Chapter Twelve - A ball to remember, feelings arising...

-//- Klaus’s pov -//-

I was awoken to a body trembling beside me, flickering my eyes open I found that I was still in  the bath from the night before, Sara laying on my chest but she had moved to lean on her non injured side her body curling into mine trying to get away from the now cold water surrounding us.

She started to stir before her eyes opened up she looked up at me blinking in confusion. “Morning Sweetheart” I greeted her softly.

Stifling a yawn she replied “Morning…”

“Cold?” I questioned seeing the goose bumps on her skin. She nodded her head sitting up her nose scrunching up “And achy…” She added. Nodding my head I scooped her into my arms, making sure not to touch her broken ribs. Cautiously getting out of the bath I placed her on her feet balancing her out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her covering her oh so desirable body. Ignorign my thoughts I bite into my wrist and placed it to her mouth. Instantly she grabbed hold of my wrist bringing it to her lips before sucking on the blood.

A shiver ran down my spine as she did so and I felt almost disappointed when she pulled away, letting my hand fall down to my side I asked “Better?” She nodded her head her hand lightly touching her stomach.


She nodded once again, I smirked “Not very talkative this morning, are you?” She scoffed rolling her sapphire orbs “I'm not a morning person” She haughtily replied. I chuckled moving her into my bedroom giving her some clothing she raised an eyebrow at them but walked back into the bathroom changing. When she came back out I was dressed and waiting, she cocked an eyebrow again questioning “Where are we going?”

“To get you something to eat of course” I responded with a grin.

She smiled softly following me down the stairs into the kitchen “What would you like?” I inquired curiously looking into the cupboards wondering if she just wanted cereal, why I had cereal I had no clue.

“Anything is okay…” Came her reply. Nodding my head I poured out some cereal before pouring myself out some blood, I placed it in front of her as I made my way to the fridge getting the milk. She looked at the red liquid grimacing “You’re kidding right?” She questioned.

I smirked over at her “Of course” Turning back to the fridge I mumbled under my breath “You will soon learn to love it…” I inwardly groaned when she heard me mumble her voice speaking out a soft “What?” grabbing the milk I poured some of it into the bowl replying “Nothing… Nothing”  

-//- Sara’s pov -//-

He placed my cereal in front of me smiling up at him I uttered a “Thank you” before spooning the food into my mouth, a silence surrounding us. Surprisingly I didn’t feel awkward but maybe that was because I was hungry… Who knows?

My eyes moved to an envelope with my name on it, tilting my head I looked at it curiously before looking to Klaus “What is that?”

He looked over to me smiling like I was stupid “An invitation” Scoffing I rolled my eyes “For?” I persisted.

Chuckling he lent on the counter top stating “You could just read it…” I snorted mocking him under my breath repeating what he just said, of course like the fool I am I forgot he was a vampire with a strong sense of hearing because he lent closer to me elevating an eyebrow “Pardon?”

I tensed swallowing slightly quickly replying “Nothing, I should be going Caroline is probably worried…” Just as I said that my phone started to ring grabbing it from my pocket I excused myself “Ermm excuse me”  Clicking and answering it I was bombarded with questions from Elena groaning I quickly replied “Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine…” 

“Good… Guess who visited me last night…”

“Who?” I questioned

“Rebekah almost killed me, thankfully Elijah stopped her”

“What?!” I growled in shock.


I breathed out narrowing my eyes “You have got to be kidding…”

“Yeah… Well anyway meet me and Care at the grill in ten?”

 “Okay I’ll see you there… Bye” I clicked my phone off putting it back in my pocket looking over to Klaus. He watched me intently “What was that about?” Frowning I sourly replied “Your sister!” He frowned but didn’t question it further shuffling side to side I mumbled “I’ve got to go… Err… Thanks for everything”

“It’s no problem” He replied walking me to the door. I awkwardly smiled at him murmuring a “Bye” which he returned. 


It's all so weird. The originals are throwing a ball, like an actual ball” Elena muttered running a hand through her pin straight brown hair. Caroline nodded her head “It's some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is.” She paused leaning back in her seat crossing her arms moodily over her chest “And why does the evil witch want an audience with you?”

Elena shrugged her shoulders “I have no idea. There's only one way to find out” Caroline glanced over to me before looking back to Elena “I thought you told Damon and Stefan that you weren't going?”

“She lied” I replied a minute smirk on my lips.

Elena chuckled rolling her eyes retorting “I did” She grinned before replying to Caroline “Which is all the more reason why I need a drama-free bodyguard…”

Caroline sighed “Well, I think a Salvatore would look a lot better in a tux, and by that, I mean Stefan…”

Elena narrowed her eyes at her drink in front of her “I can't deal with either of the Salvatore’s right now. Whatever Stefan's feeling, he's channelling it all against Klaus, and Damon... it's just not a good idea” Caroline narrowed her own eyes before snidely muttering “Why? Because you two made out?”

Elena’s mouth fell slightly open before her head snapped towards me, instantly I raised my hands in the air “Nu-uh! Wasn’t me. Bonnie spilled the beans”

She nodded slowly with a sigh “I was gonna tell you. It's just after everything happened with your dad...” Caroline scoffed flicking some of her blonde hair backwards “Elena, when you and Matt kissed for the first time freshman year, you called me the second it happened. I don't hear about this till now? From somebody else?” She whined jutting out her lower lip.

“I'm sorry. It's just I... I don't even know how I feel about it yet. All I do know is that... Just used to be so much easier” She mumbled slowly.

I looked up hearing footsteps walk past our table it was the blonde haired original, Rebekah. She smirked at us all before making a remark “Careful, Caroline. It's all well and good till she stabs you in the back”

Elena glared at her “What are you doing here? I know your mom's rules. No hurting the locals”

Rebekah snorted “Get over yourself, Elena. It's not all about you” She sneered before wandering over to matt inviting him to the ball.

“Oh, my god. She's inviting him to the ball. Why is she inviting him?” Caroline breathed out in a panicked rush.

I sighed watching the two through narrowed eyes “Probably to get this reaction from us...” I grunted with a frown.  Caroline growled slightly before huffing “What time is this stupid dance?” She glanced over to me continuing “Oh and if I'm going you are too!”

I was slightly taken aback “What? Why?”

Rolling her eyes she rose to a stand looking down on me “Because I said so and you seriously owe me one…”

Sighing I dejectedly nodded my head “Point taken… I’ll be there “


I smiled warmly at Kyle at my side he shook his head at my look chuckling under his breath “I'm getting a drink, want one?” He asked removing his arm from mine, I nodded my head “Sure, thanks” Looking to my left Elena was at my side, sighing softly I gripped onto her arm mumbling lowly “We should not be here… Damon is going to kill us”

Elena glanced over to me an almost amused smile on her lips “When have you ever been scared of Damon?”

I chuckled lowly shaking my head “When it comes to you… I'm petrified of him…I stated softly looking around the room, my eyes landing onto both of the Salvatore brothers, the youngest one noticing us first as he was soon by our side.

He cocked his eyebrow at us both before monotonously asking “What are you two doing here?”

Elena’s eyes washed over his attire a small gleam hitting her brown orbs, she nibbled her bottom lip before replying “I could ask you the same thing…”Stefan didn’t reply as he looked around us, turning our heads I saw Damon was now beside us a frown on his features as he spoke “Surprise, surprise. Nice tux” He muttered to Stefan before looking to Elena

You're not supposed to be here” He stated blankly before his gaze wandered over to me “Or you minx…” I scowled glaring at the floor removing my arm from Elena’s whispering sourly under my breath knowing he would be able to hear me “Don’t call me that” He chuckled softly amused at my comment.

Elena crossed her arms over her chest “Well, I am, and I'm not leaving until I find out what Esther wants!”

I awkwardly look round them all, not enjoying the atmosphere I said “And with that statement I'm going to find my brother… Have fun!” I called back to Elena with a wink before heading off to look for Kyle. Before I was even half way across the room a brunette man stepped in my way, he looked extremely familiar.

He smiled at me his eyes wandering across my body “Hello, I do believe we haven’t had a proper introduction. The names Kol”

It clicked in my head where I had seen him, he was Klaus’s sibling, forcing out my own smile I took his extended hand with a simple reply “Sarafina” He cocked his head a small smirk gracing his lips “Burning one? How fitting…” He murmured. My eyebrows knitted together as I looked at him “How so?”

He shook his head with a chuckle “Never mind…” I nodded my head biting down on my lip standing there awkwardly thankfully he filled up the silence by asking “Would you like a drink?”

“Erm actually…” I paused seeing my brother making his way to me “Here is my brother with one now, thanks for the offer though…” I forced another smile, not liking the feeling I was getting from being around him. Kyle handed me a drink before wandering off leaving me alone with Kol obviously not realising that the air was thick around us.

Taking a sip of my drink I spotted Caroline thanking no one in particular I looked to Kol smiling for real this time “There is my friend sorry but I have to go speak with her…”

He nodded his head the smirk never disappearing from his face “No problem, we can talk later” I nodded my head backing away “Of course” I then turned still feeling his eyes on me as I walked to Caroline.

Caroline instantly spotted me, she grinned walking to meet me she squealed slightly “Hey, Oh my god! You like gorgeous!” She cooed eyeing me up. I laughed softly before looking her over “Thanks, you look stunning, nice dress! I’ve never seen that one before?” I observed as I looked over the clothing.

She shrugged her shoulders “It’s new”

I nodded with a smile “Well it looks amazing on you!” She nodded her own head sort of stiffly replying “Thanks…Err whos your date?”

“Kyle” I grinned, my eyes sparkling mischievously “I made him come along because he came back this morning with my aunt and Mark, so I decided we needed some bonding time!” Caroline burst into a giggle “I'm sure he loves that!” She teased.

I grinned “No doubt in my mind that he is…” I replied with a wink. She giggled again shaking her head, her hair moving with her. I smiled before looking round asking “Anyway who’s your date?”

Before she could reply another voice interrupted their conversation “Ladies…” I glanced to my left seeing Klaus smiling over at us he caught my eye before looking to Caroline “You both look beautiful” I smiled slightly not wanting to be rude and considering he helped me earlier I was thankful for that. Caroline on the other hand scowled, grabbing hold of my hand pulling me away muttering “I need a drink”

I allowed her to pull me over to one of the waiters I smirked slightly deciding to tease her “I'm assuming he is your date?” She narrowed her eyes at my expression before growling “Don’t say another word!” I giggled raising my hands in surrender, turning my head I looked over towards the stairs hearing Elijah call out “Uh, if everyone could gather, please”

“Welcome. Thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this…” I looked up to the balcony seeing who I assumed was Esther looking around at us all. “It’s tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance” Elijah told everyone.

My eye twitched hearing this I started to turn away from the people getting ready to dance telling Caroline “Oh no! I am not dancing I am finding Kyle and retreating!” She laughed rolling her eyes replying “Good luck with that!” But I did hear her mumble under her breath “Wish I could…”

I had gotton about five feet away from the blonde when Kol appeared in front of me that same smirk on his face “Love…” He greeted. I forced another smile “Kol, erm hi…” He reached forward grabbing hold of my hand “Dance with me” he spoke. I raised an eyebrow looking at everyone heading to the ballroom, before looking back to him “Why do I feel like that is a demand?”

His smirk deepened as he lent towards me “Because it is” He whispered before pulling me towards the ballroom. 


-//- Klaus’s pov -//- 

“I'm glad you came” I told Caroline as we waltzed on the dance floor, even though I was speaking to the blonde my eyes couldn’t help but wander over to Sara. Her brunette hair was pulled up into a large bun on the side of her hair her purple strapless dress flowed down to the ground complimenting her skin tone perfectly she was the picture of perfection.

Caroline’s voice pulled me back to look at her “Well, it was either caviar or sympathy casseroles…”

I couldn’t help but smirk slightly at her reply before my face went serious “I heard about your father…” But before I could say anything her eyes narrowed as she snapped “Don't. Seriously”  I nodded my head taking another look over to Sara seeing she was rolling her eyes at whatever my brother had just said to her, I nodded my head at Caroline “Very well. On to more mannered subjects then, like how ravishing you look in that dress…”

She rolled her eyes at me “I didn't really have time to shop”

“And the bracelet I gave you, what's your excuse for wearing that?” She froze not replying to which I light grinned at before stating “You know, you're quite the dancer” She smiled slightly before blankly replying “Well, I've had training. I happen to be miss Mystic Falls”

“I know” I chuckled spinning her round seeing Kol do the same to Sara but spinning her back in closer, so her body bumped into his. He grinned down at her I scowled seeing the small pink blush hit her cheeks as she awkwardly looked away.

“You know staring is rude…” Caroline stated, I looked back at her tilting my head confused so she continued “Sara…You can’t keep your eyes off her”

I frowned was my staring that obvious, I decided to brush it off asking “Jealous?”

She scoffed rolling her eyes “No! I'm just wondering why you invited me instead of her…” I looked away from her back to the brunette listening to Caroline speak as I did “You want to get a reaction out of her?” She muttered before a soft laugh passed her lips “Trust me… She isn’t the jealous type or easily impressed…”

I looked over to the couple again deciding to listen in to their conversation “You look enchanting, if you haven’t already noticed” Kol muttered softly to Sara, his eyes wandering over her body. Sara looked to the ground mumbling “Thank you…”

Kol chuckled softly bringing her closer to him staring down at her “Not much of a talker are you…” She flushed a soft pink colour shaking her head trying to put some distance between them whilst dancing but not being able to get out of his grip, he smirked before vainly saying “It’s fine, if I was in your shoes I would be nervous around me too…”

Sara frowned raising an eyebrow the pink from her cheeks disappearing “What?”

Kol chuckled smirking “It’s nothing to be ashamed of… I'm an original it’s to be expected” He smugly replied. Sara scoffed shaking her head laughing lightly “Oh gosh... Your unbelievable…” 

“See…” Caroline muttered to me with a smirk “You want her, go get her.” She stated bluntly but her face soon turned into an expression of panic “Wait! No don’t do that! Stay away from her you don’t deserve someone like her!” She growled narrowing her eyes at me.

I raised an eyebrow “Someone who slept with your boyfriend?” I quizzed curiously.

She glared at the ground muttering “That was a mistake.” I smirked at her so she snapped her head up to me with a slight hiss “You know what… Just shut up!”


-//- Sara’s pov -//- 

I was thankful when Kol spun me away from him but a giggle of surprise escaped my lips as I caught hold of Caroline, the blonde grinned happily at me as she greeted “Hey there!” I beamed back with another laugh “Have to say best dancer partner so far!” I chimed out. She laughed as well before we stepped away from each other, I came to find myself in someone else’s arms looking up I smiled slightly seeing Klaus looking down at me as we moved back into the steps of the dance.

“Sweetheart” He greeted.

“Klaus” I replied looking around as we moved gracefully across the floor, I had to admit he was one hell of a dancer. I looked back up at him as he said “Hope my brother wasn’t too annoying” I laughed lightly shaking my head “No he was fine, well… Actually he is a vain arse but he doesn’t seem too bad”

He laughed the motion vibrating through his chest, his eyes scanned over me a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips “That dress is dazzling”

I bite down on my lip awkwardly “Thank you” I breathed lowly, he was about to spin me away so I quickly said “Be nice to Caroline…” He frowned slightly before giving me a small nod leaning down in my ear and whispering “Ill speak to you later” And with that I spun away from him being caught by a black haired vampire.

Damon grinned down at me “Minx” He welcomed me as he moved me across the floor. I scowled up at him “Can you please not call me that!” I whined, jutting out my lower lip not pleased with the nickname he had come to call me.

He laughed rolling his astounding blue eyes “Oh come on! You love it” He teased with a laugh. His grip on me tightened as he pulled my closer, his expression becoming mischievous. I narrowed my eyes up at him “Damon what are you doing?” My eyes widened as he started to spin me around not following the steps of the dance, my cheeks flushed red as everyone started to stare at us, most people smiling others not enjoying the disturbance of the dance.

“Damon!” I squealed not happy with the attention that we were being given. He spun me again drooping me down low, I giggled girlishly trying to get out of his grip whining out a “Stop!” He laughed pulling me up to stand normally, I gently punched his arm glaring at him but couldn’t stop the grin on my face “You’re an idiot you know that!”

He laughed again rolling his eyes as everyone on the dance floor dispersed to do their own thing, he stared deeply in my eyes a serious expression overcoming his face “ Just stay safe okay,” He paused before smirking and continuing “I'm surprised you haven’t been jumped yet. You never last this long at gatherings”

I glared at him crossing my arms over my chest “Go to hell Damon…” He chuckled leaning into my face whispering “Love you too!” 


“How you doing?” I questioned my older brother standing to the side with him looking our across the room. He shrugged his shoulders replying “This isn’t as bad as I thought it would be…”

I grinned up at him “Good, told you it wouldn’t be” He smirked rolling his eyes, I chuckled softly before asking curiously “Seen any girls you like?” He slightly gave a nod of his head “Just one…” I tilted my head my curiosity hitting a new level “Ohh…” I sung out childishly with a laugh, I started to walk away from him looking over my shoulder “Well don’t do anything I wouldn’t”

He smirked brightly retorting “So I can do anything, yeah?”

I pouted turning away from him, mumbling under my breath “Jerk.”  My frown was soon replaced with a smile seeing Matt to the side of me, wandering over to him I grinned at him “Matt! Don’t you look dapper” He smiled over to me leaning forward and planting a kiss on my forehead “You look beautiful as always” Was his reply which caused a blush to his my cheeks the heat spreading down my neck as I mumble as quick “Thanks…”

He chuckled softly before asking “Want to go for a walk?” I nodded my head with a smile “Sure!”


-//- Klaus’s pov -//- 

I walked outside finding Caroline standing beside a horse and cart she smiled fondly at the animal walking over to her I asked “You like horses?” Caroline looked over to me, she replied “I'm not talking to you until you tell me why you invited me here.”

I tilted my head before replying quickly “I fancy you. Is that so hard to believe?”

The blonde scoffed rolling her eyes “Yes, because it’s an obvious lie. Just tell me the truth or I'm leaving.” She stated crossing her arms, her jaw locked. I sighed glancing at the horse beside me “Fine… I want you help with someone…”

“Sara…” She stated simply making my head jerk towards her she continued seeing she had my full attention “Why do you even like her! Because trust me if it’s just for her looks I will not allow it!” I frowned slightly raising my eyebrow, letting out a small sigh I looked back to the horse gently stroking his muzzle before responding “Why? She’s beautiful, the most stunning creature I’ve ever seen. She... She’s strong, full of light. I enjoy her… “

“Well, you don’t deserve her.” She growled.

Narrowing my eyes I glared slightly at her “Why, because I’m an original?” She nodded her head, blonde hair bouncing up and down “Yeah, because of you! Our whole lives have been going downhill! She isn’t going to fall for someone like you and…” She stopped midsentence looking behind me, I turned following her look seeing Sara with that jock Matt. 

 “Hey…” Caroline greeted them which both of them replied to with their own “Hey.” Caroline smiled over to her two friends “Having fun?” She questioned. Matt nodded his head replying with a simple “Yep!”

Sara smiled at her before wandering over to the horse, gently petting his nose. She moved her gaze to Caroline “So what you doing?” A light giggle erupted from her as the hose started to nuzzle into her side raising his head breathing out warm air in a greeting to her, Sara’s eyes warmed to the animal at his gesture as she continued to stroke his muzzle I couldn’t help but smile slightly at the scene.

Caroline watched the two for a while before replying “Just talking about horses” Matt seemed to have been watching her too as he chuckled “Why is it that every animal loves you?” He asked her, tilting his head to the side before turning to Caroline “Can you remember that time where that huge dog was going to attack us!”

“Oh god yes! I thought he was going to kill us!” Caroline breathed out shaking her head before eyeing Sara “And then Sara walks past and he becomes a freakin puppy rolling round on the ground in front of her!”

Matt laughed nodding his head “How you do it I have no clue…” Sara laughed winking at the two of them “It’s a talent” the two laughed at her shaking their heads at her antics. Sara smiled warmly over to them, before shivering. My stomach lurched seeing her being cold but before I could do anything Matt was by her side an arm wrapped round her shoulders “Come on you’ll catch a cold if we stay out any longer, let’s go back inside” Sara nodded her head with a smile before she looked at me then Caroline saying “bye…”

My eyes followed her as she disappeared into my house, and all I could think about doing was ripping Matt’s arm from his shoulder.


-//- Sara’s pov -//-

“Love… I have a feeling your trying to avoid me”

I turned my head towards the voice and sighed seeing Kol looking at me with a grin, so I haughtily replied “Trying… Apparently not succeeding…” He laughed his eyes flashing with amusement as he moved closer to me “Feisty…” He cocked his head down to the side of my face his breath tickling my ear “How delicious”

I tensed my breath catching on my throat as his lips brushed against my skin, thankfully the clinking of glass erupted through the room making Kol pull away and look towards the balcony as Esther started to make a speech which I zoned out to trying to control my racing heart.

A waiter wandered round handing out champagne he came close to me and Kol handing me one, I smiled at him in thanks before feeling Kol’s eyes on me, sighing gently I turned to him. He smiled raising his glass to mine, so politely I raised it too as we both said at the same time “Cheers”


“I'm leaving” Caroline moaned storming past me, so I quickly lunged out grabbing her arm “What, why?” She sighed turning to face me shrugging out of my grip “I just am I’ll see you later…” She told me in a softer tone before walking away out of the door. I frowned watching her go with a small shrug I turned round seeing Elena “Hey Elena, is everything okay?”

She turned to nodding her head slowly a puzzeled look on her face “yeah its fine, we should probably get going soon though” I smiled softly giving a slight nod “Yeah if I could find my brother that is…”

“What do you mean?”

I frowned shrugging my shoulders “I haven’t seen him since the toast” She frowned but tried to reason with me “Maybe he went home?” I nodded my head again “Yeah maybe…” My head snapped to the door hearing a loud thud, cocking an eyebrow I wondered aloud “What was that?”

Elena by my side we rushed outside seeing Kol dead on the floor with Damon standing over him, Stefan by his side frowning as usual. The original family was beside us staring at the scene in confusion. Stefan growled at Damon his eyes narrowing “Damon! Are you crazy?”

Damon shrugged his shoulder with a grin “Maybe a little” His gaze fell onto Elena “Far be it for me to cause a problem” He then turned round disappearing from sight.

A scowl slowly formed onto my face feeling the gaze from Elena fall onto me, I could see the look on her face from the corner of my eye, so quickly I uttered out a “No.” She pouted her eyebrows scrunching up “He listens to you!” She persisted.

I shook my head quickly crossing my arms stubbornly “Not in this mood he won’t and I don’t know about you but I like my blood inside my body”

Elena frowned at me “Oh come on! You’re always the one who calms him down when he is like this, tell me how you do it and I’ll do it!” I smirked slightly, placing my hand onto my hip I tilted my head retorting “Unless you want to have sex with him I don’t think you’re going to be much help”

Her face flushed a slight pink “Wha…”

Stefan stepped closer to me, adding his own voice to the conversation “Maybe you should just do that then… Stop him from hurting anyone”

I glowered over to him “Seriously? You’re going to talk to me like nothing’s happened? And to pimp me to your brother?” Clenching my jaw I narrowed my eyes glaring daggers at him, before shaking my head turning away “You’re unbelievable” I breathed under my breath.

He appeared in front of me “Sara, I'm sorry okay. What more do you want from me!”

I scowled “What more do I want!” I breathed in trying to calm my anger down “Just go away…” I turned away from him again but only for him to grab hold of my wrist pulling me back to face him, his grip tightening to make sure I couldn’t move he held it so hard I knew it would bruise later, grimacing I mumbled “Ow Stefan…”

Stefan frowned down at me not listening to my whine of protest, thankfully Klaus stepped to my side a small growl rumbling up from his throat “I think you should let go mate…” Elena seemingly noticing the tension as Stefan slipped his hand away from mine, she walked over grabbing onto my arm softly “Come on… Let’s just go…” She mumbled pulling me away from everyone back to our car.

 Klaus’s pov

I watched as Sarafina left I didn’t move my gaze away from her in till she was no longer in my sight, once she had disappeared I turned to Stefan my jaw locking “I think you should leave her alone”

He frowned looking at me “Excuse me?”

I growled stepping threateningly towards him “You heard me Stefan, if I hear you’re causing her any trouble I won’t hesitate...” He seemed to flinch under my tone as he raised one hand up nodding his head “Okay… Ok I understand…”

“Good, I think you should go sort your brother out don’t you?” I muttered. He nodded turning to walk away as he got a few feet away I called out “Stefan” He turned looking at me from over his shoulder, seeing I had his attention I glared darkly “Never suggest that Sara’s sleeps with him again or else… Well you get the message”

I could see him swallow deeply as he slowly nodded, I smirked “Goodbye Stefan.” 


Well I hope you like it!!! Please comment/vote <3 Dress to the side :D
