia doesn't exist. But she chooses not to intervene just yet, knowing this is between the two of them.

"And I did! Now I have Aurelia but yet, still I stay here with you and let you leech every moment of happiness from my life even while I'm committed to somebody! You know, at least I faired better than Finn. Klaus left him daggered because he was tired of his judgement" Rebekah says, leaning off of the doorway now.

"No, Finn was a dullard. He's more interesting lying in a box" Klaus says, stepping forward and going face to face with Rebekah.

"You want the cure for Elena, don't you? So you can go back to mass producing your hybrids. That's why you brought Stefan in! Cause you knew he'd help you even though he hates your guts! You know what, you can shove your cure" Rebekah says, walking away and leaving.

Aurelia set down her drink and vamp sped to rip off a leg off the table and by the time Klaus turned around, she went at him and stabbed him in the stomach. "That's what you get for being a dick." Aurelia whispers in his ear before dropping him to the floor and walking out.

Aurelia quickly vamp sped outside, to find Rebekah just walking away angrily. She vamp sped in front of her and held her shoulders to stop her from walking. "Stop. Breathe and calm down a bit Bex. Where were you planning to go?" Aurelia asks, but Rebekah could still barely look at her.

"I-I don't know. I'm sorry, love. I'm so so sorry I hadn't meant to be harsh and I didn't want to be left alone, I guess I was trying to push you away because I thought that'd be better for you and to keep you safe but now I realize how stupid and wrong that was and I'm sorry Nik said so many things in there that you probably didn't wanna hear about Alexander and-" Rebekah was cut off by Aurelia pulling her into a hug, holding her tightly.

"It's okay Bekah. It's okay, I forgive you. And it's not your fault that Nik is a dick. I don't care about Alexander, I know that you've fallen in love many times in the past and that you have past lovers that are going to be mentioned. I wasn't mad about anything including him at all, not even the part where you and your siblings got daggered. It's not your fault, Bekah. It's okay" Aurelia says, whispering a couple of the things she said in her ear before pulling away and cupping Rebekah's face.

"I'm also sorry about when I first saw you in there with the hunter, I didn't want you to know about this because I felt bad for dragging you into things and because of Alexander and just wanted to keep you safe. But of course Nik ends up dragging you into it anyways" Rebekah says and Aurelia just shakes her head. "Bekah, it's okay. Everything is okay I don't care. I love you. Okay? It's alright" Aurelia whispers again.

"I love you too. So much. I'd be foolish if I ever lost you" Rebekah whispers, leaning her forehead against Aurelia's, both of them closing her eyes. "You won't lose me. You can't." Aurelia says, closing the gap between them, kissing her passionately.

Author's note: Hey guys.. long time no seeeee. But no I'm really sorry that it's been so long when I said it wouldn't have been that long but school and volleyball just got really busy and I've had no motivation which is why I gave you guys an extra long chapter today since it's been so long. And sorry if there's a lot of errors or spelling stuff in this chapter I didn't have time to read over it. But I can't promise how frequently the updates are going to be but I promise I won't leave you guys on a book without an ending lmao. Also, do you guys want to see them go with the cure so that this book is longer or would you rather they leave and the last couple of chapters are just fluff between the two of them? Comment and whichever has more votes is what I'll do. I kind of want to do the cure stuff just because I have some good ideas but up to you guys! Sorry this is a long authors note but enjoy!
