Oti x Fara school AU pt2

Thanks for the 1.11k views :D

(You know the characters)
Let's start!

Warning:corny and cringe

*Oti bump into Fara as he teleport (like from the first part..) And the two hot ghost brother look at the Pikachu*

Oti:sorry Fara..
Fara:it's okay just don't do it again Kitten (lol)
Louis:don't mind me licking this

*Ivy approach them*

Ivy:hey gays it's time for class... Louis go back to your math class
Ivy:come on or else you will get detention..
Louis:... Fine
*Louis goes back to his math class*
Ivy:alright the class will start in 5 minutes.. Make sure to go there early...

*Ivy walks away*

Oti:I'm going now...
Fara:wait a minute bbg
Oti:what? (corny lol)
Fara:can I have a little smooch?
Fed:nah you two corny Imma head out..

*Fed walks away*

This is the end.. Sorry if this is cringe- anyway if this hits 2k views I'm going to make Yeosm one shot with all the smut on it every chapter

Words - 173
