When me and jobe went to the others we saw Aaliyah was gone.
"Where did Aaliyah go?" Jobe asked them
"I don't know she just left" Tyrone said back
"Oh should we go look for her" jobe said back.
"No let's not look for her" I said as I was still pissed at her I don't know why my mum invited her if I knew she was coming I would have been ready for it.
"Why not" they all said together
"Because erm she will be fine she will come back eventually coz she thinks jobe is fit and she would wanna get as much of jobe as she can I know her well enough to know she will come back" I say knowing fully she will
"Oh ok then but the thing is she won't get anything from me coz I don't even like her she's annoying" jobe said looking around at all of us
"Well we all know she annoying jobe and no she won't get anything from you coz I won't let her" I say turning to look at him. At that moment Aaliyah walked through the door.
"Where did you go" Tyrone asked her
"For a walk and now I'm going to bed" she said walking right past us and into the room
" I beg someone let me trade I can't sleep in a room with her" I say looking at them all
"Erm I can go in the room with her I'm not that bothered anything to save you from her" Tyrone said
"Thank you so much Tyrone I appreciate it bro" I say looking very happy
"What about me you can't leave me Alissa" kiara said
"Well you could share the bed with Leon" I say looking at them both
"Yeah she could" Leon said to us
"What about me I'll be alone with her I don't wanna be alone with her" Tyrone said
"I could go sleep in there with you" jobe said. No jobe is not sleeping in the same room as Aaliyah at all.
"Ain't no way your going in there jobe sorry she will probably try get in bed with you not happening" I say looking at him
"You know what I'll just sleep in there with him I don't care" Leon said
"That means kiara you and jobe will be in the room and nothing will happen" Leon said to me
"Is that fine with you lot coz that is totally fine by me" I say to them all
"Yeah" they all said
"Finally now I can go bed night guys" I say before going to the room.
"Yeah me too night" they all said after.

We all go to the room we are sleeping in and go to sleep. We were already all in pjs aswell and the adults still weren't back and it was around 11 so I'm hoping nothing has happened. My phone was dead so I put it in charge and went to sleep.


It was the next day and I had woke up at around 9 and most of the others were awake me, kiara and Tyrone didn't get up until around 9.
"Morning guys" I say yawning
"Morning" they all say apart from Aaliyah who was yet again way too close to jobe.
"Did my mum and your mum get back last night" I asked Tyrone.
"Yeah they are outside talking right now" he said to me as he was sipping his water.
"So what are we doing today" I asked them
"I don't know apparently our mums are taking us to the beach today" Tyrone said to me
"Oh ok that's fine" I say as I go and get a drink.

"Morning kids, we are going to the beach today so start getting ready" my mum said
Me and kiara get ready in the boys room as Aaliyah was getting ready in the other room. We went in and got our stuff and went back into the room where boys were chilling in. I think I overheard Aaliyah on the phone saying to someone she was going to go home from the trip today. I was kind of glad.

"Apparently Aaliyah is going home today I overheard her on the phone earlier talking about it" I say as I am picking out my bikini and outfit to go over the top of it.
"Oh that calm" they all said
"Guys so Aaliyah is going to be leaving today apparently so she won't be here with us she said something happened at home" my mum came in and told us. I was kind of happy coz that means she won't be all over jobe and I won't have to worry about trading rooms.

"Told you" I said smiling at them.
They all just laughed.
"I'm going to get changed in the bathroom yeah" I asked the boys
"Yeah go on" they all said.

I go in the bathroom and change into my bikini with some shorts over the top and put my hair up so it's out the way.
"Alr I'm  done now" I say walking out the bathroom.
"Ok let's go" they all said as they were all ready and we're waiting on me.

We are walking to the beach as it isn't that far and Aaliyah has already made her way back to the airport as she's going home.
We have just got to the beach and me and kiara just get tanned and the boys just play football with the ball jobe brought as he apparently has to take a ball everywhere he goes.
"Jobe always has a football with him everywhere he goes" I say laughing
"Yeah he always has one with him" kiara said back to me as she watches Leon.
I was looking at jobe obviously and he just looks so good. His muscles bro. His abs were just there and I couldn't help but stare.
"Oi Alissa what are you looking at" kiara says taking me out of my gaze
"Oh nothing just the sea" I lied
"Your not going to be blushing at the sea are you" she says laughing. Oh shit I'm blushing why is that such a thing.
"You really do like jobe don't you"
"Yeah I do he's perfect we ain't even together but i think he's so perfect" I say looking back and forth between jobe and kiara.
"Aww that's so cute, does he know you like him yet"
"Yeah I told him last night after he took me from the fight"
"What did he sayyy, spill the tea" she said getting excited
"Well he said he likes me too and then he kissed me" I say smiling
"OH MY GOD" she shouts.
"Shhh be quiet" I say looking at the boys as they looked towards us.
"Oh my god" she said quieter than before.
"Yeah he kissed me"
"Wow you guys are perfect for eachother why aren't you guys even together"
"I don't know I'm waiting for him to say something as I don't want to"
"Fair enough but he freaking kissed you brooo"
"I knowwww"

After I told her about me and jobe me and kiara decided to get in the water as the boys had already got in the sea.
"ITS SO FUCKING COLD BRO" I shout as I slowly get in.
"IM TOO SHORT TO GO THAT FAR IN MAN" I shout as I'm now on my tip toes.
Jobe then comes and picks me up. I thought he was going to just keep hold of me but no.
"JOBE DONT YOU FUCKING DARE I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU THROW ME IN ITS ON SIGHT" I shout as he keeps pretending to throw me in.
"DO IT JOBE" all of the others were saying.
"3,2,1 GOOOO!!" They all shouted and jobe tried to throw me in but I made sure to hold on tight so I didn't go in at this point jobe struggled and he fell in with me still in his hands. We both went underwater and came back up and started splashing eachother.

We all got out of the sea and sat down in the sand and then we decided to get some pictures so I can post them.


Tagged: @jobebellingham

Tagged: @kiarabrys

(Pretend you was in shorts and a bikini top and the boys were in shorts and a top and you are on a beach. I couldn't find a good picture)
Tagged: @jobebellingham @tyronetbh @kiarabrys @leonksv

Liked by @jobebellingham, @kiarabrys and 10,456 more

Caption: beach day with my favs 🏝️☀️

@kiarabrys: today>>>
^today was so funny

@leonksv: when jobe fell in the water tho 🤣🤣
^ it was his fault for trying to throw me in tho
^@jobebellingham: how was I supposed to know you was gonna hold on tight
^you should have known I wasn't gonna let you throw me in dumb ass
^@jobebellingham: haha very funny
^yes hilarious

@jobebellingham: my favvvv
^my second favvv
^@jobebellingham: I thought I was your first
^nope nobody comes before my girl kiara
^@kiarabrys: frrr my fav
^@leonksv: what abt me Bro
^@kiarabrys: don't call me Bro and you are #1 bae
^wow that hurts
^@jobebellingham: imagine Bein second fav
^bro you are second fav what u on abt
^@jobebellingham: oh yh
^yeah that's what thought much love for you tho broski
@jobebellingham: I ain't your 'broski'

@tyronetbh: love it here bro
^frrr it's so gorgeous here
^@tyronetbh: inniiii

When it got to around 5 we went back to the resort to get ready for dinner as we decided it would be nice to go out for dinner together.
We all got back and started to get ready.

Hope you enjoyed this part. I know it's late when I'm doing this lol but I wanted to finish this part.

What's dinner going to be like? Will anything interesting happen?

Next part up tomorrow
