-----------------Medellin, Columbia.

---------------------------- next morning, 5:00am, Martinez Cartel.

" Por qué llevas esa bufanda fea? Quítatela y déjame ver tu hermoso cabello oscuro. Oh, te he extrañado mucho mi querida hija (Why're you wearing that ugly scarf?, take it off and let me see your beautiful dark hair. Oh I've missed you a lot my dear daughter)" I wasn't in the mood for all his crap.

He was still disgusting as always, still drinking and smoking his cigars at the same time.

" Pa Alejo, no estoy de humor para tus juegos. Me querías de vuelta, verdad? Ahora estoy aquí y estoy muy seguro de que tenemos un trato. Te daré un último servicio y eso es todo, así que puedes dejar de jugar y ser serio (Pa Alejo, I am not in the mood for your games. You wanted me back right?. Now I'm here and I am very sure we have a deal. I'll be of one last service to you and that's it so can you stop playing around and be serious)" I said in a stern manner and watched him cackle with his yellow teeth, making his beautiful amber eyes look irritating.


I actually once thought this piece of shit here cared about me.

He got up from where he sat and walked closer to where I stood, right in front of his desk.

" eres más listo que este Alex. No estoy haciendo ningún trato contigo. Te dejé ir para que pudieras probar la libertad, pero ahora se acabó. Nunca más te irás de mi lado y seguirás cumpliendo misiones día y noche. Me vas a cuidar como tu padre porque así soy Alex. Te poseo Alex (you're smarter than this Alex. I am not making any deal with you. I let you go so you could have a taste of freedom but now that's over. You're never leaving my side again, and you're going to keep on fulfilling missions day and night. You're going to care for me as your father because that's who I am Alex. I own you Alex)" a low groan escaped my lips as I felt him yank my veil off my head.

He wished he owned me.

I had a feeling this was going to happen. My plan just needs to be carefully executed and I won't need to worry about my past haunting me any longer.

" Devuélvemelo. No tienes derecho a hacerme esto. Si crees que me voy a quedar aquí contigo otra vez, estás muy equivocado (Give that back to me. You have no right to do this to me. If you think I am going to stay here with you again you're very mistaken)" I turned around to meet him playing with my purple veil.

" No tienes salida esta vez Alex y lo sabes. Entonces, ¿por qué no te calmas, te bañas y te preparas para tu primera misión en mucho tiempo? Tyler te acompañará (You have no way out this time Alex and you know that. So why don't you just calm down, take your bath and get ready for your very first mission in a long while. Tyler will be accompanying you)" He answered as he tied my scarf around his neck and walked out of his study.

" That bastard" I cursed under my breath as I looked around his old study. There was a picture of me and him from when I was still young seated on his desk.

He took me in and made me who I am now, even though I didn't like it. He was always there for me when I needed him back then and to be honest, even though I went through life threatening trainings with him, he actually truly cared for me as a daughter.

If only he could change.

He is too heartless to do that now, he killed anyone who got into his way, young or old.

He is willing to kill me if I ruined his plans as well.

Even though he loves me.

The man is a selfish lover.

He is ready to do anything to have all the power in this world and he was taking baby steps so he won't be caught red handed.

Pa Alejo had no family except me, that's to him. He had siblings and all of them are dead now.

He told me their stories back then.

I walked out of his study and headed to where my room was supposed to be. The Villa was still the same, the wooden interior was old fashioned but still very much classy. Just a few minor changes were made and I really wasn't going to bother looking around.

Everyone bowed to me here like a queen because I was the great daughter of Alejandro Martinez. I could have everything I wanted but not from appropriate and legal sources.

What's the use of that then?.

Why go for anything illegal when you know that at the end of day, you're going to be caught and things won't be easy?

Heartless people like Pa Alejo go to sleep with a clear conscience after all the crimes they commit every single day. That's to show you how tight Shaytan has them in his grasp.

I am going to free myself from all this soon In Sha'a Allah.


I brought some clothes with me and a hijab I could use to make my salah. My room was big, very. I had multiple closets for weapons, armors and clothes. Pa Alejo had restocked everything for my arrival.

Of course.

" Yoo" The Tyler I know has never, ever politely knocked a door in his life. " You still haven't learned how to knock a ladies door properly" I said as I watched him walk in right after I finished praying Salatul Fajr. I was packing up my prayer mat.

" What do you have that I haven't seen before?" He answered with a cunning smile, threw himself on my queen sized bed and I rolled my eyes as I let my head use my lips to reply him. " pervertido (pervert)"

" Well ouch. No soy un pervertido, culpo a las chicas por querer estar conmigo. Soy irresistible(I am no pervert, blame the girls for wanting to be with me. I am irresistible)" He answered as I watched him praise and roll himself round my bed.

Now I'm wondering.

Why did I ever have a crush on this dude?

He had the looks though.

But his head is literally empty.

" ¿Dónde está tu padre? (Where's your father?)" I asked Tyler and watched as he got up from my bed and walked closer to where I sat on the sofa. "   El esta alrededor (He's around)" He answered with no emotions as he averted my gaze.

His father wasn't really playing the ideal dad role in his life. Instead, he played the I don't give a flying shit about my child role.

It was sad.

" Dormiste como un bebé anoche en el bote, eras tan linda. Como en los viejos tiempos, sinceramente te extrañé mucho Alex (You slept like a baby last night in the boat, you were so cute. Just like old times, I honestly missed you a lot Alex)" He sat beside me and threw his arm round my shoulder.

Alexandra Martinez would have snuggled comfortably with him.

But Zarah bint Walid was very much alive now and wasn't accepting cuddles and hugs from anyone that isn't her husband.

" ¿A qué misión quiere Alejo que me acompañes? (What mission does Alejo want you to accompany me to?)" Flinging his arm away from me and moving away from him, I ask and hear him snicker.

" Entonces ya no te acurrucarás con tu Ty? (So you won't snuggle with your Ty anymore?)" Ignore him Zarah.

You're not ready to go down that road.

" Contéstame yoo (Answer me yoo)"

" Multa. Tu padre Alejo está ayudando a esta mujer coreana a vengarse por la muerte de su sobrino, que es tu primo. Carlos Estoy muy seguro de que eres consciente de eso (Fine. Your Pa Alejo is helping this Korean Woman get revenge for the death of his nephew who's your cousin. Carlos. I'm very sure you're aware of that)" The woman who kidnapped Najmah.

" Sure"

" Well there's this bitch that ratted us out to the police and she is on her way to LA now and we have to get rid of her.

Well you have to.

Since you're around now, I can rest. You have to get rid of her. They're transporting her by sea and they'll be passing through the sea port of Buena Ventura to drop off some delinquents. That's where you're going to get her. We have to leave here early so we can get there right on time" She was going to help Sir Khalid's case.

I was going to have to save her, instead of killing her.

" Bueno. ¿Cuál es el plan? (Okay. What's the plan?)"

------------------Port of Buenaventura, 9:00am.

"  Oh, no puedo esperar para patear un trasero policial (Oh I can't wait to kick some police butt)" I heard Tyler say as we walked around the big containers to the right spot where we could wait for our bait. " Y si te patean el trasero?(What if they kick your butt?)" I answered as we got to our position and we began setting up our tools. The police were stopping at the port by 9:30am.

" Sabes que no lo harán (You know they won't)"

The one thing I missed about Alexandra Martinez is how perfect her shooting aim was.

" Aquí, usa el rifle. Una bala y eso es todo. Ella está fuera (Here, use the rifle. One bullet and that's it. She's out)" He pulled out the sniper rifle from the bag and handed it over to me.

We were at the top of a container. When the ship carrying the woman arrived, we were going to aim perfectly and shoot her on the ship from where we were.

I couldn't kill that woman. I had already found a way to save her without Tyler getting in my way.

" Tyler don't you ever get tired of this. Killing people and just obeying Alejandro's orders every single day" Setting up the rifle was easy peasy.

" Well Yeah sometimes but I'm not like you. I'm deep in this shit already and I know that even if I run away, I'm definitely going to end up dead" He answered as I helped him buckle up his bullet proof vest. Mine was already on me.

" Entonces, ¿preferirás matar y herir a las personas hasta que mueras o probablemente termines en prisión?(So you'll prefer killing and hurting people till you die or probably end up in prison?)"

" Ahí es donde mi destino probablemente me llevará (That's where my destiny is probably going to lead me to)" This is why I said his head is empty.

"  Oh señor Tyler. Eres un tonto(Oh lord Tyler. You're a fool)" I said with a laugh as I loaded my guns with bullets. " Bueno soy una tonta que es mucho más inteligente que tú (Well I'm a fool that's way smarter than you are)"

" Tyler you have a chance to leave all this behind you. You know I'm aware that you kidnapped an 8 months old baby and you planted a bomb at an organisation and you killed people. Babies Tyler. Innocent babies who have no idea on what's happening in this world. You killed them" I said sternly as I tried to look him in the eye.

He was averting my gaze.

Tyler was a good guy deep down and I knew he could change.


If Shaytan wasn't holding him like he held Pa Alejo.

" How do you sleep at night knowing you killed people who haven't wronged you in any way" He wasn't answering but listening. " Tyler I know you have a good side deep down. Surrender and turn yourself in and start a new. Ease your conscience"

" That's going to be hard to do" He answered and looked at me. " Look Don Alejo is heartless. He could kill me if I tried to leave. I was by his side throughout all these years that you weren't with him. He trusts me and disappointing him won't be cool"

" Espera para que tengas miedo a la muerte pero no tienes miedo de ir a prisión? (Wait so you're afraid of death but you're not afraid of going to prison?)" He was speechless.

" Tyler listen to me. You're my friend and I want what's good for you. I am planning on leaving this place as soon as I get hold of the baby you kidnapped. When I leave this place, the police are going to get a hold of Pa Alejo and with my statement he's going to be behind bars for a long time. You can help me bring Pa Alejo down, inform the police of all his contacts and dealings. You've been close to him all this while so you're going to be aware of all of that. Tyler join me and I am telling you, after we take Pa Alejo down, he'll never rise again. With your statement, mine and a whole lot of evidence, he'll be down for good"

" What makes you think you're going to be able to leave again?"

" I am Zarah bint walid and when I am determined to do something, I'll do it. No matter how long it takes"


Squinting my eyes, I took a proper look to target the cabin where the woman was kept. I was supposed to shoot her as she sat alone in her mini cell but I changed my plans. I was going to give the police a distraction then I'll get on the ship and take her out. I was going to tell Pa Alejo that I killed her but she's going to be in hiding until Miss Hae Soo is in court.

I made a few arrangements for her to leave Buenaventura and stay in a hotel in Cartagena while everything hopefully goes as planned. Pa Alejo is definitely not going to suspect anything.

" You ready?" Tyler asked and I gave him a thumbs up. I quickly changed my aim and shot at one of the policemen that escorted the delinquents out of the ship as they transferred them into another truck on land that's supposed to take them to the prison. 

I shot another policeman seconds after I gunned down the first one and hurriedly got up from where I laid. I could hear the gunshots of the police at a short distance away from us. We needed to leave this place before they came in sight of us. 

" Qué carajo acabas de hacer Alex? (What the fuck did you just do Alex?)" It wasn't time to explain things to this doofus. " I'll explain everything to you later. Just get down there, get a motorboat and meet me at the back of the ship in approximately ten minutes from now.  Don't ask anymore questions Tyler, just go" I ordered as I took out an Uzi SMG from the weapon bag.

" Be careful"

" Sure" I answered as I took a deep breath and walked a little back on the container so I could run and jump to the next container on the row. 

I had to jump across 10 containers before I could get to deck and fast.

Jumping swiftly and carefully on each one of the containers in three minutes, I get to the deck without being sighted. There were some soldiers guarding the deck so I had to study all of them and cause a distraction.

I shot towards some containers to seek their attention and I watched five of them leave their post to go closer to the containers I shot.

" You can do this Zarah" I breathed and took to my heels, heading towards the deck.  I had to shoot everyone that was still on the deck so I could get to the ship.

I had already caused two distractions so they weren't going to be smart enough to secure the ship tightly.


Fighting and gunning down the few police men and soldiers in my way was pretty much easy to do.

I was skilled.

I moved further into the ship, gunning down anyone I came across, making sure I only hurt them and not kill them until I reached the cabin where Hae Soo's right hand woman was kept. There were two guards right at the front of the cabin door but several punches were enough for them.

I needed a thumbprint before I could gain access into the cabin.


I shot at the device that was trying to get in my way multiple times and due to the damage I caused it, the door opened up widely and revealed a beautiful Korean slim woman on a cabin bed with handcuffs.

" She sent you to kill me" The heavy Korean accent she had couldn't be unheard. " I am working with the Olysters here and I need to get you out of here fast. I'm not going to kill you"

" and you think I am going to believe you?" I had two minutes left to meet Tyler at the back of the ship.

" Look just come with me, I'm bringing you to safety and not putting you in harms way. We have two minutes to get out of here or else you want someone to come kill you immediately you arrive California" She looked at me questionably as she got up from her bed and walked out of the room and followed behind me.

" You can get the handcuffs off me now" I heard her say from behind me as I made sure the coast was clear for us to leave.

" I'm not dumb" If I uncuffed her, she was going to try and fight me and I was going to end up leaving her behind so she could die.

I sighed in relief as I opened the back exit door and I saw Tyler right there with a motorboat. " Jump in" I ordered and she luckily obeyed. I followed behind her and got into the motorboat and Tyler drove away.

" Why are you helping me?" The woman asked as I looked behind us to see that we were being pursued by police men and soldiers on multiple speedboats.

They're a little bit smart after all.

" They're following us, back up is probably on their way. I don't know why we're doing all this but if I get caught today I swear I'll get my revenge on you " Tyler commented as I found the weapon bag in the boat and opened it up to reload my gun.

The speed boats were only five and all I had to do was to shoot them multiple times, they'll stop functioning and hopefully not explode.


We were free.

" Now can you take the cuffs off me? " The lady asked and I took one of the pins that held my scarf together and uncuffed her. " We'll be dropping you off at a railway station. Take this" The sea port was close to a rail way station and I had a ticket for her to Cartagena.

I took out the ticket and a hotel address from my pocket and handed them over to her.

" Here you'll stay in Cartagena until Hae Soo is caught. Then you can appear in court. I'm sure you know that you're not safe with the police. That's why I took you from them" She smiled as she looked at them. " I know you're going to try to escape me but think about it, if you escape now you're going to be caught eventually and why not pay for your crimes now instead of living a life of a fugitive and paying a price much more worse in the future. You're going to help bring down someone that has ruined a lot of lives" I lectured and watched her nod.

" I won't escape don't worry. You're Alexandra Martinez right?" I nodded in reply and watched her laugh. " So you're going against your father?"

" I want to bring him down as well and believe me, I'll do it. We're all going to pay for our crimes so why not suffer now and enjoy with peace of mind later?" I responded and watched her smile at me.

" Thank you very much" I had to blush at those words.

I was going to bring all this chaos to an end soon In Sha'a Allah.
