Football Game

Jezzabelle Johnson

"It's already been 2 months of our college year as freshman's and we're already going to be cheering for the homecoming football game. I'm so excited!"

I smiled at Cindy's excited expression while she was fixing her make up in the cheerleading locker room.

Damn. 2 months, already?

As much as I was happy about completing 2 months of school already, I was also to busy thinking about the past 2 months of me sneaking around behind my best friend's back with her older brother.

Damn Cole and his infatuating ways!

One minute I'm practicing millions of scenarios in my head about how I'm going to stop seeing him because of how tiring it is for me to keep secrets from my best friend but as soon I'm in front of him, my morals and my clothes are gone.

Honestly I could care less about who I'm sleeping around with since I started having casual sex with guys at the startling young age of 16, yes I'm a hoe with no morals, but now that I'm having casual sex with Cole more likely than I want is freaking me out.

I'm still dating Leo, yes I'm even more of a hoe now, but Cole being Cole doesn't really give a fuck about who I'm with just as long as I still end up sleeping in his bed at the end of the night.

Although Cole said he didn't want me to break up my relationship with Leo, he had his moments when he would still try to nag me about leaving him sometimes or tell me while we're in the heat of the moment that he wants me to belong to him. Some caveman possessive type of shit, I guess.

Anyways! Besides the sex, he still was a great friend to me before he went to juvy and prison. And ever since he came back he has been reminding me so much of how great our friendship used to be before he got locked up.

He's been taking me out to places he remembered we used to like going to together as kids and then I'd take him out to new places he hasn't been to since he's been in the pin.

It was like we were going on mini adventures together and then having some steamy fun afterwards like a little reward after the tiring day of being together.

Strangely, Cindy and Leo haven't noticed our relationship at all.

Leo has been to caught up with what he says is school, football and his new job at his dads company. While Cindy on the other hand was to busy with school, cheer leading and of course her boyfriend that loves to take up her time and day.

I thought by now they both would've caught up with what me and Cole were doing since we weren't exactly so secretive. I mean we literally had sex in a bunch of places we could've been caught since Cole was such a exhibitionist, he claims that I was the one who had that kink because he hasn't had sex in public with anyone else besides me and he didn't start liking it till after we started doing it, but I'm pretty sure he was the one that started it considering the places that he himself asked me to do it with him in public places before I even could deny the offer.

We did it in his car before we go to school and sometimes after school in the parking lot, then there was during break between our classes when he'd shove me into the janitors closet or an empty classroom, then there was the movie theaters where he purposely ditched his blind date that Cindy tried to hook him up with only to drag me to the back of the theaters where there were empty seats and fucked me right under the light box flashing towards the big screen in front of where Leo, Cindy, Nate, and his blind girlfriend were sitting.

His house on the other hand has already been devilishly blessed so many times, although it was a large house with multiple rooms, he managed to bang me on each and every surface in there while his parents and Cindy were gone. I honestly felt bad for the cleaning ladies and maids in their house that had to clean up after how much of a mess Cole likes to leave around.

I think one of the many differences between Cole and I was that Cole was persistent on our little secret relationship but I always found a bunch of reasons of why we couldn't be together anymore.

A major big reason was my 5 year relationship.

There was nothing wrong with my relationship which only made Cole and I's secret flings even worse when I think about it.

Leo was the first boyfriend I've had that was with me for a little more than 5 years. He was the football captain of our highschool as a senior and when I began my freshman year of highschool, he managed to ask me out even though there were many other girls older and prettier than me that wanted to be with him.

He told me that I caught his eye when I sat in front of him in our first period art class. I remember sitting down in front of a group of guys with letterman jackets but I didn't even care since my headphones were on and I was dying to go home already wanting to be with my parents who needed me more than this hellhole that kept reminding my parents that it was against the law for me to not go to school.

Leo on the other hand had just gotten the position of football captain and was a grade A student in all his classes. He was like a cliche golden boy and football captain in those sappy romance books Cindy loved to read about.

That's why it was so surprising to me when he asked me out after school while I was waiting on Cindy to finish up her cheerleading practices, as always.

During high school I didn't really care about anything since I was going through some family stuff during that time but as soon as Leo started dating me, he was like an angel sent to help my self loathing self.

He was a great boyfriend. Always motivating me to go to my classes on time, always drove me to and from school, always brought snacks and lunch food for me to eat during school, and he even helped me out with my homework when I was to sick to be there or was to lazy to remember what the teachers would say.

The only thing that was strange about Leo and mine's relationship was that as much as he was the greatest boyfriend to ever exist, I never managed to fall in love with him as much as he did with me.

He literally confessed his true love for me on our one year anniversary when he first got to college and I was in my junior year of high school.

I told him so many times that if he wanted to break up with me due to the long distance of our schools, he could, but he fought for our relationship so much that I decided to stay with him and he told me he loved me while I was helping him move into his dorm 4 years ago.

I hated myself for so long because I couldn't get my damn brain and heart to fall for him as much as he did for me.

What the hell is wrong with me?!

I have the perfect man in my palms and yet what do I do?!

I start sleeping around with my bestfriends older brother that just got out of prison 2 months ago!

Seriously, I need to go check on my mental state.

I lost my virginity to Leo during our 2nd year anniversary, meaning it took me 2 whole years to start having sexual inter course with my loyal and loving boyfriend.

And yet it took less than a week for me to spread my legs for the first convict that I promised so many years ago not to be with for the sake of my relationship with my bestfriend of 13 years.

"You have your dress and everything ready in my room right?" Cindy asks as I nod remembering she wanted us to get ready together at her house tomorrow for homecoming.

"I bet you and Leo are going to be homecoming king and queen just like in high school" Cindy says with a wink as I laughed before following her out to the football field where everyone in our school was at.

Hearing the loud school band music and the shouting and cheering from the people in the bleachers made my overthinking brain stop to take in the view.

The college football stadium was so humongous and the cool air and loud sounds coming from all around me made me smile.

Even though I was so against cheerleading from the beginning, after two months of doing it, it was actually exhilarating when we come out to the field and see everyone cheering and living in the moment.

"Our men are coming" Cindy nudges me as I suddenly look forward seeing our schools football team running out to the field.

As much as I disliked PDA, since I hate doing stuff involving touching in front of other people. Somehow Cindy managed to get our boyfriends to tag along with their other team mates that had cheerleading girl friends to kiss before every game started. She said it was a tradition for the football players to have a good luck kiss before their game to be motivated and show off their relationship at the same time.

Cindy begged me to join in on the tradition and with Leo's excitement after finding out I was going to be on the cheer team, they both managed to get me into it.

Leo jogged up to me with his normal grin before instantly lifting me off the grass to pull me into his arms.

Of course Leo being the biggest lover of PDA I've ever known, he happily went overboard with his good luck kisses.

"Okay sticky fingers!" I shout pulling away while laughing at Leo's sneaky hands squeezing my ass underneath my skirt.

"I'll wait for you in the locker rooms again. Keep that sexy skirt on" He whispers with a wink before slapping my ass and jogging off after putting me back down.

My face was red in embarrassment and I was still smiling in a daze when a certain pair of light brown eyes caught my eye.

Like all the other times Leo had made his claim on me publicly, Cole was watching from afar. His eyes were always filled with jealousy but we both knew he couldn't do anything about it.

He didn't own me. Just like how I reminded him every time we were together, I still had a boyfriend.

"You and Leo gonna be spending time together again in the locker rooms after the game?" Cindy asks with a smirk as I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

Yes, my unfaithful and trifling ass was still sleeping around with Leo. Kill me now.

I'm going to burn in hell and with all the orgasms Cole has been giving me every time we fucked was going to make me go to hell the same way Lil Nas X did in his Montero music video.

There was no competition when it came to who was better in bed, considering I was literally only with Cole due to him being able to fulfill my selfish needs.

Leo was an okay performer in the sheets. The only thing I hated was that I just needed Cole to actually give me an orgasm after I was done with Leo.

As much as I wanted to be in love with Leo and be as passionate in bed with him as he was, I couldn't get myself off as quickly as he did. He would always ask if I ever came after he did and I lied just so I wouldn't break his poor heart. Which sucked since he was great at everything with being a boyfriend except for that.

He did make me orgasm like one time when he used his mouth and fingers on me while I was drunk at my high school graduation party. To bad that was the only time he made me came after 4 years of our relationship.


"I'll see you at my house tonight right?" Cindy asks as I nodded before waving as she walked out to where Nate was waiting for her in the almost empty parking lot.

I was still wearing my cheer leading outfit while I waited for the last few guys of the football team to leave the locker room. I already noticed by the few amounts of cars in the parking lot that there must be only like 2 or 3 guys left since I already knew who's car belong to who after what happened last time.

Getting caught in the locker room shower by the elderly school janitor who was traumatized after listening to me and Leo having sex like no one was around, definitely made me think twice about doing it in the school locker room showers again.

And yet I'm here once again waiting for Leo outside of the boys locker room.

Saying bye to the last two guys that walked out of the locker room and watching them get into the one of the the last cars that I recognized belong to the football players in the parking lot, I finally decided to walk into the locker room cautiously checking my surroundings for anyone else in here.

"Of course I won't. You're thinking way ahead of yourself"

Hearing the sound of Leo's voice in the locker room, I let out a sigh of relief. Walking to the end of the locker room near the showers where Leo's locker was, I was about to walk up to him only to stop after hearing what he was whispering on the phone.

"I love you baby but I can't talk right now. I need to finish my shower then I'll drive over to your house"

My mind stopped and my body froze.

Baby? Who was he talking too?

"You better be wearing that sexy cheerleading skirt I like before I get there. Love you, bye"

Hearing him hang up, I instantly move behind the row of lockers on the opposite side of where he was. I hear him typing away on his phone before closing his locker and heading into the showers.

After hearing the showers turn on, I sneak my way to his locker that was still open before digging through it to find his phone.

I never asked him for his password before since we both had pass codes but never had a reason to snoop through each other's phones. But I remembered what the numbers were that he clicked on so fast when he'd turn away from me while we were cuddling or when we slept on his bed together.

Typing in his passcode I remembered, I looked through his contacts seeing his call log. There was a bunch of numbers I didn't recognize but at the top of the list, the most recent number that called him, there was a name that made me get chills all over my body.

Cindy Thompson

