End-of-Term Time

As promised, here is today's second update :)

As the end of the term approaches, Korosensei increases his study sessions. Similarly to midterms, there are lots of clones, but this time we're sitting outside to enjoy the nice weather.

"You've got the basics down cold over the past semester, students. At this rate, I expect your grades on finals to shoot right up." Korosensei says.

"Korosensei, do you want us to make the top fifty this time too?" Nagisa asks.

"No. I was too focused on your total scores for midterms. I've come to believe that each student should have a goal better suited to themselves. And that's why I've come up with the perfect target for our assassination classroom!" Korosensei says, suddenly ceasing his hovering, except for Terasaka, that is. "D-Don't worry, Terasaka! You've got a shot at reaching it too!" Terasaka scowls and Korosensei appears in the center of the group, holding a gun.

"Now, then... As Shiro said, when I lose a tentacle, I also lose speed." Korosensei says, shooting off one of his tentacles, deploying his doubles as an example. "As you can see, even one tentacle makes a difference. I can't keep up the quality of my images, and now there's a few children images mixed in."

"So that's how images are reduced!" Nagisa says in awe.

"Lose one more," Korosensei says, the images changing even more. "and you get more child images with the parent images fretting about how to make ends meet."

"Yay!" The child images cheer as they run off to play, the parents huddling together, looking stressed.

"This has taken a rather heartbreaking turn." Nagisa comments, sweat dropping.

"Lose yet another," Korosensei shoots off a third tentacle. "and now the father image has vanished, leaving the mother image to raise the children on her own."

"Sheesh, that's rough!" Nagisa exclaims. Doesn't doing all of that just take more effort, though?

"Each tentacle reduces my movement capability by approximately ten percent. Here's the deal: each student who receives a top score, either overall or in an individual subject, will have the right to destroy one tentacle." Korosensei says, piquing our interest. "This is the final exam for our assassination classroom. Can you get any closer to that ten-billion-yen prize? That, my students, is up to you." Korosensei taunts us. Once we're back in class for our break, people start talking about the proposition.

"It's only one subject, right? Do you think you'll go for anything, (Y/n)?" Maehara asks.

"It's a great opportunity, but I don't excel at any one subject, so it's pretty much useless for me. It'll be great for some of the others, though." I say.

"One tentacle for each top score..." Nagisa murmurs.

"Yeah! We can do this!" Okuda says happily.

"Since when are you ever this fired up, Okuda?" Karma asks from he back of the room.

"Well, since science is my one strong suit, I might finally be able to help everyone out!" She says with a big smile.

"We have our share of high-scoring students here. Acing one subject isn't that far-fetched!" Kayano says.

"See." I say to Maehara. "Okuda has science, Isogai has social studies, and I'm pretty sure some of the others are good in other subjects." I say. Then Sugino's phone starts buzzing on his desk.

"Shindo?" He hums before answering bringing it up to his ear. "Hello? Hey, what's up? Haven't seen you since the tournament." Sugino is quiet for a moment, Shindo supposedly speaking before Sugino responds. "Still as condescending as ever, I see." Another pause. This time, however, Sugino's features darken and he puts his phone on speaker, gesturing for all of us to listen.

"Right now the entirety of the A Class, our accelerated program, is in a conference room for an independent study session. Their leaders are the pride of Kunugigaoka: a set of geniuses known as the Big Five." Shindo says before his voice begins to sound like the announcer from the baseball game. "Coming in at second place on midterms! The mass-media hopeful whose social studies knowledge crushes the competition: Media Club president Teppei Araki! In third place, dominator of competitions in the humanities, the perspicacious poet: student council secretary Ren Sakakibara! In fifth place, the memorization monster driven by his grudge against Akabane: Biology Club President Natsuhiko Koyama! In sixth place, the man whose sharp tongue and LA-honed language skills are light-years beyond the rest: speaker of the student council Tomoya Seo!"

"I-Is that you doing these introductions?" Sugino asks.

"Yeah, uh... I've always wanted to try my hand at announcing." Shindo says, undoubtably blushing before he returns to his speech. "And reigning over all these from the very top... In first place, coming in first on the national mock exams with his perfect mastery of all subjects, the man with leadership in his genes: student council president Gakushu Asano!"

"The principal's only son!" Sugino says.

"They've got popularity and top scores. The charisma that brings together the proud A Class go-getters, along with his innate leadership qualities... Asano, with his perfect knowledge of every subject, and others, with their own specializations... Together, they form the Big Five. They're looking to keep you from making it back to the main campus. If this keeps up..." Shindo says. I'm glad for the warning, but that was really dramatic.

"Thanks for looking out for us, Shindo." Sugino says with a smile, even though Shindo can't see it through the phone. "But it's all right. Right now our goal isn't to get out of the E Class. Still, to meet the goal we do have, we will need to beat the A Class on points. Watch us, okay? We'll put up a real fight!"

"Knock yourself out." Shindo says with a chuckle. "The E Class's fight isn't my problem."

When school gets out, Isogai gathers some of the high ranking hopefuls for a study session the next day. He had asked me but I declined. As I walk out of the building I adjust the strap of my bag over my shoulder, pulling out my phone to reread some texts from my sister.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!!

Me too! I have to study for exams though :(

Sounds boring :(
Well, I can try and help you
I probably won't do much though XD

You're in college! Junior high stuff should be no problem!

After that, she had left me on read and I had started checking constantly, just in case my phone doesn't buzz. Maehara suddenly comes up behind me and throws an arm around my shoulders.

"Whatcha doing?" He asks.

"Just looking at some messages from (S/n). She hasn't answered me since lunchtime." I say.

"Are you guys talking about something important?" He prompts, noticing my demeanor.

"Eh, I guess. She's visiting for dinner tomorrow. That's actually why I couldn't go study with Isogai and the others. She said she'd try and help me though." I say when my phone suddenly buzzes. I immediately check it.

Yeah, normally, but you go to a prep school
How's that one boy? Wasn't it Hiro or something?

It's Hiroto and you know it. And he's fine

After that I tap Maehara on the shoulder and take a quick selfie. I look pretty bad, but Hiroto looks fine, as usual.

"Huh?" He hums.

"Can I send it to (S/n).? She was asking about you." I say. He nods and I press the send button.

"Why would she ask about me? I thought she hated me." Maehara says, running a hand through his hair.

"Oh she still probably does. See?" I say, showing him the text where she referred to him as 'Hiro'.

Ew! I didn't ask for a picture of your faces
I'll see yours enough tomorrow

Haha very funny
I'm going to go now, see ya

Why don't you invite Hiro over. He probably needs more help studying than you do
That is, if he doesn't have a date

(S/n), don't be rude!
He can literally see what you're saying!

And? If he's right there you should have no problem asking him

I look over at Maehara, his face distrusting as he reads the texts.

"Are you sure she isn't planning to torture me or something?" He asks skeptically.

"Not with me or my parents there." I say.

"I don't know... your dad doesn't really like me either." Maehara says.

"That's just because you have a new girlfriend every week. You've gotten a lot better though, so I'm sure he won't do anything." I say. My mom is the only one in the family that likes him besides me. My sister had always been overprotective, a trait she inherited from my father who was convinced that Maehara was just trying to use me and then dump me like all the other girls. Unfortunately, I had already started harboring feelings for the blond, unbeknownst to everyone but (S/n) who had sworn to secrecy.

"Ok then, I'll go." He agrees after some quick exchanges with our parents to confirm everything. Contrary to my family, Maehara's absolutely love me, so they're quick to agree. The next twenty-four hours pass quickly and before I know it I'm sitting on the floor of my room with Maehara, my sister perched on my bed, looking down at us and the study materials covering the floor.

"Wooow, that's a lot more study material than I remember having at your age." (S/n) laughs.

"Hey, you said it yourself. It's a prep school." Maehara says.

"Shut it, Hiro. I was talking to my esteemed younger sister, not a womanizing scumbag like you." She huffs.

"You were the one that suggested I come over!" Maehara protests.

"Why don't you both be quiet so we can actually study? I'm starting to regret not taking Isogai up in his offer to study at the library." I sigh. Maehara ruffles my hair.

"It'll be funner to study with me- Ow!" He yells, a balled up paper rolling to the ground.

"No touching!" (S/n) scolds him. Maehara pouts and opens a textbook. I do the same, the room relatively quiet save for (S/n) occasionally humming along to a song playing through her earbuds. As I move onto math I notice it's getting slightly darker outside. I check the time on my phone. 6:37... it's been longer than I thought. I nudge Maehara and he immediately looks up from his work.

"Want to take a quick break?" I ask.

"What about (S/n)?" He whispers back.

"I'm pretty sure she's sleeping." I say, nodding to where she's strewn out over my bed, and arm over her face. Then I stand up and stretch. Sitting on the floor for that long is not comfortable. "Want to go on a walk?" I suggest. He shrugs, standing up next to me.

"Sure." He says, though from the look on his face it's clear he's thrilled with the suggestion. We tiptoe out of my room and tell my parents we're taking a walk to the nearby convenience store and back. As soon as we turn the corner, Maehara grabs my hand, swinging it between us.

"You really don't want to study, do you?" I say, suppressing my laughter.

"Can you blame me? We've been cramming all day with Korosensei too." He groans.

"And hopefully that pays off." I say. Even if I have no hope at getting a tentacle, I should still try. Korosensei's been focusing on it so much I'd feel bad. We get to the convenience store, which we had originally planned to turn around immediately from, but something catches our attention.

"Is that... Korosensei?" Maehara says as the round-headed figure exits the shop.

"Ah, (Y/n) and Maehara. Not an uncommon pair. You should hurry home." He says with a laugh, patting both of our heads and placing candy bars in our hands.

"Wha..?" I mumbles.

"Oh, and good job with the extra studying!" He says before disappearing.

"That was weird." Maehara comments.

"Yeah, just a little." I say before we start walking back to my house. As I swallow the last bite of my candy bar and tuck the wrapper in my pocket, a droplet hits my skin, followed by many more.

"Holy..! It came out of nowhere!" Maehara exclaims, quickly pulling off his overcoat and using it to block the rain as best as he can, but because it's the one from the summer uniform it doesn't take very long before it's soaked.

"Do you think this is what Korosensei meant when he said to 'hurry home'?" I ask as we run towards my house.

"Yeah, he did seem a bit bloated." Maehara says. "I can't believe it's raining this hard when it's summer!" The trip back is significantly shorter than the one to the store, and when we finally arrive at my front door not even an inch of either of us is dry. My sister scolds us, but I hardly notice since I'm staring at Maehara. It's hours later when I check my phone to see messages from the group chat. A deal with A Class?

"Come on, Karma! Shape up and study right!" Korosensei scolds the next day, the redhead leaning back in his chair, a book covering his face as he attempts to take a nap. "You know you have a fighting chance of getting the overall best score!"

"Of course I do. Your teaching methods are top-notch." Karma says, peeking out from under the book. "But you know, Korosensei... with the way you've been going on about top this, top that, you've been sounding like a regular teacher: crappy and boring." Korosensei stops his afterimages, focusing his attention on Karma. "Anyway, what's the plan? You know those A Class goons have something up their sleeves."

"Don't worry so much, Karma." Okajima says, turning slightly in his seat. "What more does the E Class even have to lose?"

"If we win, we can make them do anything!" Kurahashi says, standing up excitedly. "I'd like them to let us use the cafeteria!"

"I have an idea regarding that." Korosensei says, speeding to the front of the room. "What if we make them hand this over?" He suggests, holding up a pamphlet.

"The school pamphlet?" Okano says, looking confused. Then Korosensei flips it open to a specific page, earning hums of realization.

"You've already been at the bottom of the heap. That's why I'd like you to experience a lively battle for the top. An assassin must aim for the top—and bring it down." Korosensei says.

On the day our exams are scheduled, we march into the main campus building. Unlike during midterms, our heads are held high as we actually studied this time. We all get seated and the bell chimes, signaling the beginning of school, and the tests.

I take a test off the pile as it's handed to me, turning in my chair to give it to Okano who's seated behind me. This feels more like a match than an exam. Each class is a side, the rest a crowd cheering for their favorites and booing the other side. The test begins. These problems are even more monstrous than last time! Good thing we're prepared this time!
