+ one shot : royal wedding of the year

march nineteenth twenty twenty-one | paris

IT WAS A FRIDAY, but it was not only a Friday. Perhaps, it was the most important Friday to them. Stella was sipping on the only flute of champagne she was to have before the big event- their wedding.

"I cannot believe it has taken you two this long to wed. Gosh, you could've just gotten hitched off that one time you went to Vegas with him and his friends," Gina chuckled from the couch of the Greaves chateau. Stella was getting ready there with only her makeup artist, her hair stylist and a few close people. Julian's mother and her own mother buzzed around, making phone calls checking on guests and seeing if everything was in place for the ceremony and reception.

"It's the right time now," Stella countered, "It's perfect, and you know me, i'd want to have something beautiful because Julian does not deserve a sketchy, drunk Vegas wedding."

"He'd marry you anytime, any place," Theo strolled into the room and kissed his now-wife on the cheek as he set down Stella's favourite dessert food on the table. Her makeup artist had finished with her makeup and now only her hair was being done.

Serena Greaves clinked into the room, a look of stress evident on her face, "Darling, are you sure you're ready? No cold feet? We can cancel the entire thing if you want!"

"Mother! You've been wanting this for years! Seems like you're getting cold feet. I love Julian; i'm not nervous at all," Stella reassured her, "My dress?"

As she spoke, her dress was wheeled into the room by a rack, showing the garment she had been working on the moment Julian proposed almost two years ago. The design went through many, many, many, many drafts, but that was due to her ever-swaying mind. Only a few months ago had she finalised it and she swore it was absolutely perfect. A top made of the finest mesh and lace, met with an encrusted waist and sleeve and chest of precious jewels costing thousands before it poured into a flowing silk skirt, bedazzled with gold detailing with a considerable train. It was beautiful, breathtaking and definitely perfect for Stella.

"Also, mama, they're kind-off all in this together now?" Gina called from the couch.

"And i'm glad," Serena let out a sigh, pressing a kiss on her daughter's head much to the pleasure of the hair stylist fitting a golden tiara-like headpiece in her hair, "How's my grandson?"

"Gio sent me the cutest photo of him," Stella squeaked, rushing to her phone to show her mother the photograph of her son.

Gioven (j-oh-ven) Draxler was born in December 2019 unplanned, but he was the most beautiful thing that arrived in their world. They were so in love with him and his precious being. Giovanni believed that Gioven was named after him, but Stella swore he wasn't- she just fell in love with the name upon stumbling on it. At first, Stella was a little downhearted when she first became pregnant- she had only boosted back into the fashion world two years prior, but she learnt that she still got jobs in editorials, and many, many people wanted photoshoots of her pregnant. He was already 1 and a bit years old and was getting ready with his dad nearer to the ceremony location.

"Stella, darling, time to go," Monika gazed at her from the doorway leading into the spacious living room, "It's a lengthy drive so you can gather yourself."

By then, Stella had stepped into her dress and was suited in. She was to have a limo to the ceremony as her dress would be all creased and ruined if she went in a normal car, even an SUV. The ride was just a little lengthy and that was time to prepare herself for the next stage of her life's beginning. As she said, she wasn't nervous. It just took a little time to take in the fact that she was marrying the love of her life after exactly four years. Yes, they chose the date to coincide with their anniversary so they'll only have one day to remember.

"We'll see you at the venue, my darling. You look beautiful. I love you," Serena sighed and squeezed her daughter's dainty hands. She was getting teary for the millionth time that day.

Stella wanted to ride to the ceremony with only her childhood best friend, whom she had been planning her dream wedding with since they were tiny kids. Gina's wedding had passed, and it was finally Stella's turn.


Julian's breath hitched in his throat as he realised they had arrived at the venue of the ceremony. It was one of the most beautiful gardens in all of Paris, and decorated to be absolutely breathtaking. They were to wed by a white structure with guests on the concrete in front of them and the most beautiful flowers in bloom encircling them. Stella had been the one to plan a lot of the design aspect, and Julian just wanted something beautiful that she deserved.

"C'mon buddy," Julian picked up Gioven from his baby carrier of the back of the car. His father was in the front with Stella's father and Julian was in the back with his son and his brother Patrick. The other car coming from where he was just contained Giovanni and Stella's step-brother Nico Clevet. Julian was very close with the Greaves family, who became his own since his family were unwilling to move from Gladbeck.

"Jule, let me take him," Patrick offered and so Julian let the little boy stumble over to his uncle who held his tiny hand as he stomped around in Armani baby shoes, "Nervous, brother?"

"A little bit," he rubbed his hands together and gave a shaky grin, "But ready, of course. We would've married last year had dates not clashed."

"Well come on, that's Theo's car isn't it? That means they're right behind," Patrick pointed out and shoved him to the way of the venue.

His groomsmen waited for him at the start having taken a different car. Patrick was his best man, and the rest were Kevin, Serge and Sead Kolasinac. Stella's maid of honour was Gina, of course, and she just had to have her closest friends by her side in Izabel, Gigi and Bella. Kendall and Hailey were not as close to Stella but still attended the pretty private affair. There were only close to 200 people attending, which was a very tame number for people so connected in their worlds. Only the closest to the celebrants were in attendance.

"Son, wait," but it was not Julian's father Hans, but rather Stella's father Jerome, "I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you two. My Stella couldn't have found a better partner. Thank you, Julian."

"It's all my pleasure, Jerome," Julian answered honestly, "Entirely my pleasure."


"Now, if you don't want to go into that venue, say now or forever hold your peace," Serena breathed once again.

"Mama, stop trying to talk her out!" Gina chuckled, "She loves Julian a lot, and he loves her the same."

"Plus if we divorce, I keep the house and our yacht," Stella quipped jokingly, beginning to get a little nervous as the time neared. They were outside the venue, and Jerome, her dad, was watching from the door.

"I love you, Stel. I'm so happy you found Julian. I'll go sit now," Serena and Julian's mother Monika kissed her on the cheek, before leaving into the venue, which was not a Church, as they weren't heavily religious.

The groomsmen and the bridesmaid were going to walk together, but the best man was already with Julian and the maid of honour was walking alone. Gigi, Bella and Izabel had already given her their best wishes as they lined up wih Serge, Kevin and Sead, who made comments about Julian's state.

"Ready, darling?" Jerome offered out his arm.

"More than ever," Stella huffed finally.

The doors swung open, and music rang out in the Parisian streets, where there were photographers as Stella and Julian wouldn't have it any other way. It was a private affair in terms of guests, but the whole world's eye was on them through the flashes capturing one of the best days of their entire lives.

Julian almost began weeping on the spot when she first walked in, wholly concentrated at overcoming the step to get into the venue, before looking up and meeting his eyes only, which were filled with compassion and love. They were a perfect couple, even with their ups and downs that came with every relationship.

The velvet floor was littered with pink petals thrown by Stella's cousin's 6 year-old daughter Nina. Stella herself was clutching the most beautiful bouquet of flowers she had ever seen to compliment her dress.

Stella made the aisle without tripping, and soon enough, they were at the end of the aisle with her father giving her away to Julian, "Take care of her, kid."

"Of course, sir," he would usually call him Jerome, but felt it wasn't as appropriate.

Julian turned his head and met her eyes, breaking out into a big grin, "I love you," he mouthed.

She smiled gracefully, mouthing the same words back to him as they faced the priest. Each took a deep breath, and grinned.


"... You may kiss the bride," the priest said finally, and Julian turned and so did Stella, before Julian took a definitive step and snaked his arms around his bride.

Their lips met in passion, perfectly fitted and perfectly together. Julian dipped her a little, and the cheers and sounds of joy from the audience was white noise to them as they focused on one another.

"I love you, Stella," he uttered upon her lips, "So much."

She pulled her head pack with a loving smile, "I love you too Julian."

They walked down the aisle hand-in-hand as people threw petals of pinks and creams and golds over their heads. At the end of the aisle was her mother, carrying Gioven on her hip. The boy was placed down, and he took the spot between his parents, who each placed kisses on his head.

And they exited the glass venue that sat in the middle of the garden, to find themselves in awe of the scene in front of them. It was sunset, and the gods reigned mighty as they presented the sky gorgeous golds and pinks and purples.

Julian kissed his wife lovingly, and smiled through it. Gioven was babbling happily and the family was in a state of wholesome happiness and peace. Certainly, it was perfection.
