Chapter 16 ~ Running Away

Allen POV

"You did WHAT!" Chase screamed at me. "You made a deal with one of the world's most wanted armed dealers. Allen you could go to jail for the rest of your life for this. I might not be able to get you out of this."

"We have no choice Chase. I can't depend on Marshall to come through on this. If this was Sasha again, you would pull out all the stops to save her. Tasha is important to me and I told her I would come and get her."

"Allen, god you have put us in a predicament."

"We don't know how many men Santos has. Who knows he could have the US government protecting him. He's a snake in the grass. He pulled this whole thing off because you killed his son."

"And I would do it again," Chase said walking back and forth. He blew out a long breath.

"What did Adewala say?"

"He said he would sent a man to the park and that he would provide backup."

"You falling for her?" Chase asked turning around looking at me.

"I am," I said rubbing my hands through my hair. "She's been through so much Chase and deep down inside I have to do this. She is worth saving."

"These Worthington women are going to be the death of us."

"Chase I don't think we would have it any other way."

The plane finally touched down and still no word from Marshall. We were gearing up when an incoming call came through.

"It's Marshall," Tim said patching him in on the intercom.

"You have been ordered to come back to New Orleans. If Dr. Worthington is being held, which we still have no proof of, we will get her back."

I looked at Chase and narrowed my eyes. Something seemed really off.

"So what you are telling me is that you aren't sending any help?"

There was a pause. "No. Your orders are to come back now."

"You son of a bitch! Santos knows that we are coming doesn't he?!"

"I can't afford for you and your team to go storming in there. The US has too much on the line. There are nuclear weapons and missiles out there and Santos knows who has them and he might even know who has the access codes. So as you can see there is a lot at stake. If she's there I will make very effort to secure her safety. If you and your team are not back at headquarters by tomorrow evening you all will be charged with international crimes."

I threw the coffee mug off the desk and it went flying into the air and shattered. He had ratted us out and now we would definitely be on our own. I wasn't going back without Tasha.

"Remember what I told you Marshall, it starts now."

"Wait Allen, you could jeopardize this whole operation! If you go to the media you could put the whole US in danger. We just need a couple of more days and I swear if she is there I will send in the SEALS to get her."

"We don't have a few days. Do you know what you did Marshall? You have given her a death sentence. Now Santos knows we are on to him and either he is going to kill her or take her away. If she does, you will die by my hands."

"Allen think of what's at stake, you can't go out there."

"From the way I see it, I'm here and you are on the other side of the ocean. Make this more difficult and God as my witness if she is not there, you are going to pay."

"Allen...," the phone went dead.

"He was really starting to work my nerves," Tim said pressing the button that hung up the conference line.

"We better get ready because nightfall is beginning to set in," Charlie said gearing up.

"I better go and check up on Sasha before we go, she was sleep last time I checked," Chase said walking away. I continued to strap up.

"Law and his team just gave word that they will meet you all in the city within the hour. Here are the coordinates," Tim said putting them in the GPS. "The truck is ready in the hanger."

"Good. We should have everything we need."

We saw the red light on the monitor going off alerting us that someone was getting off the plane. Tim and Charlie both looked at me confused.

"Got damn it, son of a bitch!" We heard Chase storming back in the room.

"What's wrong?"

"Sasha is gone! Her ass is gone!"

Tim ran to the window of the plane and so did Charlie. Chase looked down and saw the red light flashing on the console.

"What the hell? Please tell me she didn't get off this plane?"

"Yes she did and somehow she just took off with someone in a black Porsche."

"What?" Chase said screaming and running to the window. We all looked out the window as the only thing we saw were red tail lights zooming down the runaway. Chase face turned red as a fireball. He picked up his phone and called Sasha except she didn't answer.

"She is not picking up! I swear when I get my hands on her..."

"You ain't goin to do nothing," Charlie said sarcastically. "All you going to do is hold her up in the bedroom. The way I see it, she's been plotting since she got on this plane. I saw her on the phone but I assumed she was talking to her parents. She played us all. I bet she been listening to everything and she cop up her own plan."

Chase paced back and forth. I could see worry and fear etched on his face.

"Trace her phone number. I want to know who she called and who was the person she left with. When I get her back she is going to regret leaving this plane."

"I'm on it," Tim said turning around and working on the computer.

My phone alerted me that Adewala had just sent his man to the park.

"We need to go," I said putting my phone in my pocket.

"Any word on Sasha call me ASAP," Chase said putting his glock in the holder.

"Will do," Tim said getting back to work.

Chase looked so distraught that I wasn't sure if his head was in this. I looked at him and he shook his head.

"I'm good. Let's do this before Sasha makes this even worst."

We headed to the underbelly of the plane. We made one final check and we were on our way. Chase phone started to ring.

"What you got?" He said putting the phone on speaker.

"She's taken the tracker out the phone. I traced it back to the garbage can right outside the hanger."

"Please tell me this this is not happening?"

"Yeah but I was able to get identification on the person she called and drove off with."


"You are going to go ballistic!"

"Who Tim?"

"Dominique LaSalle."

"Motherf..." Chase said stopping himself looking at me.

I picked up my phone and called Vlad. He answered on the second ring.

"Hey Allen, I'm surprised to hear from you."

"We have a problem. Dommi has taken Sasha and we think they are in danger."

"What?!!" Vlad shouted on the other end of the phone in Russian. I explained to him what was going on and I could tell he was about to have a stroke.

"She told me she had to go to town and check on a client. I saw her whispering on the got damn phone for hours. She claimed she was talking to her assistant back on the island."

"Where are ya'll?"

"We are in Kassala. We got here yesterday. We were suppose to be in Cape Town but she said she had a client in Kassala, so I thought nothing of it."

"Call Dommi and please have her to convince Sasha not to go forward with whatever plan she has up her sleeve. They could both be in serious danger."

"Don't worry, I have a GPS on Dommi's car."

"Thank God," I said relieved.

"If you find them before we do, put Sasha in handcuffs if you have to until I can come and get her. Do not let her out of your sight Vlad."

"Done," he said in his Russian accent.

"You're right they are going to be the death of us," Chase said shaking his head as we continued on to our destination.

Sasha POV

"Dommi I can't believe we pulled this off! We have to save Tasha," I said changing into a black jumpsuit and military boots Dommi had given me.

Dominique LaSalle, better known as Dommi had been my friend since college. We met in Miami during spring break and we have kept in touch every since. She was part French and African-American and lived with her long-term two men partners, Vlad and Nico. She had told me she would be in Africa on business and I managed to convince her to help me get Tasha back.

"This feels exhilarating but I have a feeling we are going to be worst off if Chase finds out. When I asked Vlad to come he thought we were going to South Africa but when you called I had to change plans. Do you realize there are wars going on around us?"

"Don't worry, I stole the directions from Tim. This is the safest route to take. Here let me put them in."

"Chase is going to murder you Sasha and Vlad is going to strangle me."

"I can handle him and I know you can handle Vlad."

"Are you sure about this Sas?"

"Trust me. By the time they find out I am missing I will have my sister back."

"What is the plan?"

"I kinda took Allen's phone and called his contact Adewala Madaki. He said he would help me and in exchange I give him my legal counsel."

"Fille, avez-vous perdu votre esprit, have you lost your ever loving mind?"

"No! I need to save my sister. The only reason why Santos took her was because of me. I should have never gotten involved with Emilo all those years ago."

"I told you he was bad news then. I'm glad Chase took him out. He always gave me a funny feeling."

I heard Dommi's phone going off. She looked down and we saw it was Vlad.

"Don't answer that Dommi."

"Do you think he knows?" she said sounding worry.

"I don't put anything pass Chase."

"He left a voicemail, let's hear it."

She hit the button on her steering wheel and the voicemail came on.

"Dommi (I could hear heavy breathing on the line as if he was trying to stay calm or running) whatever you and Sasha got planned I suggest you two wipe it from your brains. Chase and Allen are on to whatever plan you have and I swear if I get my hands on you I am going to..."

"I don't think we need to hear the rest of that don't you think?" Dommi said with her eyes huge as saucers.

"Damn it! We are going to have to move quickly. Can't this car go any faster?"

"Um this is Africa. This is not the freeway. You need to be looking out for wild animals. We are literally in the desert."

"Stop being so dramatic Dommi."

"I swear if I get killed, I am going to hunt you down in my next life and harass you for the rest of eternity."

"Join the list," I said. She hit me.

"Ouch! That hurts," I said rubbing my shoulder.

"Oh no!" Dommi said looking out her rearview mirror. I turned around and saw red lights flashing behind us.

"Don't you stop this car! We can out run him."

"Are you crazy? Do you want to go to jail in a poor African country? I don't know about you but I am too pretty to be locked up," she said pulling the car over.

"Dommi!" I said looking back as the police car pulled up behind us.

"I have a gun " I said pulling it out from under the seat.

"This is not Thelma and Louise. Vous êtes une femme folle. Why me? Put that thing away before you shoot me," she said looking worried.

We heard two car doors slam behind us. I tried looking out the side mirror but the tint on her car made it difficult to see. One figure came towards my door and the other to Dommi. She had the window up and the figure knocked on the glass.

"Kry uit die motor nou!" The deep heavy voice said. Dommi went to open the door and her eyes nearly popped out her head. My door was being opened and I nearly fell out the car. I looked up and my worst nightmare had come true.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?" Chase yelled at me.


"I don't want to hear it Sasha." I looked over to see Vlad giving Dommi a good tongue lashing in Russian, French and English while a police officer stood on the side laughing. I wanted to kick him in the mouth.

"Turn around," Chase said. I looked at him and the officer came walking in my direction.

"What is going on?"

The officer came behind me and handcuffed me.

"Is this really necessary?"

"To secure your safety, hell yeah," Chase said. I looked over and Dommi was being handcuffed by Vlad, but somehow she had a sinister look on her face.

A truck pulled up and I saw Allen and Charlie inside. Allen shook his head in disappointment and Charlie had a silly little grin on his face.

"I got them. You all go handle your business," Vlad said.

Chase looked at me and shook his head. "This is far from over Sasha," he said walking off leaving me to my fate. The police officer took me and Dommi and put us in the backseat while Vlad sat in the front with him.

"You two should be glad we found you before you got yourselves hurt. I'm so disappointed in you two. What were you thinking? That's right you weren't. Подождите, пока я не скажу Нико этой глупости."

"Please don't tell Nico," Dommi begged.

"Don't worry, he already knows and he is on his way."

Dommi repeated something in Russian and Vlad eyes flashed with something that almost scared me. Dommi turned her face and looked at me.

"Thanks a lot. You lucky I love you but when I get out these cuffs you better run like hell Missy."

"What?" I said as the cop pulled up to the precinct.

"You just betta run. This is the only warning you getting," she said rolling her eyes as the cop and Vlad led us inside the small building.

"Where are we?"

"Right outside of Kassala where you are going to stay until Chase comes and get you. Here's a sandwich and a blanket you are going to need it," the cop said giving Dommi and me each a sandwich and a blanket. She looked at Vlad as he took a seat at one of the officer's desk and got on his phone.

Dommi called out his name but he totally ignored her. He whipped out his headphones and stuck them in his ear.

"Oh no he didn't!" She said looking pissed off.

This was a nightmare. This definitely did not go according to plan. The cop lead us to an empty cell and removed our cuffs. He slid the iron gate and I jumped as the cell door locked.

"Just freaking great!" Dommi said taking a seat on the bench.

"I'm sorry Dommi," she held her hand up and looked at me.

"Save it! We are in enough trouble as it is."

I went and sat next to her as she looked up and saw Vlad talking to the cop laughing. She shook her head.

"We aren't going anywhere so we might as well get confortable," she said taking a bite of her sandwich and frowning.

She was right, we weren't going anywhere and I had a feeling that I was safer in here then being anywhere close to Chase at this present moment.

Tasha POV

I saw the door opening up at the top of the stairs. I had been held in a basement with cuffs around my ankles and wrists. I had tried getting out but the only thing I had to show for it was deep purple bruises around my wrists.

I heard the footsteps as they got closer. I looked up and all I saw was a white blur and I was instantly knocked to the floor. My cheek stung like hell.

"What did you do? How do they know I have you here? Talk to me Chica or I swear I will kill you now?" Santos said pulling out his gun.

I rested my cheek against the cool floor and I could taste the metallic of the blood from my lip. I just laid there not answering.

"I said talk!" He grabbed me by my hair pulling me off the floor. I screamed as I could hear my hair been ripped out by the roots. He wrapped my hair around his knuckles and continued to pull. I squeezed my eyes as tight as I could willing myself not to cry.

He bent down close to my ear. "I will pull out every single strand if you don't talk. How do they know I have you?"

"I don't know!"

He pulled tighter and slapped me. I flinched as he hit me again and again. Warm tears flowed from my eyes.

"You're lying," he said putting his gun to my temple. I squeezed my eyes shut because if he pulled the trigger I didn't want to see my brains scattered against the wall.

"Boss you have a phone call," a man said walking down the stairs with a cell in his hand. He stuffed my mouth with a handkerchief and took the call.

"Agent Jefferson? I told you I would call if I had any news," he said pacing back and forth.

"No I didn't know about the doctor that was taken. You can rest assure she is not here regardless of what your sources are telling you. Sí, entiendo, I understand. If I hear anything about the missing American doctor I will let you know. Sí," he said hanging up.

He laughed. "You Americans are so dumb. Your fellow doctor friends have been found, leaving you all alone. I will let you in on a little secret, I hold all the power. I arranged through the CDC to send out that memo to you. I just had this feeling you would accept it. This was all a set up. Your government thinks I am helping them find some missing missiles and they are actually giving me asylum here but guess what, I have them. I stole them from the American military base in Sudan. They think the African government has them and I even have the access codes. I guess you can say I am killing two birds with one stone. I get to kill you for the death of my son and get billions of dollars for the return of the US missiles I have. I would say it is a win win situation, don't you think?"

I tried wiggling my way out, but I was stuck. He walked around and bent down in front of me.

"It also seems that there is a search party coming to find you Dr. Worthington. The unfortunately part is when they get here, you won't and if they do find you it will only be what's left of your charred remains. Take her," he said looking at the ape of a man that grabbed me.

I tried to get the handkerchief out my mouth but it wouldn't bulge. Now I was scared out of my mind. The man unchained me from the back of the chair and then removed my chained feet. As soon as I was free I took off running up the stairs but as I got to the first step I heard a shot go off and I felt a hot shooting pain go up my body and I went crashing straight to the ground.
