Legends never die



I had written like 300-400 words and then Wattpad kicked me off. Nothing saved of this chapter :(. So I'll try again. Also making a video for next week on mine and Taylor's new YouTube channel.

It had been two months since the incident with Lila. Boy, had time passed! Marinette had visited Nino every month as she promised. She had also gotten to know Chat Noir/Adrien a lot more and he was slowly turning to the light side. She had hung out with Alya every day but refused to introduce any of them together.

"Marinette!" whined the mermaid's friend.
"Alya, I told you. I make friends with... dangerous people," said Marinette with an eye roll and a huff as she began to swim away. Alya swam in front of her and blocked her from swimming past her.
"I have no danger in my life girl. I need some excitement!" begged Alya. Marinette gave her a look and tried to get past. "I'll do anything!"

This caught her attention.
"Anything?" asked Marinette with a raised eyebrow. Alya nodded. "Okay. You have to meet my friend, Tikki."
"Okay. What's so wrong about that? Is the the most dangerous friend you have?" scoffed Alya, crossing her arms.
"She's a jellyfish," said Marinette with a grin. The reason she said this is because she knew her best friend was terrified of jellyfish.

"Girl.. I'm scared of jellyfish!" protested Alya.
"That's the deal," said Marinette with a shrug.
"Deal!" wailed Alya.
"Well damn. I didn't think you'd take the deal," mumbled Marinette with her eyes widened.
"Neither did I," said Alya, scratching her head and chuckling from embarrassment.
"I guess the first person we'll meet is Nino," said Marinette with a sigh.
"We're going now? It's sunset!" cried Alya.
"Exactly. Come with me," said Marinette with an eye roll.

She tapped her wrist and the two mermaids swam through the portal. Alya took in her surroundings and then smelled the air.
"We're in the vampire realm?" asked Alya.
"Only for a quick stop. Chat Noir and Adrien have been bugging me to take them on a trip. Maybe I can trust them to promise to return to this realm afterwards?" explained Marinette as they began swimming to the shore. "Also, how were you able to tell where we were by the smell?"

The two girls arrived and they sat on the sand waiting. A couple minutes later, a guy with blonde hair came running towards them.
"Adrien!" greeted Marinette.
"Hey Marinette. Who's this?" asked Adrien.
"Alya. Princess of the pixie realm sea," answered Alya.
"Pleasure to meet you. Adrien Agreste. Son of the oldest vampire in the realm," he said with a bow. "Is Kagami with you today?"
"No not today. She said she'll be here tomorrow though," answered Marinette, a hint of sadness escaping her mouth. Alya sensed the girl's emotions but the vampire was too oblivious.

"Anyway, I'm taking you on a trip. Feel like behaving?" said Marinette, wiping that from her mind.
"I would but I don't know about Chat Noir. Can we take it in turns?" asked Adrien.
"Of course. Who wants to be the one to swim?" asked Marinette.
"We don't need to breath y'know," scoffed Adrien.
"You may not need to breathe but it will be painful," said Alya with a smirk.
"Very good point. Chat Noir will do it," said Adrien, nodding quickly before the dark fog surrounded him.

Chat Noir was revealed and he bowed to the two mermaids.
"Ladies. What do I have the honour of being accompanied by two mermaids today?" he said with a smirk.
"Cut it out. Trip. You up for it?" scoffed Marinette.
"Anything for you, Princess," he said with a wink. He held Marinette's hand as they began to dive under the water.

Alya nodded at Marinette before Marinette talked her wrist and they all swam through the water. Alya took in the scent and shuddered.
"The werewolf realm," she said.
"Is something wrong?" asked Marinette.
"The werewolf realm merfolk are do not... particularly like us... pixie realm merfolk," answered Alya uneasily.
"We won't be staying in the sea long anyway," said Marinette, shaking her head with a smile.

They swam to the surface and took a seat on the sand.
"Now kitty, I will be keeping my eye on you," said Marinette as he shook his head thoroughly to dry off.
"I wouldn't expect anything any different," he said.

Alya looked up at the sky.
"A full moon," she said.
"It wasn't a full moon in my realm," commented Chat Noir.
"It's always a full moon here," explained Marinette. "Nino will smell us and come running."

As if on cue, a loud howl was sounded from the hills.
"He's on his way," said Marinette, translating.
"You speak werewolf?" asked Chat Noir, raising an eyebrow.
"There's a lot you don't know about me Chaton," she said with a wink.
"Like your name," he mumbled sadly. Marinette saw his hurt expression and didn't know how to make him feel better.

Loud footsteps were sounded from the forest before them before they saw a wolf running at them. It stopped in front of Marinette and sniffed her.
"Hello Nino," she said with a smile. It huffed at her and she giggled. "I know. My friends wanted to meet each other though." He nodded and mist covered him. He disappeared for a few moments before the fog came back and the human version of him appeared.
"You can control when you do that?" asked Alya.
"Sure can. Unlike some of them, I am intelligent," he said with a proud smile. He saw Chat Noir and waved. "Hey dude. The names Nino. And if I'm correct, you must be Adrien... or by the looks of you Chat Noir."
"You told me your name? Your real name?" cried Chat Noir.
"Yes. I trust you dude," said Nino with a nod.

The dark fog surrounded him and he became Adrien.
"What did you do? Why did he retreat?" asked Adrien.
"I-I don't know," stammered Marinette. "Nino told him his name and he just... left."
"You told him your name? He can manipulate you and everything now!" cried Adrien.
"Dude, you're paranoid. He's a good guy. I can smell it," said Nino, rolling his eyes as he sat down beside Adrien. Alya giggled and they all began talking as if they had been best friends their whole life.
