NIGHT 2: S.A.V.E. H.I.M. (PART 1)



At Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,

Time - 11:50pm (2350hrs)

I am currently sitting on the same swivel chair in front of a large desk in my office, awaiting for the time to strike 12 Midnight on the dot to most likely listen to another recorded phone call message. While I was waiting, I began to ponder about what I told Asuna aka, Poppy.


3rd Person's POV:

Shadow: I... I found her....

Shadow said.

Poppy's eyes widen with shock.

Poppy: Really?

Shadow: Yes.

Poppy: Where? We must inform her parents.

Shadow: We can't....

He said, confusing Poppy.

Poppy: Why?

Shadow: ...

Upon hearing her question, Shadow began to shed several tears, for Poppy to notice this.

Poppy: What's wrong? Why can't we tell them?

Shadow: .... she.... she was murdered.

Shadow replied.

This shocked Poppy as she had her hands covering her mouth for a moment.

Shadow: I know, I have that same reaction as you do an-

Poppy: How did you know all this? This is Poppy Pipopapo-serious!

Shadow: Do you remember the 83 and 87 Patient File when I asked about it?

Poppy: Yes. The incident happened at Freddy F-

Before she could finish, she realized something for her to slowly look at Shadow with a worried look on her face.

Poppy: That Temporary Job....

Shadow: *nods*

Poppy: You.... You didn't...

Shadow: I did. I wanted to see and find out myself what's going on, which incidentally lead me to her.

He said.

Shadow: And the Killer who murdered her.... was that kin you all mentioned before... William Afton. And apparently... he murdered five others... and I bet you he's murdered many more.

He explained.

This caused Poppy to go on her knees, only for Shadow to catch her.

Shadow: Poppy.... understand I'm not just doing this for adventure.... but for Shionnae's sake and Nico's. If Nico were to be lured, who knows! She may end up like Shionnae and the others. So, please. Look after Nico and don't tell anyone about this okay? You may tell them but, when the time is right....

Shadow said.

Poppy gave it a thought, knowing that this is a lot to take in. Then, she slowly stood up as she turned to face Shadow.

Poppy: Okay... I won't tell anyone... And I'll look after Nico, even if she's constantly with Taiga.

Shadow: Thank you.

Poppy: But, what do I say when I want to explain to them?

Shadow: Tell them what I told you. And either call or text me.

Shadow said.

Shadow: Don't worry. Everything going to be fine, as long as William doesn't know that I told you about the Pizzeria's dark secret.



Me: I know it's hard for her.... but.... she's the only one who can be trusted for now....

I said, knowing the risks if anyone finds out about this place, which means I'm not just risking myself, but Poppy's as well, including my team if they find out.

While pondering if I made the correct decision or not, the phone on the office table began to ring, indicating to me that it's now 12am.

Me: Alrighty! It's showtime, Freddy & Friends.

I said.

Time - 12:00am (0000hrs)

After waiting for the ringing to end, it finally ended when the recorded message began to play, for me to listen to the 2nd Night's recorded message.

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Uh... hello, hello! Uh, see, I told you your first night wouldn't be a problem. You're a natural! Uh, by now I'm sure you've noticed the older models sitting in the back room. 

Me: Yup.

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Uh, those are from the previous location, and we just use them for parts now. The idea at first was to repair them... uh, they even started retrofitting them with some of the newer technology, but they were just so ugly, you know? And the smell... Uh, uh. So, the company decided to go in a whole new direction and make them super kid-friendly! Uh, those older ones shouldn't be able to walk around, but if they do, the whole Freddy head trick should work on them, too, so... whatever. Uh... heh... I loved those old characters. Uh, did you ever see Foxy the pirate? Oh wait, Foxy... Oh yeah, Foxy. Uh, hey listen! Uhh, that one was always a bit twitchy. Uh... I'm not sure if the Freddy head trick will work on Foxy. Uh, If for some reason he activates during the night, and you see him standing at the far end of the hall, uh, just flash your light at him from time to time. Those older models would always get disoriented with bright lights. It would cause a system restart or something. Uh, come to think of it, you might want to try that on any room where something undesirable might be. It might hold them in place for a few seconds. That glitch might have carried over to the newer models too. One more thing: don't forget the music box. I'll be honest, I never liked that puppet thing. It's always... thinking, and it can go anywhere...

Me: Thinking huh? Interesting....

Phone Guy (Recorded Message): Uh, I don't think a Freddy mask will fool it, so just don't forget the music box. Uh, anyway... I'm sure it won't be a problem. Uh, have a good night, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

As soon as the call ended, I nod in understanding when the recording mentioned about the Puppet thing in the box.

Me: So, it can think... and the Freddy Head won't fool it, huh? Interesting. Then I'll best to be careful about that Puppet thing, then.

I said.

Smirking at the dark coridoor in front of me, I brought up my utility bag as I fished out a hand punch press machine, a tablet, a cable and my personal flashlight I used every night that never fails to light my way- 

(A/N: Hand Punch Press Machine, A Tablet, A Cable and Personal Flashlight.)

-as I connected the wire to both my tablet and the office tablet, integrating my tablet with the office tablet so that it too can integrate with the CCTV System and the VCR shown on and with the office tablet. Once that is done, I disconnected the wire and placed it back in my utility bag.

Then, I pressed the camera on the office tablet to show the Prize Corner as I placed a rubber stub below the presser, lowering it till it touches the button that indicates me to wind up the music box, for it to do just that so the Puppet won't come out from within the box, to my relief that it worked.

After settling with the music box matter and the tablet matter, I fished out a device from my left pocket as I placed it on the button of the office flashlight, toggling it to flash down at the coridoor 6 times per 30 seconds. Once done, I placed the office flashlight facing the coridoor as I propped the sides of the flashlight by using the materials found on the table.

Me: Alrighty. Now that's settled.... looking at my watch .... hmm... 12:20am. Welp, just in time to make my rounds around the place till 6am. Now then.

I said as I had my tablet and flashlight in hand.

Then, I bent forward to grab the Freddy Fazbear Head I'm supplied with as I propped it on my head, tilting it so the Head can be seen above me, but not covering my entire head just yet.

Me: The hunt's afoot.

I said as I began walking into the unforsaken darkness ahead of me.

Time - 1:00am (0100hrs)

I was sitting on one of the tables at the Game Area while looking around the pitch black darkness that is Freddy Fazbear's Pizza with the help of my own personal flashlight, to see that nothing seems to be moving at the moment of time. Seeing that nothing has moved for a moment, I turned off my flashlight as I looked down at my tablet to toggle at the cameras, to see if anyone has moved.

While checking, I noticed the cameras began to glitch, for me to realize that it is now time for them to feast, I told myself. As I waited for the cameras to stop glitching, I began to hear things above me despite it being further away, for me to flash the flashlight at it, to notice something in a form of a foot crawling about, heading towards the Prize Corner.

Me: Not good.... the Music Box.

I said.

I went back to check the cameras, toggling to the Prize Corner to see that the Music Box is still being wind up by via the original tablet as I had something pressed onto the toggle button to wind it up, to my relief. However to my fright, whatever slipped into the Prize Corner seemed to be now standing on the ceiling, staring directly at the cameras.

After seeing who that was crawling about at the ceiling, I shined the flashlight at the specific spot where it is staring directly at the camera, to see that it is an Animatronic... an abomination of parts for a Toy Fox Animatronic, to my shock at its condition.

(A/N: This abomination of parts for a Toy Fox Animatronic.)

Me: Well... looks like she's seen better days... wonder what happened to her and what's with the spare head on its right arm...

I said, talking to myself.

???: Hi.

An voice called out.

Upon hearing someone calling out to me, I swiftly turned away to shine the light at whoever called out to me. I wasn't able to find who that was that called me until-

???: Hello.

- it called out to me again but this time, it was louder. Just as I was about to put on my Freddy Head, a gentle tug on my long pants could be felt, for me to slowly turn around to see a toy-like balloon on a stick on my right, to my confusion. Then, I looked down to see an animatronic kid holding a balloon and a wooden banner that says; 'Balloons' on it, to my relief.

(A/N: This Animatronic.)

Me: Oh. It's just an Animatronic Kid with a Balloon. So, you must be Balloon Boy that Fritzy told me about? The one who takes the guard's flashlight battery away to give the Toy and Older Animatronics a chance to kill them, huh?

Balloon Boy: Hello.

Me: Well, hello to you, too.

Balloon Boy: laughing

Me: Well, haha. Two can play this game.

I said, fishing out a pair of spare batteries from my pocket and shocked it to Balloon Boy.

Me: If I give you this, you leave my flashlights along, you got that?

I said in a kind voice with a tinch of my stern voice mixed with it.

Balloon Boy looks up as it nod at me, to my shock as my eyes widen.

Me: You can hear and understand me?

I ask.

The balloon Boy animatronic nods.

Me: Well, that's something I don't encounter everyday... Anyway, cool. I never knew an animatronic can understand people as much. Are you the only one who can understand people?

I ask. 

Balloon Boy laughs while shaking his head.

Me: I'll take it that you and the guys in Parts & Service are not the only ones, then. But, curious question... why can you only say; 'Hi', 'Hello' and laugh? Can't you say something else?

I ask.

Balloon Boy shook his head again.

Balloon Boy: Hi. Hello. laughing

Me: I see.... hmmm.... maybe I could try fixing that problem in the afternoon. Anyway, here's your batteries.

I said, giving the animatronic my spare batteries.

Me: And have a goodnight.

I said, patting Balloon Boy in the head before leaving towards the Prize Corner.

After leaving the Game Area, Balloon Boy looked at the batteries, deep down, knowing that no one has ever volunteered to giving him batteries in the night shift before. Balloon Boy turns to look at me heading towards the Prize Corner as deep down, he was happy that I gave him his spare batteries.

Time - 1:15am (0115hrs)

At the Prize Corner,

I was flashing the flashlight at the mangled-up fox animatronic standing still on the ceiling of the Prize Corner area as I looked in shock at how bad the condition she's in, all mixed up in parts all over while listening to the music box as it's being wound up back at the office.

Me:  Well... again I say this.... looks like she's seen better days... hmmmm.... looks like what Fritzy said is correct there... kids these days are... whooffff... pretty rough with their toys, including those that are within the property itself.

I said to myself.

As I was carefully observing Mangle, I could also hear the sound of a radio coming from her voice box, to my confusion.

Me: Radio chatter, huh? I wonder.....

I wondered to myself as I fished out my C.R.-issued Game Scope as I began to scanned the mangled animatronic emitting out a static-like voice for a radio chatter.

Me: Okay.... but if I go to a certain frequency.....

I said to myself pressing buttons continuously.

While pressing buttons on my Game Scope, several codes for words began to be encrypted on a virtual screen for me to understand it despite some letters being corrupted.

Me: Bingo.... now... the radio chatter static from Mangle is saying.... squinting eyes .... Please leave now....

I said, reading from the screen based on what the static radio chatter is trying to say.

Me: Well.... if that's what it keeps saying th-

Just as I was about to finish, another paragraph of words appear on screen.

Me: Oh. There's more? Hmmm.... Need to keep track on them so...

Then, it hit me that I brought something extra with me, causing a lightbulb to light up above my head.

In a flash, I rushed back to the office to pick up something from my bag.

A few minutes later,

Time - 1:19am (0119hrs)

I returned to see Mangle still at the same spot at the Prize Corner as I propped a box on the floor. Then, I pressed a button on the top of the tiny box as it showed a screen with a keypad on it, for me to type what I wanted, for the tiny box to turn into a typewriter with a paper sticking out from the top.

(A/N: Typewriter.)

Me: Good. Now we're getting somewhere. Oughta thank Shion Zaiden later for giving me this for specific occasion such as this one...

I said.

Then, I used my game Scope to scan Mangle again, for it to show the same two paragraphs again to where it left off.

Me: Now, let's see.... first paragraph on the Scope Screen says..... 'Please leave now."

I said what the screen showed on the first paragraph, typing it down.

Once I finished typing the first paragraph down, I shift the carriage to the right, returning it back to its proper position as I began to right the second paragraph.

Me: Second paragraph says.... 'Uh, we got a little boy. He's got no frontal lobe.'

After finishing the second paragraph, I did the same process again and shifted the paper up for me to begin the next paragraph.

Me: Now then.

I said to myself.

Then, a new set of words encrypted appeared on the Scope Screen, for me to read and type it down.

Me: Third paragraph says-

While typing the third paragraph, unbeknownst to me, there were something walking up towards me while I was typing everything down as the footsteps got even closer and closer.

Me: Okay... we have; 'Please leave now.', 'Uh, we got a little boy. He's got no frontal lobe.' and 'He's definitely dead.'.... Alrighty, continuing on- ah, new paragraph just got in.

I said as the fourth paragraph just appeared on screen.

Me: Hmmm... okay then.

I began typing the fourth paragraph in.

Just as I was about to type it in, loud shrieks could be heard behind me, to my shock and annoyance while thuds can be heard to tell something's about to pounce on me, for me to growl with irritance as I turned around and immediately silenced whoever that was.

Me: QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I yelled at the top of my voice.

Hearing me silencing whoever was behind them caused what it looked to be Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica to stop dead in their tracks as their eyes turn from black to their original eye colours, for Toy Chica's case.

After stopping them, I puffed my cheeks as I turned back to get back to typing.

Me: Now, where was I? Oh yes. Fourth paragraph..... 'Is this happening?'.

I kept typing, finishing the fourth paragraph.

Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica were still frozen where they now stand as they looked at each other with confused looks planted on their faces.

While looking at each other, asking themselves what is happening, the sound of the typewriter can be heard as I was typing the last paragraph, for the Toy Animatronics to look at me still typing.

Me: And finally.... 'Sir, we got a 10-1.'.

I said while typing.

After typing the last paragraph, I looked at the scope screen to see that the rest of the paragraphs were badly corrupted for me to hardly understand what they are trying to say, for me to go to the next paragraph to type down; 'Unable to recover the rest due to corruption of radio static emitted out by mangled fox animatronic.'.

Once some of the encrypted messages emitting from the mangled animatronic's static radio chatter have been typed down on paper by via the typewriter, I removed the paper from the typewriter as I had a look at it, paragraph by paragraph. After reading it, I stood back up as I packed my typewriter back into a little box while packing the Game Scope back in my pocket, taking my leave away from the Prize Corner and my avoided pending doom.

Upon leaving, I stopped in front of the three toy animatronics as I rolled the paper consisting the encrypted messaged, smacking them left at right individually. Once done, I turned on my flashlight as I began to resume my night watch again.

Toys Freddy, Bonnie and Chica looked at each other with dismay after being smacked left and right by merely just a rolled-up piece of paper and after being silenced by me.

Time - 2:00am (0200hrs)

Me: Alright. So uhhhh.... After figuring that I have some Energy-Items still on me,.... This is a short test on one of the Energy-Items that I invented for any occasions that we riders are trapped in a dark space or any dark locations, like this place for example. Now, I'll be putting on that spare Freddy Head they supplied to me so.... the Energy-Item should still work while wearing it.

I said while recording myself on my personal scroll, propping it up on one of the tables located close to the Show Stage and Game Area as I began to film myself testing out a specific Energy-Item.

As soon as I got started, I fished out a small tablet bottle consisting of the specific Energy-Item as I pat one out to use it for a test-drive, placing it onto my chest as the Item is now being used.


After the Item is being used, I pulled down the spare Head to cover my face as I began to get started with the test, beginning to look around the interior of the Pizzeria, to my amazement.

Me: whoa.... so this Night Vision Energy-Item allows you to see in the dark. Nifty. Okay,... let's still look around.

I said as I took a few steps while looking around.

As I looked and walked for a bit, I could see Toy Freddy, Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie and the Mangled Fox animatronic walking about like as if they have a will of their own, to my amazement.

Me: whoa.... guys.... looking around while noticing the Toy Animatronics roaming around freely I don't think you can see this but,.... to give you a logical idea on what's going on, I could see the Toy Animatronics wondering about around the Prize Corner, Game Area and for some heading out of the area towards the Main Hall, and towards the office. notices the old Foxy animatronic I could even see the old foxy animatronic known as the missing kid named, Fritz, heading back to the Parts & Service Room, to indicate to me that my Auto-button Presser I placed on the Office Flashlight, did do the trick. So, you can say, test successful.

I said.

As I turned around to get my camera, I jumped for a bit and stood still to see that Toy Chica is now right in front of me, to my worry that she knows I'm up to something.

Me: whispering to myself come on, Toy Chica.... move... I have that spare Freddy Head on.....

I whispered to myself.

After about half a minute later, Toy Chica moved aside as it walked pass me towards the Main Hall again, to my relief as I thought I was going to die for a moment there. I quickly made my way back to my scroll to stop the recording but stopped midway.

While stopping, I thought of something which gave me an idea which caused me to giggle a bit as I walked towards my scroll again as I picked it up, panning the camera which is still recording at my Freddy Head-covered face.

Me: Okay, guys. Don't judge me but... I just thought of something hilarious. May or may not happen again but.... you'll definitely gonna have a laugh outta this.

I said.

Time - 2:15am (0215hrs)

(A/N: Hilarious Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Montage Begins here.)

(A/N: I know we are going off tangent at this point, BUT HEY!!!! Someone has to do it.)

(A/N: Note that Shadow still has his Freddy Head on.)

(A/N: Benny Hill Theme starts here.)

At the Prize Corner,

I began to record everything as I began with the Prize Corner.

I took some of the plush toys as I began juggling them like a clown while balancing on an ice ball that I conjured, being like an idiot for a hilarious idea.

At the Game Area,

I played paddycake with ballon Boy who is still happy about the spare batteries I gave as we both went faster. While we went faster and faster, I heard footsteps behind and noticed Balloon Boy looking up and behind me, for me to turn around while I was sitting to look behind.

Behind me, was Toy Freddy looking at both Balloon Boy and me, to my worry. But due to me having this crazy and hilarious and stupid idea yet, I clap my left hand to his right.

One Minute Later,

Toy Freddy, Balloon Boy and I are now seen playing paddycake together. I could tell that both these two animatronics are enjoying themselves.

At the Main Hall,

I was looking at Toy Chica as she was seen staring at the Main Hall Camera, for me to do the same beside her. 

While doing that, I heard her head turning towards me for me to do the same thing as we began to stare at each other. After a long while, we both turn to face back at the camera again, for the old Foxy animatronic to notice this happening as he kept walking back inside the Parts & Service Room, thinking it was just Freddy.

As soon as the Hall is cleared from the old Foxy, I slowly moonwalked away, for Toy Chica to not notice that I was leaving.

At Part Room 3,

I noticed Toy Bonnie staring at the camera while holding its guitar, giving me an idea that no one has ever done before as I sneakily creeped towards it and swiftly took its Guitar and began pretending to play it. 

One act of pretend-playing I did was when I copied the way Toy Bonnie played its guitar on stage. Suddenly, I noticed Toy Bonnie slowly turning towards me, for me to stop as I stood still. Seeing that it was just Freddy, it turned back to stare back at the camera, for me to resume back to acting out as I pretend to swing the guitar like a maniac, pretend breaking it like a rockstar always does at times. I stood still however as Toy Bonnie stared back at me again, for him to inspect me. Seeing that it was just Freddy again, it turned back to stare at the camera again, for me to repeat the same thing all over again by doing different antics while keeping still when Toy Bonnie turns around to check on me.

(A/N: The rest of the antics is something like this but more hilarious with the guitar around Shadow, as an example, lol.)

At the Coridoor leading to the Office,

I notice the mangled fox animatronic clinging on the ceiling, staring down at the office as I jumped to grab its endoskeleton, beginning to swing about like a monkey while making faces. Despite the animatronic moving away from the coridoor due to the blinking flashlight, I kept swinging about like a monkey, knowing that this animatronic thought that I was Freddy, too.

While swinging, the animatronic used its feet to kick me off, causing me to fall on the ground as it crawled away.

(A/N: Music pauses here.)

I got a grip on myself and looked at the camera to while having the Freddy Head on, pointing straight at the lens.

Me: Is it still on?

I asked myself, thinking the camera can talk.

(A/N: Music resumes here.)

At the Main hall,

I waited for the old Foxy animatronic to come out. After a few minutes, it did, noticing me but this time, without the Freddy Head on, for it to chase me to the men's toilet. Then, a pink and golden light shined bright from within the toilet as everything went silent.

After a second later, the old Foxy animatronic is seen running for its life as I was seen in my Maximum Gamer Level 99 while having that Freddy Head on, chasing after the old Foxy as the chase led me inside the Parts & Service Room, for me to shut the door in the process while chasing him.

Then, shrieks can be heard as numerous 'THOOMS', 'HIT's and aftershocks can be heard and felt from within the room, vibrating out towards the Main Hall and the coridoor. Even the Toy Animatronics can even hear what is happening. After that mayhem, everything went quiet as I was seen exiting the room with the Freddy Head now on while balancing myself with my conjured Ice ball.

Inside the Parts & Service Room however, the old Foxy Animatronic is see deactivated for a moment after that beatdown.

At the Show Stage,

I imitated the fish from SPongebob that says 'my leg' all the time as I performed something with a baked Pizza with Jelly spread all over it to imitate the Jellyfish's jelly as I danced on the tables and on the stage itself.

(A/N: This fish guy and this dance, exactly.)

Once that is done, I bowed in front of the empty Pizzeria as I ended off this Hilarious Montage inside Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

Me: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

I yelled.

(A/N: Hilarious Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Montage Ends here.)

(A/N: Benny Hill Theme ends here.)


3rd Person's POV:

After showing this to his teammates and to his lover's Team about that few minute hilarious montage, his teammates and Team RWBY began to explode with laughter. Even Weiss started laughing, as well, to Shadow's embarrasment.

Shadow: Yeah yeah. Laugh it out. I know it's hilarious. Don't get to judgmental about it....

I said.

Shadow (Inner Thoughts): I'm starting to regret this already......

I said in my thoughts.

Then, Yang began to speak.

Yang: This is... this is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen from you!

Yang laughed.

Rachel: I have no idea you did that!

Ruby: Yeah! What did you do to Foxy? Did you give him a knuckle sandwich?

Ruby asked.

Shadow: Y-Yeah! A Triple one.... Fritz didn't mind as like what I explained before.

Upon hearing this, Ruby gasp as she began to laugh even louder than before (A/N: Something like Volume 4 Episode 1 but much louder and cuter.), to my greatest embarrasment.

Weiss: Okay. I have to admit.... That!

Weiss said while catching her breathe.

Weiss: That... was hilarious.

Tenka: So true.

Weiss and Tenka said.

Shadow: Anyway!!! On to the story.

Shadow said, resuming back to where he left off.

Blake: So... catching my breathe how long did you do this for?

Shadow: Well, it took a few hours to film everything, but I managed to fuse them and shorten it to make it so it is a few minutes. I have bloopers if you want to see it later.

Blake: I see-he-hee

Blake said trying to compose herself from laughing.

Mitchell: Onward with the story!

Mitchell said.

Shadow: Anyway yeah. This montage took a few hours that the time went all the way from two plus in the morning, to four plus in the morning. That's when it happened.

Shadow said.

To be Continued....

Chapter 5 (NIGHT 2) <PART 2> begins at the next page....
