Oh so much fun!


Standing in front of the small and dusty bathroom mirror I looked over my self. My loose dark hair fell down freely, a gold and cream colored dress that flared out and ended slightly above the knees and had two hidden pockets on the side and gold heels to match. I had little makeup on just nice and simple. For some reason I wanted to look good and I wanted to wear heels. I didn't know why. I was being dragged to a party I really didn't want to go to after being kidnapped. My dress wasn't too fancy and I honestly have no idea why I bought it. I mean when I saw it I fell in love instantly with it and I did have a few bucks to spare...

I walked over to my wooden door wondering if it was locked or not. Hesitantly I tried the handle and once again to my surprise the door opened freely. More confidently I took the stairs down to meet the Joker already waiting down the stairs his back to me. As I neared the last step he spun around and grinned. "My! My! My! don't we look ravishing! Wow doll you sure know how to clean up." He sucked in a quick breath while clapping to himself before putting on a chilling grin again hidden behind his dark red painted lips. I smirked to myself at his flattering remark but he didn't notice. He was wearing a suit, surprisingly a regular suit. And he looked good making me smile to myself as I looked down at him.  In his hands were two masquerade mask that covered the whole face. Both with the same design but different colors. One Gold and purple the other Green and purple. "Oh dear are we gonna have fun tonight! a shear blast it'll be ! oh yes! oh so much fun!" he muttered loudly to himself his eyes darting all over the place.

He held out the gold and purple mask and instructed me to put it on. I followed what I was told and wore it. "Now lovely you don't take this off until I tell you to. Understood?" he said more harshly. I nodded in return a 'yes'. He reached deep into his pocket and pulled out a small black handgun and held  his familiar silver one in his other. I felt my heart leap as he handed the black one to me. "Now love keep this close to your side and I swear to hell if you pull it on me there will be consequences. Don't think to cross me darling be smarter than that." he harshly said basically shoving the gun in my hand and putting on his mask. Unsure I slipped the gun into the pocket of my dress where it heavily weighed down the pocket a bit but wasn't too notice able.  He slipped his silver gun into his pocket and held out his arm for me to take it, and with just a hint of hesitation I did. My arm fit around his perfectly and he was warm to my touch. The sent of smoke and gunpowder fresh of him which for some strange reason gave me a warm feeling. I wasn't as scared of him as I first was. Don't get me wrong the maniac still terrified me but for some strange reason I wasn't as scared. Maybe its the fact that he hasn't hurt me...yet. Or the fact that as long as he waited for this 'item' of his he would keep me alive. Until he ran out of options and patience of course. I took a breath in as we walked out of the massive front door and the cold September air instantly hit me making me shiver a bit but he didn't seem cold at all and his touch was still warm to my frail cold skin.

He opened the passenger door to one of his cars a small black one . I quickly and quietly obeyed and sat back making sure to buckle my seatbelt. He almost waltzed around the front of the car  to sit in the drivers side as he lowly and happily hummed to himself. What the hell did he have in store for this party tonight? he turned on the car and started  driving. he noticed I was shivering and turned up the heat thank god!  "What exactly will be happening at this party?"  I bravely asked my mask muffling my words a bit  though I sort of wish  didn't. "Always with the questions!" he comically said though his mask muffled his voice a bit as well. "Listen darling sometime you just need to go with it. Be surprised for once! you know curiosity kills more than just cats." he rang out. I sat back not wanting to talk to him anymore than I have too. He mumbled to himself a few times though the ride was basically quiet. I glanced over to him few times and he'd glance back. I was just trying to take in his appearance. Something about him was appealing which made me full of curiosity.

Curiosity kills more than just cats.

his voice rang in my head. Just sitting here in this car with The Joker himself. The enemy. A psycho. An insane yet beautiful comical criminal gave me a somewhat adrenaline rush. Growing up I've never been out much i was always raised in the house i was homeschooled and all and not once did i dare step outside of Wayne manner, a place i would inherit one day if The Joker kept me in one peace of course...  Now here i was all dressed up terrified yet excited and yet its only been a few days with him. I felt as if i was walking on a tightrope without a net. There was a rush yet a big consequence if i screwed up only in the slightest way.

"You uh.. You don't get out much hmm?" joker asked questioning me as he glanced over to me and back at the road. Was it that obvious? "umm." i nervously avoided the question. I felt as though he could see right through me all the time. "I can tell." his words came out a bit muffled. "Well i mean I've never had a reason to.." i trailed off muffling my words more at the end. "Or daddy didn't want his little princess to be out more than she needed to." he chuckled but kept driving. I said nothing else but just stared out the window. "Hey i get it being the daughter of the one and only DAMN bat can be rough your bound to make some enemies." He let a high pitched laugh out. "But love your with me know and i'll teach you to have some fun. " his words came out half like a growl. we didn't talk anymore after that we eventually got to our destination.

We got out of the car and entered the party. He slowly moved his arm from around mine down to my waist and tightened his grip pulling my closer to him as we passed people in masks and costumes. I stiffened a bit in his grip. "Relax doll and try to look as innocent as possible." I could barley make out his muffled words that were being drowned down by the music. I would've assumed that joker would have stood out at the party though he was wearing a mask. I mean the guy had freakin green hair for gods sake! But many people were dressed up and had colored hair in fact Joker and I looked the most normal. We tried to blend in and for the most part we did. We stood near a corner and a table  as people laughed and chatted and danced his arm still around my waist. I inched closer to him hoping it was ok. He looked down on me but i couldn't see his expression behind his mask which only made me more nervous.

suddenly the lights went out making people gasp. My heart leaped and my breaths came out jagged i felt jokers hand slide up from my waist to the back of the mask as he threw mine off letting the air hit my face cold and i blinked from the darkness. Then Jokers warm yet terrifying touch just disappeared and i was left alone. My heart still leaping threatening to leap out of my chest if it could.

Then like magic the lights came on and joker was there standing on top of the table his mask off and his henchman surrounding him at the bottom next to me holding guns and still wearing full face masked.

"Helloooo Ladies and Gentle man. " he chuckled and talked comedic ally. His silver gun was at his side and i instantly reached for mine out of fear taking it out of my dress pocket. There were more gasps from the audience.   "Before we begin tonight's little entertainment i would love to introduce a very dear friend of mine! Ms. Eva Wayne!" he practically sung my name out. "C'mon Get up her darling! Drum roll please!" He laughed hysterically while drumming on his legs. His henchman grabbed my roughly on the arm yanking me over to the table and joker pulled me up. Once on top i rubbed on my arm. The guy had left a mark and joker noticed. "Now now now that's no way to treat a lady!" with that he pointed the gun at his henchmans head and shot him. I gasped nearly dropping mine.

 A man in the back stood up and took off his mask he had quite nice features and he loudly said. "Give up joker Batman will be here any minute and you'll run away like the damn coward you are!" he bravely said and the woman sitting next to him tugged on his arm basically pleading for him to stay quiet and sit down.
"Oh trust me I'm counting on it!" The joker said raising his gun and shooting the man before letting out loud fits of giggles. My eyes widened as the man who was once living and breathing thudded dead to the ground and the woman who basically begged him to stay quiet cradled him and sobbed on the floor.

And right at that moment the mans words came true a familiar masked voice rang out from the audience. "Leave these people alone joker and let that poor girl go!" i instantly felt a wave of relief. Dad! he was here ! he would bring me home!

"AH AH AH ! Very funny Batman!" The joker rang out and pulled me by my waist putting the gun to my head. i looked up at him in terror but he only winked at me. I instantly point my gun at his side and pulled the trigger but it didn't let out a bullet it shot out a stick with a flag attached to it that said 'Bang Jokes on you!' Dammit it was a trick gun. joker pulled me closer digging his real gun deeper into my temple and cocked an eyebrow with a pissed off expression.

"Batman you know what i want!" and with that the lights went out again and i could feel him tugging on me fastly and harshly as we exited the building.

My dad had done nothing to get me back. only stood there it seemed! I've heard all these great stories of batman doing so much good and saving so many people yet he couldn't save his own damn daughter!?


we entered the house. "What the hell is wrong with you!? You psychotic mental freak i hate-" my yelling was cut off by his hand instantly slapping my face hard and leaving a stinging behind it. I brought my hand up to my cheek cupping it feeling hot tears threatening to fall out. I pushed them back as much as i could.

"Dont you dare ever try to shoot me again if you know whats good for you!" he yelled getting into my face his eyes widening and mine doing the same with fear.

He slapped my once again harder this time the ring on his finger hitting my jaw. "And don't talk to me like that! " he grabbed my wrist hard pushing me up against the wall and whispering in my ear. "You better know your place! cuz i sure as hell aint your pathetic daddy!" his grip tightened on my wrist as tears streamed down my face. His face softened a bit he moved one hand up to brush a tear away and kept the other on my wrist. His face hardened again as he pulled me harshly up the stairs and basically threw me in my room locking the door and leaving me alone with my thoughts.
